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Women shocked as crow eats rabbit.... ?

Me matt

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I was listening to a bit on Farming Today, think it was down in Exmoor where the (protected) Ravens are now working in groups of up to 20 birds and taking out the lambs. Some culling is allowed. They distract the ewe and then kill the lamb. The farmer described how and the order things seemed to happen. He managed to save one lamb despite it having had half its tongue ripped out. I think this would be good material, images and all, for Springwatch or the Disneyfied Activities in the Countrysidefile.

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There's a huge thread on my local towns facebook page after some woman put up how a driver who hit a duck whilst driving should be totally ashamed and it's dosgusting!


Hundreds of people saying how barbaric and terrible this is, you'd think the world was ending. Apparently the local kids are traumatized.


Should have stopped and taken the bloody thing home for tea!!

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mr packham would probably disagree and say the pictures were fakes ...........


isn,t it suprising how many find nature disgusting yet will quite happily condemn those of us who try to level the playing field by culling or who try to stop farmers losing money / crops with controlling pigeon , rabbits and fox

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mr packham would probably disagree and say the pictures were fakes ...........


isn,t it suprising how many find nature disgusting yet will quite happily condemn those of us who try to level the playing field by culling or who try to stop farmers losing money / crops with controlling pigeon , rabbits and fox

+1 :good:


I would not want to see any animal persecuted to extinction but most of the creatures that occupy the British countryside have evolved around mans making and management of the countryside, this management has favoured some at the detriment of others, those that are involved, live and work in the countryside see this balance of pest, predator and prey played out on a regular bases and realise that to keep this man made countryside in balance we have to keep certain creatures in cheque by culling.

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To be fair to the woman she doesn't say anything other than finding it "gruesome" which it probably was. She doesn't say she was upset by it or that it was wrong. All of the emotive words are wriiten by the paper.

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To be fair to the woman she doesn't say anything other than finding it "gruesome" which it probably was. She doesn't say she was upset by it or that it was wrong. All of the emotive words are wriiten by the paper.

Now we're talking sense. Never mind the poor lady who may or may not have been upset by the sight, we need to question the mindset of the journalist who decided to write that drivel - must have been a slow news day.

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The PROTECTIONISTS will at some point, have to drop their blinkered anthropomorphic view of animals and nature and accept the need for real conservationists to control invasive, predatory and pest species in order to CONSERVE their prey and protect the health and diversity of our fauna.......if man allows predatory species to multiply unchecked.....in the end the only species left will be the predatory species until of course......through lack of quarry (food!)...........the predators start eating one another!


Join the real conservationists............The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust....I have no connection with the organisation other than being a member!

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