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North korea and japan


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if one lands on American soil you will want to change that statement



He will never drop one on USA soil , Kim ping pong will just keep taunting the the USA until they snap and start a punch up. That way everything Kim ping pong does will just be in defence / self defence

time will tell

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That is what I was wondering,


If someone keeps firing potential nuclear possible rockets over my airspace then I would have brought one down by now




As I understand it, the Japanese anti missile missiles are designed to shoot down incoming (descending) missiles. The ones that have passed over have been too high for their land based defences. But not for their Navy, but the four ships that could shoot them down would have to be in the right place.


Added to this is the Japanese constitution that only allows self defence. So if it's not targeted at you it wouldn't be self defence or so the theory goes.


One major reason as well must be the potential for embarrasment domestically if it misses and the propoganda coup for Fat Boy.

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As I understand it, the Japanese anti missile missiles are designed to shoot down incoming (descending) missiles. The ones that have passed over have been too high for their land based defences. But not for their Navy, but the four ships that could shoot them down would have to be in the right place.


Added to this is the Japanese constitution that only allows self defence. So if it's not targeted at you it wouldn't be self defence or so the theory goes.


One major reason as well must be the potential for embarrasment domestically if it misses and the propoganda coup for Fat Boy.

but surely its a blatant act of war even sending missiles over a country, I,m amazed nobody has reacted yet but I,m also sure they will soon

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but surely its a blatant act of war even sending missiles over a country, I,m amazed nobody has reacted yet but I,m also sure they will soon


Neither South Korea, Japan or the US wants to start the war. Unfortunately for them when the Korean War ended by armistice the border was only 25 miles north of Seoul the South Korean capital. The North Koreans have thousands of artillery pieces that could obliterate Seoul within hours. The casualty figures would be in the hundreds of thousands many have predicted. There is no surgical strike that can guarantee preventing Seoul's destruction.


If Fat Boy starts it and rolls his tanks across the border then it's another matter.

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The fence sitters are all wondering ,if Trump reacts China kicks off ,if China kicks off Putin will go off on 1 and its hard hats and body bags all round.The Japs aren,t stupid and know if they act WW3 is a heart beat away as Ping pong would have to react or lose face and that is a no no in their culture .The Jap pm is playing a sensible game whilst Ping Pong is doing his best to get Trump to attack Korea

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The fence sitters are all wondering ,if Trump reacts China kicks off ,if China kicks off Putin will go off on 1 and its hard hats and body bags all round.The Japs aren,t stupid and know if they act WW3 is a heart beat away as Ping pong would have to react or lose face and that is a no no in their culture .The Jap pm is playing a sensible game whilst Ping Pong is doing his best to get Trump to attack Korea

exactly its a game of chess at the moment at a stalemate

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Most of this is a whole lot of nothing, when the missles pass over the narrowest part of Japan (i. E. The narrows between the islands) they are in the exosphere (i. E. Space) which extends from 500km up to half way to the moon.


Normally, if you don'thave your own set of remote islands (which the uk does), partners (south korea) or your own continent (usa, russia) when doing tests you notify your neighbours and effectively obtain permission.


As japan and korea are historical enemies all the way up to ww2, japan would never give consent so north korea is doing it any way as technically all nations have a free use of and equal right to use 'space'


Having civilians panic and cover for something with no warhead and further than my current location perth to london is just silly.

Edited by Stonepark
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[quote name="ditchman" post="3315722" timestamp="1505460506




" if some regime over the English Channel was launching maybe nuc' missiles over Bath ...or Exeter or London.....and the air raid sirens were going off.................how long would you / we put up with that ?"...........




Probably about as long as we would if it were terrorists setting off bombs in our towns.our political leaders would be on it within a few decades.

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School kids were able to hack into NASA and the Pentagon “secure” systems without undue difficulty. Maybe there is a child somewhere, sitting a bedroom with a computer, who could hack into a missile’s control system and steer it straight back to the launch pad, or disable it before it ever left the ground. Much cheaper than trying to shoot it down.

No doubt an expert will be able to tell me that this cannot be done, but quite a lot of “impossible” things have been achieved over the years.

