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A sporting day.


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As I am late back this has to be very brief.

This morning I went fishing. I caught ten roach then two pesky carp. I say pesky because I wasn't geared up for them. The largest was about 10 lbs and as a last ditch attempt to get away it went under some rushes 10m to my left and as I walked after it I flushed a Tufted duck off a nest, the first such I have ever found.

On my way home I called Jacko who would otherwise have been pounding the streets of Cleethorpes looking for I know not what as he is on his own this weekend. He arrived at my house 30 minutes later! We set up at the top of a pea field but soon discovered that the line I had seen was in fact going over the corner of the pea field into some long distant laid barley. We had an interesting two hours trying to shoot pigeons coming from behind.

A male Peregrine stooping on the decoys was the highlight of the day.

Pictures view 2.jpg

Pictures carp.jpg

Pictures Tufted duck nest.jpg

View 3.jpg

Edited by JDog
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Short and sweet but more than enough to know you have had a good sporting day out in the fresh warm air .

I have never seen a Tufted ducks nest although we don't get many around the estuary until the inland waterways are frozen over, I did once find a Teals nest in the side of one of the dykes and a pair of Gadwall with young along with a Shoverler , so they must nest although I have never found them . 

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3 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, as per usual a nice write up and photos from Jd, now i have an interesting thought, at the trout lakes yesterday we have our usual mole problem and happen to find a whole duck egg buried under the soft soil, now what animal or bird would do that ???  someone mentioned could be a fox ?


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