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Meth Storm


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The answer to the OP's question is yes - the drugs problem really is that bad in USA. But its nothing new, it was crack before that  and cocaine addiction goes back to the 20s.

America has always been too close geographically to South America to prevent this stuff flooding in.

America is huge and vast tracts are poor, low income and frankly boring to live in. Jobs are dead end working in fast food outlets, convenience stores or gas stations.  Asperations are sky high from watching TV about rich folks but the reality is so different.

Drugs have always been more common than alcohol and in many States actually more easy to obtain 

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Honestly, there are two sides of America. Away from the liberal strongholds drugs are extremely rare.  Give me a day and I could get you some pot,  mabey some mushrooms.  But I would not even know where to find anything else.  But when you go into the cities you can buy it on every street corner.  We have built a society where it’s racist to confront the problems where they are.  If you make 10 arrest in a black neighborhood then you have to make 10 arrests in a white neighborhood to balance the race report.  

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Honestly I have a theory,  here me out.  The American life style is way to cheap.  America is blessed with farmland and food is cheap.  We are flush with factories and goods are cheap.  Gas is cheap. We have become a society that wants more and more.  American poor are fat, drive a new cars, and have the latest IPhone.  When you go to other countries their middle class has less then our poor but they are happy.  There is depression that comes with the stress of acquiring new stuff.  Drugs are a easy outlet and the best bang for your buck to aquire happiness.  Some examples.  Sirloin steak is on sale $3.99 a lbs, milk is under $2 a gallon, bread is $1 a loaf, eggs are under $1.  If you raised the price of the basic staples of life then people wouldn’t have the money to play with or buy drugs.  They wouldn’t be depressed with chasing the new car, new clothes, new televisions.   America needs to return to a simpler time when life wasn’t so easy.  If I lost my job due to drugs right now then I would be fine.  Section 8 would pay my rent.  Food Stamps would give me $500 a month for food, I could get up to $900 in cash for living expenses.  Now if your on food stamps you get cable tv and enternet for $15.  Public transportation is free to welfare recipients.  So what reason to I have to stay off drugs?  I was in the store so I snapped these just now. See those orange tags say wic?  That’s different then food stamps.  We have two systems and yes you can double dip.  Women Immigrants and Children program is the biggest waist as you can only buy certain healthy items.  So they trade those items for beer in the parking lot for pennies on the dollar.  



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6 hours ago, NoBodyImportant said:

Honestly, there are two sides of America. Away from the liberal strongholds drugs are extremely rare.  Give me a day and I could get you some pot,  mabey some mushrooms.  But I would not even know where to find anything else.  But when you go into the cities you can buy it on every street corner.  We have built a society where it’s racist to confront the problems where they are.  If you make 10 arrest in a black neighborhood then you have to make 10 arrests in a white neighborhood to balance the race report.  

💬  Sorry no Yawn emojie to be found anywhere, so you mean white people are being forced into drugs and it's all the "others" fault ? Got you and thanks for clearing up the matter.

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8 hours ago, ditchman said:

in norfolk in the early 70's...........we had a snake-bight storm.....you may larf but it caused the local bill to drop down really hard on culprets.............

snake bite made with LCL lager [a local brew that blew your socks off we named it Loose Control Lager]    woodpecker cider and a shot of blue curacao made a green monster it tasted like limeade and made you drunk from the feet upwards ………………………….  aaahh great memories

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3 minutes ago, hodge911 said:

snake bite made with LCL lager [a local brew that blew your socks off we named it Loose Control Lager]    woodpecker cider and a shot of blue curacao made a green monster it tasted like limeade and made you drunk from the feet upwards ………………………….  aaahh great memories

Stella & K Cider snakebite with a double tequila depth charge was always the catch up punishment du jour in the good (?) old rugby days...

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22 minutes ago, wildrover77 said:

He did not say that.

Yes he did, it just depends whether you happen to decide or want to ignore the obvious racial insinuation. 


We have built a society where it’s racist to confront the problems where they are.  If you make 10 arrest in a black neighborhood then you have to make 10 arrests in a white neighborhood to balance the race report.  


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Just now, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Well I was interested to see the American viewpoint!

As was I, although to be fair it's always best to take small samples with a pinch of salt especially if they admit to living in parts not so badly afflicted with the issue. 

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I don't think it is about turning the clock back to an earlier time when things were better, it's reframing the context of happiness. Engage with your family and friends on an intimate face-to-face basis rather than escape into addiction whether that is drugs alcohol sex or the internet or any other quick fix.

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1 hour ago, Hamster said:

💬  Sorry no Yawn emojie to be found anywhere, so you mean white people are being forced into drugs and it's all the "others" fault ? Got you and thanks for clearing up the matter.