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School kids were able to hack into NASA and the Pentagon “secure” systems without undue difficulty. Maybe there is a child somewhere, sitting a bedroom with a computer, who could hack into a missile’s control system and steer it straight back to the launch pad, or disable it before it ever left the ground. Much cheaper than trying to shoot it down.

No doubt an expert will be able to tell me that this cannot be done, but quite a lot of “impossible” things have been achieved over the years.

Or explode it before it left the launch site!....oh the irony!

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Patriot was ineffective against SCUD during the first Gulf War. Claimed successes at the time were actually interceptions of debris like booster body sections after the poorly maintained missiles broke up on reentry. The warheads got through, as can be seen on some of the news footage.


They are much improved now though and have performed lots of successful interceptions of SCUDs being fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen against Saudi targets.

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School kids were able to hack into NASA and the Pentagon “secure” systems without undue difficulty. Maybe there is a child somewhere, sitting a bedroom with a computer, who could hack into a missile’s control system and steer it straight back to the launch pad, or disable it before it ever left the ground. Much cheaper than trying to shoot it down.

No doubt an expert will be able to tell me that this cannot be done, but quite a lot of “impossible” things have been achieved over the years.

It was probably a North Korean schoolkid!

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They are much improved now though and have performed lots of successful interceptions of SCUDs being fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen against Saudi targets.

The problem is thats what the American military said about the Patriot in Iraqi, it was the Israelis that started to question the claims. The only thing they successfully shot down was a RAF Tornado jet. If they develop a ICBM then the chances of shooting down a missile successfully becomes a lot more difficult than some seem to think.


Like hitting a bullet with a bullet

The other major challenge facing ballistic missile defence is the truly enormous speeds that missiles attain during the terminal phase. They often hit or exceed 20 times the speed of sound.

A common comparison used is that ballistic missile defence is akin to shooting a bullet in flight with another bullet. The reality is even more extreme.

For example, a .300 Winchester Magnum (a high-velocity hunting and sniper round) can achieve a velocity of 2,950 feet per second as it leaves the barrel.

This equates to 3,237 kilometres per hour, or 2.62 times the speed of sound.

An intercontinental ballistic missile can achieve speeds almost eight times faster than this. As a result, it is almost impossible to reliably defend against such missiles.


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The North Koreans just want to secure their personality cult in such a way that nobody can ever threaten them and gain leverage with economic sanctions. Nobody can defend against an ICBM because it is in outerspace, Raegans star wars project was never anywhere near a reality. Defending against such missiles just isn't possible short of having some sort of missile defense system on the moon and even then you'd need some sort of laser system not invented yet.


Bear in mind the North Koreans are not crazy, far from it, the Korean Peninsula has the highest average IQ on earth and to keep such a population in servitude shows an incredible ability to organize. They know exactly what they are doing.

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The North Koreans just want to secure their personality cult in such a way that nobody can ever threaten them and gain leverage with economic sanctions. Nobody can defend against an ICBM because it is in outerspace, Raegans star wars project was never anywhere near a reality. Defending against such missiles just isn't possible short of having some sort of missile defense system on the moon and even then you'd need some sort of laser system not invented yet.


Bear in mind the North Koreans are not crazy, far from it, the Korean Peninsula has the highest average IQ on earth and to keep such a population in servitude shows an incredible ability to organize. They know exactly what they are doing.

Having a high IQ does not mean they are not crazy, and callable of doing crazy things. PS How does anyone possibly know what the IQ, is of the population of North Korea. A man that clams to have done the things that the North Korean leader has seems quite crazy to me.




Kim Jong-un. Said to be a child prodigy, Kim Jon-un reportedly could drive by the time he was three, was winning yachting races at nine, and was also an expert artist and musical composer at a young age.



He also allegedly shot a world-record score of 34 across 18 holes on a golf course in the country. This round included eleven holes-in-one and not one hole with a score of more than a birdie.



Apparently Kim Jong-il was a genius academic and composer. According to his official biography, the leader wrote more than 1,500 books while at university, which are all available in the state library. He even reportedly penned six operas after graduating, "all of which are better than any in the history of music
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