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New Italian Shotguns to UK - Brixia


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Can definitely see a market for them, £1000 is quite often the round figure people set themselves for a gun, I like the actions being a little different. So many are so similar these days.

Be interested if you were ever down in Suffolk to have a closer look at them. Euston Fair?

Will drop you an email next week 👍🏻

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I think there IS a market for nice guns at that price point. Normally, you can get a pretty basic Browning/Beretta for that price, and I think these two have been milking the segment for rather long. Here these guns certainly look a lot better, and are probably as well made as many of the 'entry level' of the other big brands -- and in fact, very likely made better as I'm sure they are still taking care of quality insurance as an important point.

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Seems an odd choice to use Berettas Mobil choke for a modern gun as the trend is for long chokes.


Hmm the Fausti sisters, wonder why they started another company rather than use the established Fausti name and brand ?


Try these then;



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popped in to Webbers on Sat 15 and had a look at these new guns, they do look good, metal to metal fit is good so is wood to metal, not keen on the sling swivels but they are detachable and dont look too bad as the mount is slim line and rear stub can be unscrewed, i realy like the 20 bores so light and well balanced for me anyway,(i am only 5' 6) The Raven has a non slip finish which i found unuseual but it feels comfy in the hand,i can see this being good in the wet weather,all around i can see that they are good value, time will tell, he actually sold one the 12s on the first first day they where in the shop to a clay shooter, i think they have the edge over the Turkish guns,if you are passing its worth a visit if only to see his sons custom 20, its not for sale but is on display.

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Mark stone from Gun Mart Magazine attended the shoot to give a new FIAT 4 x 4 a run out and put two of the new Brixia Shotguns to the test for an article which will appear in a few months time.


Thanks to the weather he got a good soaking, but was impressed with the developments that we've made at the ground; impressed with the Brixia Shotguns and also gave the bacon butty and brew a big thumbs up!


I'll look forward to his write ups.



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  • 4 weeks later...

stopped by webbers today for a natter and had a look at the brixia shotguns,,must say they look very good not all identical either like forend differing on some and silver or black finish,i think something for everyone springs to mind,martins 20g is real cool the engraving is something else and needs to be seen can only say its brill.i,m sure they,ll find buyers here.

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Good luck on the project.


few questions\observations


  1. Are there other fore-end designs available?
  2. Small gauge available on all models?
  3. Are there any other choices of stock length

Stocks look very nice for the price points

Edited by Pugs
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Good luck on the project.


few questions\observations


  1. Are there other fore-end designs available?
  2. Small gauge available on all models?
  3. Are there any other choices of stock length

Stocks look very nice for the price points

  1. Are there other fore-end designs available? Sorry no.
  2. Small gauge available on all models? Pretty much, yes; but best to visit the website. We have several in stock, but have concentrated on the Master model for the 410 and 28 gauges this time.
  3. The stock lengths do vary slightly. If you visit our Guntrader adverts you will see the different LOPs on different guns. Shortening a stock isn't too much of a problem; longer stocks are available to order.





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  1. Are there other fore-end designs available? Sorry no.
  2. Small gauge available on all models? Pretty much, yes; but best to visit the website. We have several in stock, but have concentrated on the Master model for the 410 and 28 gauges this time.
  3. The stock lengths do vary slightly. If you visit our Guntrader adverts you will see the different LOPs on different guns. Shortening a stock isn't too much of a problem; longer stocks are available to order.

I have some more catalogues on their way. PM me your details if you would like one through the post.





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