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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Is this it?

Doc Holliday

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21 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

It may not be this one, it may not be the next one but it WILL come, its only a matter of time

It does suprise me that nothing like Spanish flu outbreak has happened since. But yeah you're right, it's bound to happen at some point and with world travel as easy and accessible as it is it's going to be far worse.

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11 minutes ago, Farmboy91 said:

It does suprise me that nothing like Spanish flu outbreak has happened since. But yeah you're right, it's bound to happen at some point and with world travel as easy and accessible as it is it's going to be far worse.

am i right in thinking it killed 50 odd million ?

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7 minutes ago, ditchman said:

am i right in thinking it killed 50 odd million ?

Recent estimates put it at 50 - 100 million over the 30 odd years  it was around.

No one knows where it came from, its only called Spanish flu because of a Spanish newspaper headline.

The stronger you were, the more likely it was to die from it, 20 - 40 years old was the most likely fatal age.
This was due to the bodies attempts to fight it off, killing the victim.
Even with the poor transportation links back then, it soon went pretty much worldwide.

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6 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Im sure theyll be put into quarantine at Brize, as well as air crew.

hello, sorry i meant the Huawei deal

5 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

Completely agree. Seconded by deciding to bring back UK citizens from a quarantined area risking the whole UK population.

hello, i am sure they will have the very best care in Brize Norton and where they are in quarantine but how many will be able to get on the plane let alone to the Airport

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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Just now, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, sorry i meant the Huawei deal

Ah I see.

You do realise the issue with Huawei has nothing to do with security, its purely political ?

Huawei products are used and have been used for over 10 years in all UK infrastructure to some extent, modems , PCB chips, phones ?
There are millions of people in this country with the well priced and excellent Huawei smartphones .

If 5g is a security hole, then so is every piece of Chinese tech already here.

And believe me, theres LOT of Chinese tech out there, you are likely using it right now, in some shape or form.

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Just now, Rewulf said:

Ah I see.

You do realise the issue with Huawei has nothing to do with security, its purely political ?

Huawei products are used and have been used for over 10 years in all UK infrastructure to some extent, modems , PCB chips, phones ?
There are millions of people in this country with the well priced and excellent Huawei smartphones .

If 5g is a security hole, then so is every piece of Chinese tech already here.

And believe me, theres LOT of Chinese tech out there, you are likely using it right now, in some shape or form.

hello, yes i agree but why do the USA not agree ?

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1 minute ago, Rewulf said:

Ah I see.

You do realise the issue with Huawei has nothing to do with security, its purely political ?

Huawei products are used and have been used for over 10 years in all UK infrastructure to some extent, modems , PCB chips, phones ?
There are millions of people in this country with the well priced and excellent Huawei smartphones .

If 5g is a security hole, then so is every piece of Chinese tech already here.

And believe me, theres LOT of Chinese tech out there, you are likely using it right now, in some shape or form.

All of that maybe true.

But Tony B-Liar is on their payroll in some shape or form and that is enough for me not to trust them 1 iota

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29 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, British Government now confirm a plane will bring back citizens into Brize Norton, Wuhan is in lock down with no transport links so how will they get to airport ?

With difficulty. My friend is 60km from the airport and there's no transportation of any kind running. Plus, its impossible to get through the roadblocks without paperwork and the British consulate didn't email the paperwork until an hour before the deadline. 60kms at night on motor scooters with two kids through roadblocks. Can't  be done. They're staying. 

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Just now, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, yes i agree but why do the USA not agree ?

Proxy war brewing.

China is growing so quickly, it will soon over take the US as a world economic power.
With that, it wont be long before China becomes bigger militarily.

The US seeks to economically limit Chinas growth using tariffs , and bullying other nations into not buying cheap Chinese kit.

I believe they have tackled the problem far too late in the day.

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2 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Proxy war brewing.

China is growing so quickly, it will soon over take the US as a world economic power.
With that, it wont be long before China becomes bigger militarily.

The US seeks to economically limit Chinas growth using tariffs , and bullying other nations into not buying cheap Chinese kit.

I believe they have tackled the problem far too late in the day.

hello, do you not think they are a security risk to UK, sorry to digress off on post

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3 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

But Tony B-Liar is on their payroll in some shape or form and that is enough for me not to trust them 1 iota

True, and Im not saying we should trust them, the Chinese are not adverse to intellectual theft and cheating to gain advantage, but....
Theres a reason their equipment is favoured, its high quality, and its saves billions, we already use it !

Like I say , if your suspicion is that they create back doors in the hardware, then we are doomed anyway, as we are , and have been using Huawei tech for YEARS .

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3 hours ago, Retsdon said:

With difficulty. My friend is 60km from the airport and there's no transportation of any kind running. Plus, its impossible to get through the roadblocks without paperwork and the British consulate didn't email the paperwork until an hour before the deadline. 60kms at night on motor scooters with two kids through roadblocks. Can't  be done. They're staying. 

hello, sorry to hear that, they will have to sit it out as we say, as long as the family are together, enough food etc i can only wish them well PS i hope your doing ok

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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2 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, do you not think they are a security risk to UK, sorry to digress off on post

Myself , no, and neither do our government, or they would nt allow ANY Huawei tech in at all.

No saying we shouldnt keep a beady eye on all Chinese tech products though.

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