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Time For A Change?


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I don't want to revist the recreational use of marijuana, we've pretty much done that to death, but isn't it about time that more medical research was done with this amazing plant? Isn't it about time we started taking note of the research that has already been done?


In this fascinating documentary Dr. Raphael Mechoulam talks about his experiments and studies. He reveals the effects of THC on epilepsy patients, children with cancer, people on chemo-therapy, people with Alzheimers, and in all cases treatment involving THC has had a positive efect.


If that's the case why aren't we seeing larger efforts by the pharmaceutical companies to utilise marijuana? And will the legalisation in many states of the USA change that in the coming years? As stated at the very end of the documentary, "If Viagra can get the Nobel Prize, why not pot?"



Thought I'd throw in this quick video too. A guy who currently has to break the law to find the relief he needs.


Edited by Danger-Mouse
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Lots of oldies have been done for growing it and baking it into food for medicinal purposes. It can treat a whole host of symptoms other drugs can't effect in the same way. But and it's a big but as with most drugs the side affects. THC can cause as many problems as it can help if abused. But so can many prescribed medicines freely given out today.


I do agree more should be done to use as a medicine when it is the best available for that treatment.

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Lots of oldies have been done for growing it and baking it into food for medicinal purposes. It can treat a whole host of symptoms other drugs can't effect in the same way. But and it's a big but as with most drugs the side affects. THC can cause as many problems as it can help if abused. But so can many prescribed medicines freely given out today.


I do agree more should be done to use as a medicine when it is the best available for that treatment.


Never mind old ladies growing it! There was an old lady a couple of years back in West Derby in Liverpool, she kept ringing the police for weeks about the smell coming from a house on the street and they kept ignoring her. Anyroads they got fed up with her ringing the phone off the hook and eventually went and investigated, they got into the house and was found to have one of the biggest residetntial cannibis farms found up until then. Never mind your intel and snithches. Send in mrs Miggins with her supersonic nose I say!

Edited by 7daysinaweek
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Cannabis is hemp, the greatest naturally occuring natural fibre ever. The word Canvas is a corruption of cannabis. Forget about its involvement as a drug. It used to be a very significant medicine. But it was also an intoxicant smoked by poor blacks in the Soutern states who couldn't afford alchohol.


The Cannabis Conspiracy runs like this, after the advent of man made fibres like Rayon and Nylon the companies that owned the rights to these brands lobbied (that's bribed to you and me) Congress to ban cannabis but by default that banned hemp production for ropes and fabrics so man made fibres cleaned up.


I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories but this one has the basic ingredients, greed and a motive. Check it out yourself

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Cannabis is hemp, the greatest naturally occuring natural fibre ever. The word Canvas is a corruption of cannabis. Forget about its involvement as a drug. It used to be a very significant medicine. But it was also an intoxicant smoked by poor blacks in the Soutern states who couldn't afford alchohol.


The Cannabis Conspiracy runs like this, after the advent of man made fibres like Rayon and Nylon the companies that owned the rights to these brands lobbied (that's bribed to you and me) Congress to ban cannabis but by default that banned hemp production for ropes and fabrics so man made fibres cleaned up.


I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories but this one has the basic ingredients, greed and a motive. Check it out yourself

As with most conspiracy theories it falls apart when you spend a couple of seconds actually considering it!


If the ban on cannabis "as a drug" was actually a ban on hemp "the useful crop" bought about by Rayon, Nylon et al, why do we have worldwide controls on cannabis "the drug" and no control on hemp? Mr Nylon's plan kind of backfired there didn't it?!

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As with most conspiracy theories it falls apart when you spend a couple of seconds actually considering it!


If the ban on cannabis "as a drug" was actually a ban on hemp "the useful crop" bought about by Rayon, Nylon et al, why do we have worldwide controls on cannabis "the drug" and no control on hemp? Mr Nylon's plan kind of backfired there didn't it?!


