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Kids have very kindly broke the fridge handle again and at £92 for a replacement I’m looking for an alternative solution.

The locating lug has sheared off the main handle and I’m thinking of drilling and tapping then using the shaft of a bolt to effectively pin the two parts together along with s bit of gorilla epoxy.

realistically what’s the smallest tap set you would recommend for what is I think about 4mil thick.

Better still, anyone wish to earn beer tokens ?

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17 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

Kids have very kindly broke the fridge handle again and at £92 for a replacement I’m looking for an alternative solution.

The locating lug has sheared off the main handle and I’m thinking of drilling and tapping then using the shaft of a bolt to effectively pin the two parts together along with s bit of gorilla epoxy.

realistically what’s the smallest tap set you would recommend for what is I think about 4mil thick.

Better still, anyone wish to earn beer tokens ?

is what your what your wanting to drill and tap 4 mm then? and is it metal or plastic?

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Sorry, it appears to be cast iron I would say? magnetic and has a seam from casting/forming

Did have success once before with JB weld but even that gave up with my two’s monkey action on the fridge.

I thought of Ditchy ESP as could chuck the boat in the river there at the same time but reckon from his exploits he only deals with M12 and above sized heavy engineering! 

Would obv have to be smaller than M4 as that’s the thickness of the piece left



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Did you try espares?


i had to do a broken handle on my ex GFs freezer, using two panel pins. Used cutters to leave grooves in the pins and heated the pins to push into the handle from the back. Worked a treat, that was 4 year ago and now the fridge handle has broke! I have been asked to repair that one too :lol:


Edited by Lord Geordie
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19 minutes ago, Lord Geordie said:

If it's alloy, tig it. File the lug to a point to get a root weld, then build it up! File it back to profile and away you go! I have some technoweld here if you need?

Jay says above that it is a magnetic ferrous alloy, so Technoweld/Lumiweld won't work.

Brazing might, but I wouldn't want to teach Ditchman how to suck eggs

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