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23 minutes ago, David BASC said:

Stop high jacking threads andrewwluke,  if you want to comment on concessions and membership prices that's fine but for goodness sake use the lead thread to discuss lead uses.

truth hurts?

the end!

Edited by andrewluke
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On 17/03/2020 at 16:12, andrewluke said:

of course i have a personal agenda/axe to grind,it was myself who asked for help when i needed it on more than one occassion but it was not forthcoming,it's what i thought i paid BASC for,would you be happy throwing money away???

i'm not "throwing brickbats at all organsations" just BASC who i pay my subscription too

You don’t think it may have been how you asked for help from BASC, rather than what you asked for, that resulted in you receiving no help........do you?

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Just now, southeastpete said:

Well I’m sorry but the last few days/weeks I’ve been reading threads and everyone discusses stuff fine, then you and Andrew Luke come along and it descends into petty arguments and obstinacy.

life as a sheep would be most comfortable but unfortunately some of us do not give in to bully’s who think insulting people will force them to follow the party line  my view is my view everyone is welcome to disagree 

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10 minutes ago, clangerman said:

the truth is unpleasant denial does not change it but as your comment is exactly the type of abuse i was talking about to jjs dad about you have made my day thank you 

Do you still use asbestos? 
when it first came out it was fantastic and now years down the line the consequences are pretty much obvious 


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Just now, Old farrier said:

Do you still use asbestos? 
when it first came out it was fantastic and now years down the line the consequences are pretty much obvious 


the consequences of bullying people are far more severe it would be one sad world if your not allowed a view or is it the case now the forum like the antis only accept one view 

Just now, panoma1 said:

And there’s more than one way to skin a cat, without trying bashing its head in first!

the only one getting bashed in here is ME my friend couple more and you have a mob most pleasant to watch is it not? 

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1 hour ago, southeastpete said:

Well I’m sorry but the last few days/weeks I’ve been reading threads and everyone discusses stuff fine, then you and Andrew Luke come along and it descends into petty arguments and obstinacy.

tell me what i have said that is wrong???

2 hours ago, panoma1 said:

You don’t think it may have been how you asked for help from BASC, rather than what you asked for, that resulted in you receiving no help........do you?


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