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gun shop


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So I goes into this gun shop today not my local but not far away

With a shotgun I want to sell not part x this figure come out wearing specs and has a quick glance at it

Mm we don't take this sort of gun but we can take it off you if you want to just get rid

But cannot give nought for it

My thoughts moron you get it for nought and put it up for £250

Horrible little ****

Then gives me a leaflet inviting me for a clay day and food etc


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So I goes into this gun shop today not my local but not far away

With a shotgun I want to sell not part x this figure come out wearing specs and has a quick glance at it

Mm we don't take this sort of gun but we can take it off you if you want to just get rid

But cannot give nought for it

My thoughts moron you get it for nought and put it up for £250

Horrible little ****

Then gives me a leaflet inviting me for a clay day and food etc


hello, another member off here living in oxon took his S/S to a local gunsmith and was offered £50 , no call for side by sides ? ? ah clay and food can only be one place i know,

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Its a bit of an awkward situation with low value guns, because the dealer would probably just put them through a local auction like http://www.dickinsauctioneers.com/ he would have to then pay the commission and any fees.

If the dealer retails the gun he then has to sell it with warranty on it to cover his ****.

Its a bit like asking a car dealer to buy a 20 year old Metro or Punto off you, why would he want it in stock.

The dealer is only offering what the thing cost new. i.e. my first gun an AYA Yeoman S/S was £49 brand new I wouldn't expect a dealer to give me £150 for it now.

I've got a couple of low value guns that I will need too move on at some stage,and I will probably put them through an auction, there is no comeback then.

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I don't know but consider a well stocked gunshop, he has a range of new guns on offer some second hand stuff that was worth doing up and selling on with a small margin then a few unremarkable guns in sound condition but of no real value. Probably half the guys buying a new gun want to PX an old one in, for cabinet space or just to get rid of junk, might be a problem magnet of a gun, might be old and worn, might be out of proof, could be worthless, might get hundred quid for it, might be worth doing up and selling, but even a tart up costs some brass. Even when its worth selling on the margin is slim. Look at auctions like holts and the scot arm auction, unnamed unremarkable guns can be bought in lots of five or six at a time for pittance. He could get two years supply of junkers that take up storage space for £100. When you look at it like that £50 might be insulting or it could just be a reflection of how long the gun is going to sit there prior to sale or how much work needs doing to it to bring it to a standard good enough to sell.


A privater buyer might think a english BLE is a bargain at £300 with bluing a bit thin and a stock thats desperate to be refinished; a retailer might offer you half that,if he's unlucky he might find its on the verge of proof, does he scrap the gun and lose £150 or put it through reproof at cost and potentially gain more, before it goes on sale its going to need £200 quid tart up, stock and barrels, an evening picking out checkering, presuming someone with those skills are on hand. Guns now cost him probably £400 + time. sticks it on the shelf at £650, hes only making £250 for all the work, the organization of outworkers, and the sale. Doesnt seem to me to be the daylight robbery people make it out to be, just my 2p's worth. - Don't own a gun shop but have worked in and for some.

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hello, there must be 100s if not more good side by side shotguns in RFDs that do not get sold, it would be interesting to know just how many are handed in with the police amnesty that are in a usable condition but then scrapped, or as mentioned before sold or given to RFDs, i will be thinking maybe to strip down for spares? lets take my first AYA yeoman at £38 1970s the no 2 side lock was i think less than £500 now around £5,000 yet you can buy a yeoman for £50/100. as a well known sports presenter said its a funny old game.

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Without being rude about your SxS, for the dealer its going to dead money if he buys it off you. Its going to sit in the rack for months and then he will make £30 on the deal if he's lucky enough to sell it.


Also, like cars, a lot of times, people trade in guns because something is not working properly and that only shows up when the new customer brings it back.


I'm not saying that's what you were doing but the dealer will have been caught out in the past, probably many times

Edited by Vince Green
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Unless its something pretty special it would probably hang around in the stockroom and never sell. SXS's are two a penny these days.

Think I understand what Zapp means by "pretty special" so I won't go quite that far but settle for 'half decent'. We'd been looking for something for my step-son and found it. Other than a barrel re-blue and a clean out of the checkering and stock oil job it was exactly as made in c1920. By coincidence, the RFD spotted him while using it, said who he was (he wasn't in the shop when it was bought) and admitted that they made a bit of a boo boo on the price. Although it's a real gamble buying for investment - better to buy if you want one to use - now is the time to do it. While looking what was noticed was that there were some which qualified as above but were still stuck on the shelf being a casualty of the 1970-80s open choke era. If you can trip over one at a favourable price to which you wouldn't mind adding another c£400, you could end up with something closer to the "pretty special" than the "half decent". You'd just need to check first that there's enough meat in the barrels.

Edited by wymberley
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