I didn’t say that?  I said they choose drugs because there it a social net to catch them when they fall.  I could literally quit work right now and get high.  My children and I would be fed.  Our rent would be paid.  The only reason I don’t is because I’m not a piece of ****. America has created a system that rewards you for not working.  It rewards you for not getting married when a girl gets knocked up.  When you raise children in broken homes in government housing projects you get druggies.  

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2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

You've kind of confirmed what he's trying to say though. 

😂  😖  Whhhhhhhhaaaaat ?

By exposing his obvious lack of balanced understanding of the drugs problem (which is incidentally a worldwide issue and includes the middle east, even Iran !) I have confirmed what he's trying to say ?! I'd heard of pigeon English but it seems we have to add PigeonWatch "logic" to cloud cuckoo analytical rationale. 

The only thing I've confirmed is how easily some people are prepared to absolve themselves of any responsibility, blaming the "other" is part and parcel of the problem. 

Drugs and money go hand in hand, disenfranchised, marginalised folk seeking the American dream that's shoved down their throats by popular media sometimes resort to crime as they see it as the only way to break into the world that's denied them, they happen to be at the bottom rung and by sheer weight of numbers alone the most visible part of the problem, we don't get to see or hear of who the big boys are, nor do we seem to be too willing to attach blame to the users themselves.  

You ought to take a step back sometimes and see things for others perspective, Pakistani's are blamed one minute over here, then blacks and South Americans blamed for the problems over there ! Honestly, some of you need to get a grip. 

1 hour ago, NoBodyImportant said:

I didn’t say that?  I said they choose drugs because there it a social net to catch them when they fall.  I could literally quit work right now and get high.  My children and I would be fed.  Our rent would be paid.  The only reason I don’t is because I’m not a piece of ****. America has created a system that rewards you for not working.  It rewards you for not getting married when a girl gets knocked up.  When you raise children in broken homes in government housing projects you get druggies.  

You are right in that America has created a broken society, you spend too much on wars and fake Freedom/Democracy and don't pay nearly enough attention to your own problems. 

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I agree 100%.  America should shut her foreign bases down.  Russian is not a threat to the USA.  If Russian did go on the attack America could mobilize in two weeks.  Imagine the strength America would have if we funneled the money we spend on foreign bases in to building our military up. As for the Middle East we need to  get out of charitable country building.  When America goes to war our planes should arrive on Tuesday, Blow a bunch of **** up on Wednesday, and be home by Thursday.  Damn all the school, hospital, infrastructure building in Afghanistan.  I’m tired of my taxes going to aid our enemies by winning their hearts in mind. 

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1 hour ago, Hamster said:

😂  😖  Whhhhhhhhaaaaat ?

By exposing his obvious lack of balanced understanding of the drugs problem (which is incidentally a worldwide issue and includes the middle east, even Iran !) I have conformed what he's trying to say ?! I'd heard of pigeon English but it seems we have to add PigeonWatch "logic" to cloud cuckoo analytical rationale. 

The only thing I've confirmed is how easily some people are prepared to absolve themselves of any responsibility, blaming the "other" is part and parcel of the problem. 

Drugs and money go hand in hand, disenfranchised, marginalised folk seeking the American dream that's shoved down their throats by popular media sometimes resort to crime as they see it as the only way to break into the world that's denied them, they happen to be at the bottom rung and by sheer weight of numbers alone the most visible part of the problem, we don't get to see or hear of who the big boys are, nor do we seem to be too willing to attach blame to the users themselves.  

You ought to take a step back sometimes and see things for others perspective, Pakistani's are blamed one minute over here, then blacks and South Americans blamed for the problems over there ! Honestly, some of you need to get a grip. 

Well that escalated quickly 😂

We went from a man giving his opinion on what causes the problems with drugs and other elements in his LOCAL area, to you insinuating we are all 'racists'
Which is exactly what I meant when I said youve confirmed what he said , as in 'We cant tackle that problem like we want to , because we might get called racists' !
So we just let the problem slide, its the lesser of 2 'evils'
But surely he knows more about his locality than you do ?

But you say he doesnt have a balanced understanding of the drug problem, thats like saying all drug 'problems' have the same root cause, when they clearly dont.
Its like saying the root cause of knife crime in London is the same as knife crime in Glasgow, its not, but hey , lets not go there because 'racism'

N. and S. Carolina have poor neighbourhoods , they also have plenty of towns with white minorities http://www.city-data.com/city/North-Carolina.html 
But if someone dares say that there are more black drug dealers in certain areas than others, we have to decry them as racist ?
THAT is where I say you have confirmed what hes saying, its either true or its not true, dont say you cant say it , or explain it away by insinuating its not their fault, because 'poverty/slavery/ white privilege/the US MIC.
White or black/other, if people choose to destroy their towns and neighbourhoods by turning a blind eye to the problem of drugs and crime, then they have themselves to blame, not 'society' or government, or indeed other races.

