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Bird I.D. help


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have a lot of birds in the garden at the moment............very surprised to see 5 reed buntings who have thrown their lot in with the sparrows........but on my way upstairs...i look out of thye landing window and see a very small finch type bird...about the size of a wren with a gold/yellow flash on its head...hopping about in the conifer and fluttering up and catching bugs and flys


my internet speed is sllloooow at the moment so i cant conect up to a bird site for I.D


anyone help ?

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We used to get reedbuntings in our garden, in a very urban setting. There were some old railway sidings behind our street, covered in rosebay willow herb beds which I guess were substitute reedbeds. Then mr Barrat came along and covered the area in houses. The area was teeming with wildlife until then, lots of people etc but no agricultural sprays.

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RESULT.....................thanks you boys.....the bird is here as we speak...have discovered what it is doing !!!!!......it is fixated on its reflection in the window and keeps fluttering up to see it ...then it clings to the edge of the brickwork ...looks at its relection then flutters into the tree....then back again...and starts it allll again.....



proberly saying to itself..."hey sweetie ...come fly with me babe"..... :lol:



cheers again........... :good:

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Not seen goldcrests and firecrests since I was a kid. They used to live in a mature wood bordered by very large mature gardens. Along with tree creepers and wrens linnets the lot. Bloody rare sight round my way these days.



im a lucky bunny then...........pleased with that I.D.....and my little visitor...



havnt seen a tree creeper for years..

Edited by ditchman
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Some years ago i was standing on the 4th tee on Hollinwell golf course,driver under the crook of my left arm shotgun fashion,

when a little bird alighted onto the shaft of the club,i raised the club to the horizontal position and the bird walked up the club

on to my glove,this was a gold crest and it was one of the most memorable and thrilling moments of my life,breathtaking, little

thing looking round unperturbed before it flew away.

There must be a goodly proportion of golfers among you,and if you have not played this course then it should be at the top of your list.

It is as good as any inland course in the country and i have played a few,shooting and golf are my sports,besides the usual!!!

Just thought you might like to know and there is a connection,if only slight to the post.

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Nice bird Ditchy ol' partner. I fired up the Atco today runs like a good 'un.



just finished doing my mates 35 year old acto.............i was shouting and screaming at it.....couldnt get the guvernors to line up proper.....in the end i found out that the cable had a kink in it ...so it dident return the quadrant proper....runs special now...

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just finished doing my mates 35 year old acto.............i was shouting and screaming at it.....couldnt get the guvernors to line up proper.....in the end i found out that the cable had a kink in it ...so it dident return the quadrant proper....runs special now...


I not in a state of shock Ditchy you can mend anything! Dawg is well and doesn't blink at all with the starting pistol.

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I not in a state of shock Ditchy you can mend anything! Dawg is well and doesn't blink at all with the starting pistol.



ooohhh pleased with that...............if you get fed up with the dawg i will give it a good home.... :lol::lol:

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One of the last shoots of the game season the last drive I didn't bother getting out my gun just stood with my dog near a little brook and watched a kingfisher flit by. Lovely little colourful birds not seen many since childhood. Great to see any rarer birds making a comeback.

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One of the last shoots of the game season the last drive I didn't bother getting out my gun just stood with my dog near a little brook and watched a kingfisher flit by. Lovely little colourful birds not seen many since childhood. Great to see any rarer birds making a comeback.

I love seeing kingfishers, There's some in brookvale park, right in the middle of brum, a mile from spaghetti junction , not nearly as skittish as they are in rural settings. Sadly I think it was a sight wasted on most walking past!

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We bought a new garden ornament last week kingfisher on a bulrush really nice, I'll post a pic. We get them on the river by the house never fails to stop us, also got either marsh tit or willow tits and I still haven't managed to say which it is yet, maybe this year

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Aggressive little boogers are kingfishers. The cock birds will patrol a large length of river and see off any other males trying to get in. On the rare occasions you see two flying at high speed in close proximity you can bet they are both male and one is attempting to teach the other a lesson.

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We have the occasional green woodpecker eating the peanuts off our feeder. Now that is really aggressive.
No other birds allowed on the table until he has had his fill.

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