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New medical forms with renewals


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anyone experiencing problems with their GPs dragging there feet or refusing outright to sign these new medical release forms

My forms have been in the surgery now for a fornight and the doctor who signs these has been off for 3 weeks

time is getting on now and they still havent been done i want to post the forms and its pxxxxxg me off now

considering that i have got to pay for the privilege I.ll give my FLO a call and see what they say because this is a joke no doubt if I wanted a dodgy sick note or was on benifits he.d sign at the drop of a hat 

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A shooting mate has just got his renewal forms from GMP. His father got a letter - free of charge - from the GP about 8 weeks ago. He went to see the same GP to be told that they no longer sign them. We all share the same doctor in the same group practice.

He spoke to GMP, who confirmed that he needed a GP's signature and a Subject Access Request print out of his medical records would not be accepted. He said the staff were quite helpful, but they said they didn't make the rules. They suggested "Medcert" and another firm, which is the route he is taking.

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2 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

Mine refused to have anything to do with the form. I had to request my full medical records (took them nearly a month) and then I sent them to a GP listed via BASC. All sorted now.

It would sem this is the way to go.  We all know when our renewals are due, so get the application in to your Practise for your records well in advance then send to GP as above.

You are entitled to the full record no arguments and this just takes a click of a mouse.   I went privately to a heart surgeon and needed my records to take for his information,  my Doctor just clicked on his mouse and handed me the details there and then in duplicate. Copy for me copy for the surgeon.

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I had a very similar problem with my local surgery, I started getting letters from TVP saying that my application still hadn't been returned and that time was running out. I had already rang the surgery 3 times then the final time I rang and asked the Practice Manager to call the Firearms dept and explain the delay, I also told him that, if my guns had to go into storage (13 of them) then I would take legal action to reclaim my costs - guess what was ready next day!!

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New medical forms? Renewed my SGC and applied for FAC just over a year ago. Supplied my doctors surgery address on the application form. Wasn't asked for anything else.

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2 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

Mine refused to have anything to do with the form. I had to request my full medical records (took them nearly a month) and then I Modified them to remove the fact that I was depressed and an alcoholic and sent them to a GP listed via BASC. All sorted now.

Only joking, but hardly a secure process is it after all if you were likely to lie on the application form that this medical process is supposed to stop you would not think twice about going down this path and edit or omit pages from your medical records before sending them to a GP who has never met you and does not know you. Just a joke of a situation a mess but so long as the chief constable has his backside covered it matters not.


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The amazing thing is how long these certificates have been in existence.   I remember having applications in my In tray to check out back in the 70s when i was working a local beat.  Back then we knew most of the nutters on our areas, that was our job.  We would call round when convenient make an asessment and the licenses where issued  or not on our say so.. 

Unfortunately those days are not going to return.  Too many over educated idiots in charge and it seems from the banning of the Black Country flag it is also infiltrating the Fire Service

OK the very few occasions where a legally held firearm has been used to harm or kill people is very small in comparison to the number of guns legally held out there.  Just typical covering their backsides. 

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36 minutes ago, rbrowning2 said:

Only joking, but hardly a secure process is it after all if you were likely to lie on the application form that this medical process is supposed to stop you would not think twice about going down this path and edit or omit pages from your medical records before sending them to a GP who has never met you and does not know you. Just a joke of a situation a mess but so long as the chief constable has his backside covered it matters not.


This. I moved to another practise three years ago and have met my GP once....for a bladder infection. 
She knows nothing about me, whereas the bloke who referees my applications knows just about everything there is to know about me; much more than any GP I’ve had past or present. 

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If my practise stops signing the medical form i can see me having problems when i request all my medical documents as i have no records from 1984 until 1991, and it would look like i have removed some of my medical history when i pass it to another company to look at, the reality is the Army convieniently "lost" my docs while the gulf war was on, well i say lost i know they are in a big hole along with thousands of others in the desert.


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Forgive my naivety, but renewing my SGC, my doctor received an un-numbered medical form(I thought all official documents had a reference number) and promptly delayed returning it to the FET or me until the 22nd day (required within 21 days) it was given to me after a demand for £20 . 

I was not aware that this document was a requirement for renewal and cannot find reference in the published information documents.

maybe I missed it and this is the current law, I hope not a police interference and blocking tool.

Perhaps one of you could enlighten me. I have sent to the FET a pdf of the now late document, and await their response 

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23 minutes ago, Perazzishot said:

My latest forms stressed it was not you asking the Dr to verify you but the police asking the Dr to agree to inform them of any historic issues, and you are agreeing for the police to have a marker on your medical file so the Dr is then legally to disclose any issues to the police. 

The medical reporting as part of an application depends on where you live, if the force is following Home office guide 2016 then yes you just complete the application form and the police do any medical checking but for a lot this is no longer the case and the police will not even accept the application form unless attached is also the the GPs report.


once the police issue you with a certificate, they write to your registered GP requesting they add an enduring marker to your records that You own firearms and that should any of the relevant medical conditions occur that the GP notifies the police.

But none of this GP involvement  is backed up by law and is not part of their NHS contract so not all are engaging in the process just like some will not even complete the applicants medical report request. It is then that you need to find an accommodating GP that will do the report, locally or by post.



22 hours ago, Walker570 said:

The amazing thing is how long these certificates have been in existence.   I remember having applications in my In tray to check out back in the 70s when i was working a local beat.  Back then we knew most of the nutters on our areas, that was our job.  We would call round when convenient make an asessment and the licenses where issued  or not on our say so.. 

Those days are indeed long gone it is a different country, blame game and **** covering now, sad is it not?

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14 hours ago, impala59 said:

Didn’t realise I was that out of touch🤨

🙂 Just pulling your leg. It’s been going on for many years now, in many different formats dependant on where you live. There is no consistency to it, nor the fees charged by GP’s if they are in fact willing to do it....not all are. The rozzers are just making it up as they see fit because our shooting orgs are powerless to do anything about it, although BASC do have a friendly doc’ on tap who will do the deed for a fee, after you’ve paid to join BASC aswell of course.  Sorted. 🙂

Edited by Scully
Typed goggledygook!
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So the gravy train moves on, one wonders what will be next. I wonder what the legislators view is of civil servants making up procedures and conditions that are not debated, voted upon or passed through parliament. Surely in our democracy such actions are unlawful, illegal and those flaunting their positions should be prosecuted vigorously. This is not a police state ( I am a staunch supporter of our police service) Why are our representive organisations silent? 

What can we do?

where will it end

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2 hours ago, mossy835 said:

the orgs do nothing because it will cost them money.

To be fair the orgs can do nothing, because nothing can be done other than via political coercion, as the firearms act was written way back when society was a lot different than it is today and the act gave the Chief Officer unlimited scope for them to do what ever they consider necessary to conclude the applicant is a fit and proper person to own firearms. So they are acting within the law.

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Well good news I got my forms back yesterday from the doctors in a sealed envelope

by the time I added the other forms and posted them off this morning  I had to pay the large package rate for postage 

gawd knows what other paperwork the doc put in that sealed envelope or well fingers crossed now it.ll most probably be wrong or something lol 

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