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15 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Well that escalated quickly 😂

We went from a man giving his opinion on what causes the problems with drugs and other elements in his LOCAL area, to you insinuating we are all 'racists'
Which is exactly what I meant when I said youve confirmed what he said , as in 'We cant tackle that problem like we want to , because we might get called racists' !
So we just let the problem slide, its the lesser of 2 'evils'
But surely he knows more about his locality than you do ?

But you say he doesnt have a balanced understanding of the drug problem, thats like saying all drug 'problems' have the same root cause, when they clearly dont.
Its like saying the root cause of knife crime in London is the same as knife crime in Glasgow, its not, but hey , lets not go there because 'racism'

N. and S. Carolina have poor neighbourhoods , they also have plenty of towns with white minorities http://www.city-data.com/city/North-Carolina.html 
But if someone dares say that there are more black drug dealers in certain areas than others, we have to decry them as racist ?
THAT is where I say you have confirmed what hes saying, its either true or its not true, dont say you cant say it , or explain it away by insinuating its not their fault, because 'poverty/slavery/ white privilege/the US MIC.
White or black/other, if people choose to destroy their towns and neighbourhoods by turning a blind eye to the problem of drugs and crime, then they have themselves to blame, not 'society' or government, or indeed other races.

😂 it sure did.  There is night and day deference in the country blacks and the urban youth.  I  a have a little private range behind my house and one of guys  that shoots with me is a black guy.  He was joking about not being black enough to take a job in Chester SC.  

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6 minutes ago, NoBodyImportant said:

😂 it sure did.  There is night and day deference in the country blacks and the urban youth.  I  a have a little private range behind my house and one of guys  that shoots with me is a black guy.  He was joking about not being black enough to take a job in Chester SC.  


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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:


But if someone dares say that there are more black drug dealers in certain areas than others, we have to decry them as racist ?
THAT is where I say you have confirmed what hes saying, its either true or its not true, dont say you cant say it , or explain it away by insinuating its not their fault, because 'poverty/slavery/ white privilege/the US MIC.
White or black/other, if people choose to destroy their towns and neighbourhoods by turning a blind eye to the problem of drugs and crime, then they have themselves to blame, not 'society' or government, or indeed other races.

First off I didn't say "you" are all racists, I did my best to expose the fact that if the first thing that comes into your mind when debating such a diverse and difficult problem such as drugs is to mention blacks and whites and race then yeah, maybe your default radar is a little bit off kilter. 

Even if drugs were more "black" in one area than the other it still doesn't prove a thing because unless you're brave enough and prepared to go to the root cause of problems your simplistic colour differentiations are just that.

Wars are largely a white "problem", don't hear or read of threads going ballistic on that one 😶 THAT"S what I'm saying. I've had warnings as well as comments removed when mentioning parallels in our world to draw attention to deeply held cynical hypocrisies and double standards, THAT too is the product of the off kilter world we live in. 

If it pleases anyone to think blacks are the cause and problem of drugs, then be my guest, the problem will remain unsolved and our kids will be having the same pointless conversation in a few decades. 



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3 hours ago, Hamster said:

😂  😖  Whhhhhhhhaaaaat ?

By exposing his obvious lack of balanced understanding of the drugs problem (which is incidentally a worldwide issue and includes the middle east, even Iran !) I have confirmed what he's trying to say ?! I'd heard of pigeon English but it seems we have to add PigeonWatch "logic" to cloud cuckoo analytical rationale. 

The only thing I've confirmed is how easily some people are prepared to absolve themselves of any responsibility, blaming the "other" is part and parcel of the problem. 

Drugs and money go hand in hand, disenfranchised, marginalised folk seeking the American dream that's shoved down their throats by popular media sometimes resort to crime as they see it as the only way to break into the world that's denied them, they happen to be at the bottom rung and by sheer weight of numbers alone the most visible part of the problem, we don't get to see or hear of who the big boys are, nor do we seem to be too willing to attach blame to the users themselves.  

You ought to take a step back sometimes and see things for others perspective, Pakistani's are blamed one minute over here, then blacks and South Americans blamed for the problems over there ! Honestly, some of you need to get a grip. 

You are right in that America has created a broken society, you spend too much on wars and fake Freedom/Democracy and don't pay nearly enough attention to your own problems. 

What??? And the UK is some kind of Nirvana? We have a broken society here, for all the same reasons as the US. Wander around any large UK town or city and see it for yourself. Refer to many of the other threads on PW in recent weeks, which have detailed just how broke our UK society is. Its not just the U.S. ……….

I happen to agree with NI - why the heck cant we recognise that some communities & cultures suffer from specific problems - racism needn't come into it.

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