Not entirely true. Certainly the cheapness of the artificial fibres contributed to a downturn in the growing of hemp as a "useful" crop. However there have been controls on growing hemp in the USA since the late 1930s. It's only recently that the US government has made changes to those laws.


"The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009 is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) on April 2, 2009.[1] Also known as H.R.1866, the bill clarifies the differences between marijuana and industrial hemp as well as repeals federal laws that prohibit American farmers from cultivating industrial hemp."

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Its a subject surrounded by so much controversy it should be known as jeremy Clarkson! If done right it could have promise in the medicinal use. The use of 'drug' type cannabis cannot be directly compared with what would be medicinal due to the many variations in different crops; chemical additives and such make it a minefield and not to mention the addition of harder drugs to the cannabis thats being sold illegally to enhance the "quality". If harvested in the most natural possible way I think it could be adapted safely for use in a medicinal mannor by studying and testing thoroughly.

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I always felt that the 'medicinal benefit' was just a front to get this evil drug legalised.


I know of people who were finished at 30 as their constitutions couldn't handle it, not everybody has the resilience to this drug like some of these rock stars have.


I believe it ruined George Michael and turned him into something he wasn't.

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"The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009 is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives by Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) on April 2, 2009.[1] Also known as H.R.1866, the bill clarifies the differences between marijuana and industrial hemp as well as repeals federal laws that prohibit American farmers from cultivating industrial hemp."

I stand corrected! THC AND non-THC producing hemp was indeed banned in 1939. You've been able to buy hemp seed and hemp oil based products everywhere in the UK for as long as I remember and so I assumed the US had no ban on non-THC hemp production. Must've been produced elsewhere.


Thanks for the information Danger Mouse!

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I always felt that the 'medicinal benefit' was just a front to get this evil drug legalised.



Did you watch either of the videos?


It's certainly not a front. Cannabis has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years.


I stand corrected! THC AND non-THC producing hemp was indeed banned in 1939. You've been able to buy hemp seed and hemp oil based products everywhere in the UK for as long as I remember and so I assumed the US had no ban on non-THC hemp production. Must've been produced elsewhere.


Thanks for the information Danger Mouse!


You're welcome! :yes:

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The government are (or were) looking into its medical values. Not very far from me,there is a small village with lots of huge greenhouses with lots of security and its a not very well kept secret that copious quanties of cannabis are grown there for governemnt medical trials so it is (or was) being looked into.

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I don't need to watch the videos, I look at what it does to people's minds, its 25 times stronger than when the hippies puffed it, it should be class A, instead you can more or less openly walk around puffing it, its a total disgrace and unforgiveable of governments to go easy on it.

small minded I see open your eyes alcohol is far worse



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I don't need to watch the videos, I look at what it does to people's minds, its 25 times stronger than when the hippies puffed it, it should be class A, instead you can more or less openly walk around puffing it, its a total disgrace and unforgiveable of governments to go easy on it.


I stated quite clearly that I'm not interested in discussing the recreational use of marijuana in this thread. I've already made my views on that subject very clear in another thread. If you want to resurrect that thread though, feel free.


Here I'm only interested in discussing the medical use of cannabis or the compounds that make up the plant. If you bothered to watch the first video rather than being all high and mighty and thinking you know it all you'd find out that in many cases the THC content of the medicines is minimal, certainly not high enough to cause any psychoactivity.

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@Dayvo are you sure he was smoking unadulterated cannabis? I remember, while I was a student, of people smoking cannabis cut with what is now known as 'Spice'. In fact it might have even been just that alone. Unlike natural, grown cannabis this synthetic version floods the natural receptors (we have evolved with with receptors for THC/CBD) and causes the effects popularised in today's press of a zombie like state along with severe mental issues and psychosis.


Back then it was cheaper than the real stuff and I known of at least one person that had to drop out due to the effects of synthesised 'cannabis'.


However, over the years I have come across Doctors, solicitors, teachers, fire fighters all sorts of 'respected' professionals that have used the drug recreationally with no ill effect on the their or their families lives.


