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I dont even want to watch that, I used to work in different prisons and in Bedford the "nonces" as one inmate in the kitchen used to refer to them had their food spat in and all manner of disgusting things, in hmp whitemoor they were in charge of the kitchen, I can only echo previous posts on how I would react if I found my child was being abused. The road I grew up in had around 80 houses and over the last 30 years since I left 5 of the residents have been locked up as paedophiles, one committed suicide and another who we later found out was a paedophile dissapeared overnight and moved 80 miles away, that's not far off of 10% of the houses contained paedophiles. It's a lot more common than people would like to believe and a sad indication of how sick our society has become.i don't know what the answer is but most prisons are way way to comfortable for these animals and clearly is not a deterrent that stops them re-offending or makes others think before they act.

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...i don't know what the answer is but most prisons are way way to comfortable for these animals and clearly is not a deterrent that stops them re-offending or makes others think before they act.

This is the crux of the matter regarding paedophilia, deterrent.


If a law was passed tomorrow making it illegal for a man to find a woman sexually attractive and you were convicted and sent to prison how much of a deterrent would life behind bars be? Upon release would you no longer be attracted to women?


Paedophilia cannot be cured just as in days gone by electric shock therapy couldn't "cure" a gay man.


I hope I don't need to point out I'm not likening paedophiles to gay men or women! I'm saying we can't help what we're attracted to and unfortunately some are attracted to kids.

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I can understand what you are saying with regards to people like different things. But, it isnt consensual, legal or in my opinion natural to do such things to a child.


Maybe prison for the first offence (although I think that is too lenient), then hanging if convicted again or if originally multiple offences.


To be honest, I can't get away from wanting the harshest possible treatment for any convicted Paedophile.

Edited by Duckandswing
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I think where certain crimes are concerned the benefit of human rights should be revoked, some may say that's wrong. I cannot for the life of me see that anything positive is achieved by keeping certain criminals alive. I'm with the simple/primitive solution

Thats my view on it. Human rights go out the window (like the victims did) when you are convicted. My brother has worked in prisons up and down the country for many years and has always said its like a holiday camp.


The pc brigade and human rights fans need to wind there neck in when it comes to convicted criminals. You take someones away you have yours removed. As for paedophiles and rapeists they in my humble opinion are the lowest of the low and should be hung.

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This is the crux of the matter regarding paedophilia, deterrent.


If a law was passed tomorrow making it illegal for a man to find a woman sexually attractive and you were convicted and sent to prison how much of a deterrent would life behind bars be? Upon release would you no longer be attracted to women?


Paedophilia cannot be cured just as in days gone by electric shock therapy couldn't "cure" a gay man.


I hope I don't need to point out I'm not likening paedophiles to gay men or women! I'm saying we can't help what we're attracted to and unfortunately some are attracted to kids.

as stated before,Maybe castration would be a start (they could even offer a reduced sentence for this)

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I don't know anything about castration other than in dogs where I know it can reduce aggression via the lack of related hormones. Does it remove all sexual desire?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending paedophiles. My point was more, if you lock up a paedo for a crime against a child you cannot hope that prison will ever cure them. It might stop them reoffending (ie attacking a child) but they will always be a sicko attracted to them.


Mandatory castration may be the answer for all sex offenders, clearly they are unable to control their sexual desires.

Edited by Munzy
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Mandatory castration may be the answer for all sex offenders, clearly they are unable to control their sexual desires.

Good shout but why bother, just hang them all, the money saved could then be used for more important things, like clearing up leaves or protecting rare species of slugs or something.

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Pedophiles obviously have the idea in there heads that it's acceptable carry out there fantasy.

Remove the ability to have these thoughts, not castration, the thoughts will still be there, just a complete lobotomy via a bullet to the head.


The prison systems don't work for these kind of people. Fact..


Don't ask for my experience of prison life. I won't answer.


But what I can tell the doubting Thomas,s here,, I know right from wrong.


There's no deterrent apart from a short break from actually being able to touch young kids if your lucky.

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A friend of mines father used to be in the army was in the parachute regiment saw action in the Faulklands left the forces and got him self a job as a prison warden worked with regular scum bags but got posted to the nonces wing didn't last long as he says he just couldn't take it any more listening to them brag what sick stuff they'd done to there victims no remorse at all snapped and punched one and badly brock his nose and qwit the job

He also says there treat extremely well

He's retired now

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Yes...on remand.

If I were you I'd contact the prison he is staying at with the information you have, there security dept will be very interested in it, they will monitor his page and raid his cell if it changes, it is a criminal offence to be in possession of a phone inside, he will get a sentence of up to 2 years just for that and it would be a even more serious offence if he's used it to contact alleged victims in a ongoing court case.
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there should be no such thing as a repeated sex offender.


as a father-nothing pushes my buttons more.


Sadly, child sexual exploitation seems to be on the increase across all levels of society.As parents we have to be more aware of how our children may find themselves exposed to predatory offenders.


On a lighter note the film 'Law abiding Citizen' is worth a watch-cheered me right up!.



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there should be no such thing as a repeated sex offender.


as a father-nothing pushes my buttons more.


Sadly, child sexual exploitation seems to be on the increase across all levels of society.As parents we have to be more aware of how our children may find themselves exposed to predatory offenders.


On a lighter note the film 'Law abiding Citizen' is worth a watch-cheered me right up!.



I agree it's awful. Not that it makes it any better but the amount of offenders is probably no worse today than it once was, it's just more likely to be reported nowadays.
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i agree bit the internet is the modern evil that facilitates the evil to prey on kids.


this Xmas, I had to quiz my kids about an ipad app that on the front is a singalong karioke thing,but allows private messages to be sent to the kid using it.



Frightening world isn't it, and something I hope everyone can agree on is wed be better off without this scum in the world.
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If I were you I'd contact the prison he is staying at with the information you have, there security dept will be very interested in it, they will monitor his page and raid his cell if it changes, it is a criminal offence to be in possession of a phone inside, he will get a sentence of up to 2 years just for that and it would be a even more serious offence if he's used it to contact alleged victims in a ongoing court case.



Yep...I know all that, I posted it to highlight how lax it is in prisons & how some inmates have a cushy life style.


Mobile Phones/Drugs etc.....some say they don't.. :rolleyes:

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Mobile Phones/Drugs etc.....some say they don't.. :rolleyes:

This is the other issue with prisons, the public is so unaware of what goes on inside and the prisons run with such an iron fist towards staff where anyone who blows the whistle being sacked or prosicuted, if the public knew what went on, on a day to day basis I would like to think there'd be uproar and a public inquiry.

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It must be really awful in Prison !

Recently Prisoners have had to riot and smash the Prisons up just to get them redecorated.

Hopefully the Prisoners and bent Warders will be paying the cost out of their drugs fund?

Is one of the issues we have in Criminal society inappropriate sentencing?

Bent MP's and Financial wizards can go inside ,do Porridge and come out and continue as if they never did any wrong.

Murderers can go inside , come out early and re-offend. Don't even start me on about Rose West & Ian Brady .

I would gladly volunteer to be their Social Worker .

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