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Weird virus


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I gave it this title as the spread and severity of the virus seems very unpredictable.

A couple of very good friends ( both double jabbed ) have just got over it after their special needs son brought it back from school, and infected both his parents and both siblings. Mate told me he didn’t even realise he had it until he realised he couldn’t smell the diesel he was pouring into a can. He added he and his wife had no symptoms other than an overwhelming tiredness that forced them both to bed as soon as possible after finishing work and getting the other kids off to bed. 
The 12 year old son of a mate in town brought it back from school but none of the other three in the family became infected! 
A 70 year old lady in the village ( double jabbed and boosted ) I was talking to earlier in the village, has just got over it after catching it at choir practice where the lady next to her didn’t get it, but most others present did. She said she had just thought she was starting with a cold, and got a PCR after a LFT returned positive. She told me she has had worse colds, and won’t have the flu jab as it knocks her out.

One of the staff at OH’s place of work has been coughing and barking most of the week, and after her husband started a couple of days ago ( both double jabbed ) the LFT’s they had both tried earlier in the week which showed negative both now showed positive. As a result, last night all five staff went for PCR’s and this afternoon four of them tested positive. OH tested negative. Only one of the four testing positive has no symptoms. Business is now closed for ten days. 
I’ve been asked out for a couple of drinks tonight, but will give it a miss, as even though I’m perfectly ok to do so, if OH develops symptoms over the weekend I’d feel awful if I was responsible for infecting others and shutting their business. 
Interesting times. 

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12 hours ago, Scully said:

I gave it this title as the spread and severity of the virus seems very unpredictable.

A couple of very good friends ( both double jabbed ) have just got over it after their special needs son brought it back from school, and infected both his parents and both siblings. Mate told me he didn’t even realise he had it until he realised he couldn’t smell the diesel he was pouring into a can. He added he and his wife had no symptoms other than an overwhelming tiredness that forced them both to bed as soon as possible after finishing work and getting the other kids off to bed. 
The 12 year old son of a mate in town brought it back from school but none of the other three in the family became infected! 
A 70 year old lady in the village ( double jabbed and boosted ) I was talking to earlier in the village, has just got over it after catching it at choir practice where the lady next to her didn’t get it, but most others present did. She said she had just thought she was starting with a cold, and got a PCR after a LFT returned positive. She told me she has had worse colds, and won’t have the flu jab as it knocks her out.

One of the staff at OH’s place of work has been coughing and barking most of the week, and after her husband started a couple of days ago ( both double jabbed ) the LFT’s they had both tried earlier in the week which showed negative both now showed positive. As a result, last night all five staff went for PCR’s and this afternoon four of them tested positive. OH tested negative. Only one of the four testing positive has no symptoms. Business is now closed for ten days. 
I’ve been asked out for a couple of drinks tonight, but will give it a miss, as even though I’m perfectly ok to do so, if OH develops symptoms over the weekend I’d feel awful if I was responsible for infecting others and shutting their business. 
Interesting times. 

One of the most worrying things for me about the whole Covid business , has been the apparent randomness of it ( it probably isn't random , it's just that we don't really understand it yet) .  Young fit people that should just shake it off , can lose their life within days of getting it , then very old infirm people , catch it and don't even know , as they have no symptoms . 

I've known personally,  people that have died from covid , and I know people that have had it ( they have antibodies ), but didn't even know that they've had it . I also know people that are still suffering ( to different degrees)  from long covid.

We hear expert opinion , and public opinion , from all sides of the covid puzzle,  lots of it makes perfect sense , even some of the conflicting opinions.

I've tried to use good common sense through it all (especially as my daughter is pregnant) , but I'm sort of at the putting my fingers in my ears stage now.


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Yeah, it’s a strange one indeed. OH has just done another LFT this morning, as we’ve both had very very mild cold symptoms for some days, which haven’t amounted to anything, and mine have gone as far as I can tell.
The test was clear, so we’re good to go we reckon, which is good as I have a few busy days ahead, and more importantly syndicate first driven day next Saturday. 🙂

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It certainly is weird Scully. 

Like most people, I have an extended circle of friends, clients a people you just know in a village. 100's one way or another. The only two people in that circle that weren't vaccinated, healthy, one under 55, the other not quite 50, both died from Covid....within a mile of where I live. Another on the outside of my circle also lost his life. Two of them sadly, before the vaccine was available and the youngest, super fit out door life was anti vax. 

It is odd that some have mild symptoms, and others is an absolute death sentence. There doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason. On LBC, there are several presenters encouraging people to continue taking care, masks etc, providing the science based data to back up their views. Then yesterday, Maajid Nawaz, yet again, rubbishing just about every facet of it, but using his caveat that he has been double jabbed, so not anti vax.

I have an associate, who still refers to it as the Scamdemic, totally anti vax, and has recently flown to Italy for the month. She was concerned that the pilot might have had the "Clot" shot, but was reassured by her internet "research" that its for this very reason, that pilots aren't allowed the vaccine!!! Dear god!!

