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Dementia..."oldtimers desease"


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Just an observation............



most of you have guessed by now that my sole job in life is caring for my wife who has dementia...........


anyway i took her off to a "meeting for the demented" at the church hall in Acle to give me 3 hours of not having to listen to her incessant utterings ...which as it turned out wasnt too bad....as it became clear that it was difficult to spot half a dozen rooks in a flock of crows...apart from the really nice old boy who very civily introduced himself 6 times to me...and had a firm handshake and good humour


also which perked me up was a nice bit of stuff who brought her mum along...(the bit of stuff smiled sweetly and surgestivaly at me several times...so i will be making another visit to the jesuit hall or whatever)






they got talking about where they came from................there were 20 demented there.....ALL BUT 3....came originally from London....(Barking...Newham...Brixton....etc)


Now in there early years there....heating would have been coal fires...and the majority of cars and trucks lorries would have been running on Leaded petrol............diet would have been better then than now.............



am i making a wrong or valid connection regards coal (smog) and leaded petrol...........


any thoughts..........



im not worried about what you say as dementia carers usually develope a black humour....yes we do have some funny days...........



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hello ditchman,


did you also see this released recently ? apparently these have been identified as risk factors for dementia.



The nine risk factors include:

  • Less childhood education
  • Hearing loss
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Physical inactivity
  • Social isolation

Potential risk factors:

  • Pollution
  • Visual loss
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I lived in Birmingham for a time in the late 70's - and there was concern then that children raised near spagetti junction had higher lead levels (from the then leaded petrol and the permanent traffic jams and resultant fumes from cars with no catalysts) and had significantly poorer school results than children with lower lead levels from (presumably) less urban/traffic filled areas.


Coal burning goes back much further (certainly to the early 1800's and so may not be so troublesome since I believe dementia and lead may well have 'increased' together, but I am rather guessing. Coal fumes would have been present in quantity form early 1800's - whereas leaded fuel was really 1950's to 1990's

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'Surgestivaly' is so much more suggestive when spelt with an 'r'! :yes:

I'm not sure DM; I doubt it did anyone any good, but also I'm pretty sure there will be an equal number of similar aged Londoners who haven't got dementia. Who knows?



oh yes im quite aware of that....i was just startled by the %age of this Acle group and its makeup.........the other 3 were good ole norfolk gals including the Mrs....whose DNA comes via Halvergate Marshes....i quite understand the origins of her condition as the "gene pool" didnt widen until the advent of the pheumatic tired bycicle..........



you are quite right my spelling is bloody awful....i noticed it deterioated when i fell off the roof 4 years ago...........

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oh yes im quite aware of that....i was just startled by the %age of this Acle group and its makeup.........the other 3 were good ole norfolk gals including the Mrs....whose DNA comes via Halvergate Marshes....i quite understand the origins of her condition as the "gene pool" didnt widen until the advent of the pheumatic tired bycicle..........



you are quite right my spelling is bloody awful....i noticed it deterioated when i fell off the roof 4 years ago...........


:lol: Brilliant!

I don't mind bad spelling at all; it's punctuation ( or a lack of it ) which makes it hard to make sense of, which irks.

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I lived in Birmingham for a time in the late 70's - and there was concern then that children raised near spagetti junction had higher lead levels (from the then leaded petrol and the permanent traffic jams and resultant fumes from cars with no catalysts) and had significantly poorer school results than children with lower lead levels from (presumably) less urban/traffic filled areas.


fumeCoal burning goes back much further (certainly to the early 1800's and so may not be so troublesome since I believe dementia and lead may well have 'increased' together, but I am rather guessing. Coalswould have been present in qu antity form early 1800's - whereas leaded fuel was really 1950's to 1990's



interesting ...............but in "the old days" dementia didnt exist........it was explained away as " a dotty old woman/man"...how often did you hear that expression years ago..............

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interesting ...............but in "the old days" dementia didnt exist........it was explained away as " a dotty old woman/man"...how often did you hear that expression years ago..............

Yes, that is so - and I do know there was firm evidence of a correlation between lead levels (in the blood??) and reduced academic ability - and someone else has suggested that higher lead can also be linked to higher crime, so I think that the connection between lead and effects on the brain are pretty certain ....... whether that would extend to dementia, I don't have any idea, but it seems plausible

Edited by JohnfromUK
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I read a scientific paper not too long ago that linked the recorded crime rate to the amount of leaded petrol that was being used.



now that is a comment that i heard many years ago............and it was also linked to the rate of stillborn children , among a host of other things .......


bring on DEISEL i say...and turbo-charge the muther :good: .......deja-vous ?

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Carry on lads give shifty swifty and his floundering anti lead ammunition group some new oxygen!



im not about to "inhale" a handful of 9mm parrabellum or ingesst 2oz of goose shot..............it must also be remembered that the sulphure content of deseil at that time was above 2% hence HD oils to neautrilse the sulphuric acids produced during combustion.................

