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School closures

henry d

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At work now -

No bog roll.

No paper hand towels.

No alcohol gel left.

Attendance around 60%.

Staff (around 10-15) off as per guidance / self isolating. 

No anti bacterial wipes left (for PC keyboard etc.) These run out at least a week ago. 



Edited by markm
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Ideal opportunity for the teachers to give the class rooms a coat of paint I say, instead of being sat at home watching Netflix give them a brush & a tin of paint unless they are poorly then it’s two weeks in the house then get on with it like the rest of us.

Edited by blackbird
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26 minutes ago, markm said:

At work now -

No bog roll.

No paper hand towels.

No alcohol gel left.

Attendance around 60%.

Staff (around 10-15) off as per guidance / self isolating. 

No anti bacterial wipes left (for PC keyboard etc.) These run out at least a week ago. 

Where do you work? Tesco or Sainsbury?

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2 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Where do you work? Tesco or Sainsbury?

In a secondary school, 1200 kids, 120 staff, north of England city centre. 

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Why can’t  I be a teacher  😭

You can. Very easy to apply.  

If you need any help with your application, I would be happy to help. 


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39 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Ideal opportunity for the teachers to give the class rooms a coat of paint I say, instead of being sat at home watching Netflix give them a brush & a tin of paint unless they are poorly then it’s two weeks in the house then get on with it like the rest of us.

Apparently they will be redeployed to care homes and cemeteries... the mind boggles!

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A friend is today teaching a class of 75 due to staff absence. 

the same friend has also volunteered to run classes of some sort for those working in vital industries while the schools are off. 

there is a big case here of ‘isolated’ children gathering in town today - the schools are all still providing a full service. 

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Ideal opportunity for the teachers to give the class rooms a coat of paint I say, instead of being sat at home watching Netflix give them a brush & a tin of paint unless they are poorly then it’s two weeks in the house then get on with it like the rest of us.

You forget maybe a lot of teachers have kids to look after as well,  teachers have gone off where my wife works and everyone is stepping up to help cover bigger groups of kids.

The longer the schools stay open the better for everyone who works but I don't think it will be much longer. 

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22 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Or if they are not prepared to be redeployed ask them what Richard Branson has asked his staff to do & take two months leave without pay.

Sending people who work with super spreaders to help in care homes...

What happens when the general public hear that dozens of people who work in schools are now working in the cemetery...

Not thought through

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13 minutes ago, blackbird said:

If you asked the cabin crew in Virgin would you rather be redeployed or have no pay for two months I wonder what the reply would be

Did you get detention or were made to stand in the corner as a kid?

From this and previous posting on Teachers, you sure have some ‘beef’ with them.

Redeployment - usually means taking an office position or such like, being told your working in a mortuary isn’t exactly the choice anyone would really wish for, unless it was your chosen profession.

What is it you do/did? 

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I work in an independent day/boarding school and are we closing our doors to most pupils on Friday.

We will be open for the families of key workers and vulnerable children as asking by the government.

We are compiling work to be drip fed to pupils and will make ourselves available to take phone calls from from parents and pupils to assist with the continuity of learning.

Our boarding department is closing however we would open to accommodate children of key workers if needed.

If I am not teaching I will be joining the housekeeping team to deep clean the school and them make myself available to do any tasks the headmaster decides to delegate - painting, grass cutting etc.

The idea that schools are closing doesn’t sign an extended holiday for teachers.

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Where my ex wife works will be open to children of Key Workers, my wife is now regarded as a Key Worker because this will allow Key Workers to assist people.


But to be allowed to get your children admitted either you are a single parent Key Worker or both parents are Key Workers.


This afternoon a personal trainer attempted to justify that she was a Key Worker!:w00t:

She received short shrift from the school.:good:

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