The Lat flow test is alleged to only be 45% accurate due to a variety of reasons... I don't know how true this is....maybe someone on here has the data?

Its a truly mad period in our lives.

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2 minutes ago, Scully said:

Indeed. It’s brought out some weird people also. We know a lady who posted online a couple of weeks ago that she thought the pandemic was a ‘hoax’ until she tested positive! 
She then let it slip that thankfully she was double jabbed! 🤷‍♂️

Very strange!

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Strange indeed.  I've also been left feeling baffled (and very lucky) by a bit of a "near miss" kind of event recently.

Our syndicate had a social night on the Saturday before we started shooting.  We booked out the lounge of the local pub for drinks and a buffet meal and there must have been around 40 of us crammed in to the hot, stuffy room with no ventilation.  The landlord & landlady of the pub did the food and were also mingling socially with us all night.   Both of them felt unwell and tested positive for covid just two days later and had to shut the pub.

I visited my parents on the Sunday, and they also looked after my son on the Monday.  My dad's a goner if he gets covid.

How many people caught it from that night in the pub?  Zero.  Not even the barmaid who'd been working the bar alongside the landlord.

It's an absolute head-scratcher.

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  • 1 month later...

My wife and one son caught covid a couple of weeks ago. The two other boys and I have had countless PCR & Lateral Flow tests since then. Obviously we live together but, as i had assumed that our infection was inevitable. felt there was no point in trying to avoid it. During their illness we repeatedly ate with the same spoon, bathed together, slept in the same bed, accidentally shared toothbrushes etc. My son coughed all over me and my food, as delightful two year olds will. Yet we never caught it. Such a strange virus as some have been very ill with it, but we have failed to become infected. There must be a high degree of variation to susceptibility to this virus as I would consider myself no less sickly or have any higher natural immune levels than the next man. I have known people die and had close family seriously ill, so I’m not trying to downplay how serious it can be - just highlight how uneven it is. 

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This virus started off in a lab somewhere for sure and escaped by accident. The Chinese state isn’t particularly known for its warmth and compassion and I can’t but help think that a virus that helped natural selection along and ironed out the weak and the old (being drains on their super state) would have been right up there on their wish list.



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The USA funded the virus research in China, as they are not allowed to carry out gain of function research in the USA.


If the spike protein in the vaccines is as deleterious to the immune system and heart as it appears to be, the NWO will indeed have had their wish list fulfilled.

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10 hours ago, Stonepark said:

The USA funded the virus research in China, as they are not allowed to carry out gain of function research in the USA.


If the spike protein in the vaccines is as deleterious to the immune system and heart as it appears to be, the NWO will indeed have had their wish list fulfilled.

You posting that doesn't make it true, your evidence ?

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17 hours ago, ordnance said:

You posting that doesn't make it true, your evidence ?

I believe Gates , soros et al will be making a statement on their plans to curtail the population shortly.

They will update google and wikipedia in due course , gates will also admit why epstein had to be silenced, and how he assisted in getting the 'correct' US election result.

Why do people think that google or MSM will publish evidence of such things, Like 'Duh ! How can that be true , Ive done an internet search , and I cant find evidence for that claim, so it cant possibly be true'

Is the vaccine , any of them, up to 95% effective on stopping covid transmission , as claimed by pharma, NO.

Does it have an absolute plethora of side effects, some extremely serious , that are only just being admitted to, due to overwhelming numbers, YES.

Have we been lied to , over and over again about covid , YES.

Now google any of those 3 questions and find one MSM source that even goes anywhere near the truth.

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4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I believe Gates , soros et al will be making a statement on their plans to curtail the population shortly.

They will update google and wikipedia in due course , gates will also admit why epstein had to be silenced, and how he assisted in getting the 'correct' US election result.

Why do people think that google or MSM will publish evidence of such things, Like 'Duh ! How can that be true , Ive done an internet search , and I cant find evidence for that claim, so it cant possibly be true'

Is the vaccine , any of them, up to 95% effective on stopping covid transmission , as claimed by pharma, NO.

Does it have an absolute plethora of side effects, some extremely serious , that are only just being admitted to, due to overwhelming numbers, YES.

Have we been lied to , over and over again about covid , YES.

Now google any of those 3 questions and find one MSM source that even goes anywhere near the truth.

Just some people post things as factual without any evidence to back it up, if they put a big ( IMO )after it i would have no problems.  

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39 minutes ago, Stonepark said:

Not that claim, this claim ( If the spike protein in the vaccines is as deleterious to the immune system and heart as it appears to be, the NWO will indeed have had their wish list fulfilled.)

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Ah, when we get to New World Order I have to switch off. The idea that there is some secret cabal or coalition between all the world leaders is just fantasy.

The idea that the Russians, Chinese, Indians and Americans all have a common goal or purpose and are all getting on and along in working towards a new world order is blind to the tribal nature of human beings as well as reality. 