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hello, just a thought i remember there was another saying. lost their marbles !!!!




3 sheets to the wind

lights are on nobody at home

round the twist

dont now rear end from elbow

aurther or martha

what day of the week it is


ad infinitum.................



how many of those sayings are a result of describing what eventually is termed dementia...............

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'Surgestivaly' is so much more suggestive when spelt with an 'r'! :yes:

I'm not sure DM; I doubt it did anyone any good, but also I'm pretty sure there will be an equal number of similar aged Londoners who haven't got dementia. Who knows?



many years ago i was proof reading an environmental report before it went out to the client.............in them days i could (unlike now read and string the odd sentence together).....i came a cross a passage which....was relating to the speciacian of mix of PNAH's (polly nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons)....and the qualification approval of the anal cyst who carried out reported on the test.....................i tell you boi not a lot got past me in them days.. :lol:

Edited by ditchman
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Three older men are undergoing a memory test at the doctor's office. The Doctor asks, "What is three times three?" The first man answers, "274." The second man answers, "Tuesday." The third man answers, "Nine." The doctor pleasantly surprised at the third man's correct response, inquires, "Great! How did you get that answer?" "Simple. Just subtract 274 from Tuesday."

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If big-city pollution really does cause intellectual impairment, it might perhaps have already affected some of the following:

  • technology development staff in “Silicon Valley” (said to have some of the worst air pollution in the whole of USA);
  • computer professionals in highly polluted cities such as Bangalore and Mumbai (where some of our country’s sensitive information is apparently being transferred);
  • city dwelling bankers and financial “experts”;
  • MPs who rule over us (many of them city-based);
  • the city dwelling scientists who made these pronouncements.
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Three older men are undergoing a memory test at the doctor's office. The Doctor asks, "What is three times three?" The first man answers, "274." The second man answers, "Tuesday." The third man answers, "Nine." The doctor pleasantly surprised at the third man's correct response, inquires, "Great! How did you get that answer?" "Simple. Just subtract 274 from Tuesday."


Customer took his mother to undergo one of those tests,doctor asked her to name a tree,her answer was squiral :hmm:

NFN :lol::lol: or add which ever county you like.

Think i read today that atributes included broken sleep :unhappy: thats me on the way then :/

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Three older men are undergoing a memory test at the doctor's office. The Doctor asks, "What is three times three?" The first man answers, "274." The second man answers, "Tuesday." The third man answers, "Nine." The doctor pleasantly surprised at the third man's correct response, inquires, "Great! How did you get that answer?" "Simple. Just subtract 274 from Tuesday."



the strange thing is ....as you have nearly pointed out....is from time to time some Dementia patients come out with what can only be described as "observations of shear briliance"....many a time my Mrs has made a comment on ....say....the EU.....or a medical documentary ...and has made a comment that just stuns me ....as it would have needed and indepth knowledge of the subject coupled with a very analytical way of thinking...............

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Customer took his mother to undergo one of those tests,doctor asked her to name a tree,her answer was squiral :hmm:

NFN :lol::lol: or add which ever county you like.

Think i read today that atributes included broken sleep :unhappy: thats me on the way then :/




christ i wish you hadnt told me that.....................based on that information...i will be in a home next wednesday....and dead by friday.............and i wont even remember those frantic bed baths by young Thai girl nurses....................damn

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christ i wish you hadnt told me that.....................based on that information...i will be in a home next wednesday....and dead by friday.............and i wont even remember those frantic bed baths by young Thai girl nurses....................damn



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I think there may be a variety of reasons and one I am fairly certain of. That is elderly who have surgery, say replacement hip. I know of at least three friends who were not quite the same afterwards and eventually lost it completely. Also a fair number of very intelligent people who have lived in the countryside all their lives but never really did anything other than their daily work routine ....became cabbages, to coin a phrase. My belief is to keep active, keep planning your next hour, your next day, your next week AND yes, your next year. This week so far has seen me up and out culling various vermin at 4..30am, back for a couple of large mugs of Morrisons strength 6 coffee and whatever goodies my wife has on the sideboard ... oat and cranberry cookies are the present favourite. Then out with the chainsaw tidying up in the wood or putting wood away for winter, then lunch, probably a double deck ham and chees , plus pickle sandwich and a glass of cider, then out down the wood to check for any grey tree rats trying to sneak in. Evening meal about 6pm then plan to be out till about now 11pm rabbit shooting, or foxing etc etc. It ain't a rehearsal and I believe keeping active , doing things, making things are as good a preventative to dementia as any. Well that's my plan anyway ... a few weeks to go to complete my 77th year and 27yrs retired.


OH!!! Forgot. Just booked my first nine days driven shooting this coming season and hopefully more to come.

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