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I cleared out my shed yesterday (see other post on retirement!) only to find that the mice had been having a field day. The variety of stuff they had chewed was incredible:

Plastic dustbin containing bird food 

wings on decoy flappers

camouflage hat and T-shirt

Game bag (very annoyed at this as I had only used it once)

paper towels

Dog training vest and dummy’s

plastic paddling pool (used to wash dog)

I think I found the hole they were coming through and have sealed it up but I am sure they will be back. 









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It wasnt me!

Nothing mice like more than an undisturbed garage or shed full of stuff you don't want chewing,  and they never chew stuff that doesn't matter.

Give it a good clean out then get some traps down,  put them along the walls so the mice run into them and keep a tally of how many you get.

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33 minutes ago, AVB said:

I cleared out my shed yesterday (see other post on retirement!) only to find that the mice had been having a field day. The variety of stuff they had chewed was incredible:

Plastic dustbin containing bird food 

wings on decoy flappers

camouflage hat and T-shirt

Game bag (very annoyed at this as I had only used it once)

paper towels

Dog training vest and dummy’s

plastic paddling pool (used to wash dog)

I think I found the hole they were coming through and have sealed it up but I am sure they will be back. 









You said you needed a challenge now retiring lol.

They will keep ya busy!

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I also keep mouse traps set round the garage and shed for the dog food and freezers just get the odd one now and again , but my son moved into a new house and saw a mouse in the kitchen gave him a couple of traps and hes now into double figures , guy at work also moved found a mouse stuck on glue boards in the loft gave him a couple of traps and hes got 4 in a week 

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When I was a student many years ago I lived in a shared house in Brixton that had a perennial mouse population. Myself and a fellow we called Baggins used to have good sport sitting at the kitchen table of an evening by candlelight, drinking beer and taking turns with an air pistol to pot at them as they came out. 

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