The rabbit holes people find themselves down eh?

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3 hours ago, Mungler said:

Ah, when we get to New World Order I have to switch off. The idea that there is some secret cabal or coalition between all the world leaders is just fantasy

I can appreciate your skepticism. 

But you must look past the idea of world leaders as we know them , who even so put forward a facade of animosity.

Who are the real movers and shakers, big business ,old world aristocratic families, large criminal cartels like the mafioso, I would imagine the people and organisations who really pull the strings of power, are those we have never even heard of.

The Bilderberg group is a good example, the guest list is mostly secret, the agenda is never published, its supposedly about business , with no national or cultural boundaries . It has hosted some world leaders, but mostly ex world leaders like our own Teflon Tony,  whose personal efforts to secure large contracts for massive corporations (Iraq war) , happened whilst and mostly after his tenure as pm, services rendered?

Take a look at the guest lists of known attendees over the years if you can find them, they are far from complete though, attendees are in the hundreds , not including lackeys or security...which is vast.

Look at the manipulations of people like soros and gates, the money they spend on media and protest orgs, they are not small sums, hundreds of millions , perhaps billions 

, soros has been proven to be involved in the movement of migrants out of Africa, financed blm and antifa, various protests for anti brexit and extinction rebellion,  again , tens of millions invested, what kind of philanthropy is this?

Gates has spent a proven $320 million on media donations recently,  a lot of it on CNN , who you wouldn't think would need donations, it's very difficult to believe there wasn't motive for these donations, and with his recent links to Epstein exposed, he needs friends. I would call that manipulation. 

Business is the language of the world, even when countries are at each others throats , those that can turn a profit , will find common ground and deal in the shadows. There are far too many examples of this to count.

So to think that a business cartel that crosses all borders , manipulates governments,  and acts as kingmaker,doesn't exist? , is a little short-sighted 

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23 hours ago, Rewulf said:

Is the vaccine , any of them, up to 95% effective on stopping covid transmission , as claimed by pharma, NO.

Does it have an absolute plethora of side effects, some extremely serious , that are only just being admitted to, due to overwhelming numbers, YES.

Have we been lied to , over and over again about covid , YES.

Now google any of those 3 questions and find one MSM source that even goes anywhere near the truth.

This, It has given me, the A-Z myocarditis. I had covid in Feb 2021. A day of flu and ten days of boredom. I had the A-Z in July 2021. Three days heart palpitations and nights sweats. I was sent via ambulance to coronary emergency unit. Was told it was a severe reaction to A-Z and that ?I wasn't the first with it and wouldn't be the last. Now it is coming out that if you had covid you should NOT have been given A-Z. 

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1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

I can appreciate your skepticism. 

But you must look past the idea of world leaders as we know them , who even so put forward a facade of animosity.

Who are the real movers and shakers, big business ,old world aristocratic families, large criminal cartels like the mafioso, I would imagine the people and organisations who really pull the strings of power, are those we have never even heard of.

The Bilderberg group is a good example, the guest list is mostly secret, the agenda is never published, its supposedly about business , with no national or cultural boundaries . It has hosted some world leaders, but mostly ex world leaders like our own Teflon Tony,  whose personal efforts to secure large contracts for massive corporations (Iraq war) , happened whilst and mostly after his tenure as pm, services rendered?

Take a look at the guest lists of known attendees over the years if you can find them, they are far from complete though, attendees are in the hundreds , not including lackeys or security...which is vast.

Look at the manipulations of people like soros and gates, the money they spend on media and protest orgs, they are not small sums, hundreds of millions , perhaps billions 

, soros has been proven to be involved in the movement of migrants out of Africa, financed blm and antifa, various protests for anti brexit and extinction rebellion,  again , tens of millions invested, what kind of philanthropy is this?

Gates has spent a proven $320 million on media donations recently,  a lot of it on CNN , who you wouldn't think would need donations, it's very difficult to believe there wasn't motive for these donations, and with his recent links to Epstein exposed, he needs friends. I would call that manipulation. 

Business is the language of the world, even when countries are at each others throats , those that can turn a profit , will find common ground and deal in the shadows. There are far too many examples of this to count.

So to think that a business cartel that crosses all borders , manipulates governments,  and acts as kingmaker,doesn't exist? , is a little short-sighted 

That’s all just nonsense though.

Unless all the Russian and Chinese billionaires and trillionaires are on board with this global plan (and why would they be) then it’s the usual Soros, Gates and Bezos conspiracy nonsense.

Indeed, the richest man on the planet is apparently Putin - I don’t see him teaming up with anyone. And what about the Arab states and all those Chinese trillionaires whose names we don’t even know. 

Bezos was nowhere twenty years ago, Soros is a financial markets manipulator and Gates has given away more money than the average country’s GDP.

Unless of course you’re going the extra jump to lizard people.


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