Personally, I think it should be legalised, simply to remove the revenue from criminals, terrorists and put the tax revenue back into the government's coffers. My biggest concern is the smell, it's vile and repellent!

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I stated quite clearly that I'm not interested in discussing the recreational use of marijuana in this thread. I've already made my views on that subject very clear in another thread. If you want to resurrect that thread though, feel free.


Here I'm only interested in discussing the medical use of cannabis or the compounds that make up the plant. If you bothered to watch the first video rather than being all high and mighty and thinking you know it all you'd find out that in many cases the THC content of the medicines is minimal, certainly not high enough to cause any psychoactivity.

Cbd does seem to have some benefits whether they are real or placebo is another thing.


As mentioned elsewhere, modern cannabis is more about thc.

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@Dayvo are you sure he was smoking unadulterated cannabis? I remember, while I was a student, of people smoking cannabis cut with what is now known as 'Spice'. In fact it might have even been just that alone. Unlike natural, grown cannabis this synthetic version floods the natural receptors (we have evolved with with receptors for THC/CBD) and causes the effects popularised in today's press of a zombie like state along with severe mental issues and psychosis.


Back then it was cheaper than the real stuff and I known of at least one person that had to drop out due to the effects of synthesised 'cannabis'.


However, over the years I have come across Doctors, solicitors, teachers, fire fighters all sorts of 'respected' professionals that have used the drug recreationally with no ill effect on the their or their families lives.


Personally, I think it should be legalised, simply to remove the revenue from criminals, terrorists and put the tax revenue back into the government's coffers. My biggest concern is the smell, it's vile and repellent!

I don't know,all I can tell you as it was cannabis that started it.My son comes from a well formed respectful family.He had everything he ever wanted.F1 every year from a child, best guns and rods I could afford.I surrendered his FAC/SGC the minute I discovered he was using (smell on his clothes).He went from a loving,happy conversive child,to a deep withdrawn angry monster.Nothing happened in his live other than a particular circle of friends.

Do PW members know what it's like to have a loving doting son who would do anything for you,turn into an aggressive,abusive monster.It all seems like an unreal dream,it's like I woke up in the middle of the Jeremy Kyle show.He lost his FAC/SGC which I surrendered state g the reason why and I also sent his driving licence (provisional) back to the DVLA.

I have give him every opportunity to change his way but it's got him by the scruff of the neck.Just waiting for that call out of the blue to say he's lying on some slab in a morg.

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That say's it ALL!


So sorry for you, your son and your family.


I was like a lot of people (tunnel vision or stereotypical) thought it only happened to low life families.I even went to a couple of counciling session for parents.What I heard and saw there was saddening to say the least.These where respectable families,not the media focused Jermey Kyle types.I honestly have broke down and cried on many occasions,wishing this nightmare would go away.My son's action just doesn't effect him,it effects everyone around him.Im please it happened at a time when I retired from shooting as I would feel compromised if I still had firearms and would have no choice but to surrender.

I never want to see legalisation, just give them a very heavy sentences.If it can be extracted and used for medicinal purposes then great.But the fact of the matter is,this 'medicinal use' is just being used as an excuse by a minority.

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As with most conspiracy theories it falls apart when you spend a couple of seconds actually considering it!


If the ban on cannabis "as a drug" was actually a ban on hemp "the useful crop" bought about by Rayon, Nylon et al, why do we have worldwide controls on cannabis "the drug" and no control on hemp? Mr Nylon's plan kind of backfired there didn't it?!

Its been effectively illegal to grow hemp in America since 1937. Its virtually illegal to import it, Mr Nylon's plan worked perfectly and the timing was no coincidence. Just as Du Pont were creating a market for nylon a massive newspaper campaign against cannabis was launched by Randolph Hurst's Newspapers. Hurst was heavily invested in, guess what? Du Pont


That's why it works as a conspiracy, congress men were clearly bribed which could be done fairly transparently by their lax lobbying laws. It was all done in plain sight, there was no secret about it. It was a pure and simple example of big money manipulating a market.

Edited by Vince Green
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