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Sign-up for 2017 PW NvS Charity Shoot


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When you say it is closed a few weeks before event can you give me a rough date - really trying to make this year but the diary is busy and it will have to be a last minute decision unfortunately.

When you last minute......just how last minute?



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Thanks SSS and Gnome - both received :good:


We can usually work a last minute emergency, but to book in breakfast rolls, assign squads the ground need to know in advance, and I like to have a good idea on numbers 2 weeks out so that they can book in scorers. So it is really appreciated everyone who can register in good time, but by same token if you can make it at the last minute, then we'll try our best to work it :)

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Come on people need more to sign up or commit to the shoot as I'm struggling with the raffle prizes due to the numbers. I can only big it up so much. The numbers speak volume people

Edited by kingo15
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