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Hearing Aids

Old Boggy

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I have posted before how a decent pair of hearing aids have dramatically changed my life allowing me to now engage in conversations that previously left me out in the cold hearing very little of what was going on. This was especially true in crowded places, restaurants., pubs etc.

Anyway, I have just had a retest of my hearing and have learnt something new.

The retest indicated that my hearing has improved over certain areas of the sound spectrum and not worsened over others. 

Now I would have thought that wearing them would have worsened my hearing being that I’m more reliant on them. In fact, the reverse is true on the basis that they stimulate the brain and improve the hearing. Every day is a school day as they say.

The young lady (and very nice she is too) could tell that I wear mine all day as opposed to some of her other customers who only wear them for a few hours a day and when in company, whose hearing deteriorates significantly.

Now I know there must be many of a similar age on PW who, like me, did not wear ear protection when shooting in their younger days and now suffer hearing loss. 

I’m also of an age when vanity no longer comes into the equation so I wear mine constantly and often use the excuse of early shooting days without protection, but knowing that old age is also a contributing factor.

So a bit of a heads up to anyone who wears hearing aids, wear them as long as you can during the day as reliance on them can be beneficial and not counterproductive as I initially thought.


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3 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

I have posted before how a decent pair of hearing aids have dramatically changed my life allowing me to now engage in conversations that previously left me out in the cold hearing very little of what was going on. This was especially true in crowded places, restaurants., pubs etc.

Anyway, I have just had a retest of my hearing and have learnt something new.

The retest indicated that my hearing has improved over certain areas of the sound spectrum and not worsened over others. 

Now I would have thought that wearing them would have worsened my hearing being that I’m more reliant on them. In fact, the reverse is true on the basis that they stimulate the brain and improve the hearing. Every day is a school day as they say.

The young lady (and very nice she is too) could tell that I wear mine all day as opposed to some of her other customers who only wear them for a few hours a day and when in company, whose hearing deteriorates significantly.

Now I know there must be many of a similar age on PW who, like me, did not wear ear protection when shooting in their younger days and now suffer hearing loss. 

I’m also of an age when vanity no longer comes into the equation so I wear mine constantly and often use the excuse of early shooting days without protection, but knowing that old age is also a contributing factor.

So a bit of a heads up to anyone who wears hearing aids, wear them as long as you can during the day as reliance on them can be beneficial and not counterproductive as I initially thought.


I am unable to 'NOT' wear them  ! 

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Im curious to know whether i would benefit from a hearing aid.

Just over three years ago i suffered several strokes and hearing was just one of the things that got me. Most of the time i stay quiet when with friends/family because i just cant hear them. I do try to lip read but if someone facing away i dont have a chance.

Any idea?

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13 hours ago, Imperfection said:

Im curious to know whether i would benefit from a hearing aid.

Just over three years ago i suffered several strokes and hearing was just one of the things that got me. Most of the time i stay quiet when with friends/family because i just cant hear them. I do try to lip read but if someone facing away i dont have a chance.

Any idea?

It is surprising how much lip reading comes into the equation when engaged in conversation.

I think it would be well worth you visiting an audiologist for a free hearing test. They will be able to advise whether a hearing aid/aids would be beneficial in your case. It could change you life as I know how frustrating it is and how isolated you can feel.

Well worth a go.


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16 hours ago, Imperfection said:

Im curious to know whether i would benefit from a hearing aid.

Just over three years ago i suffered several strokes and hearing was just one of the things that got me. Most of the time i stay quiet when with friends/family because i just cant hear them. I do try to lip read but if someone facing away i dont have a chance.

Any idea?

2 strokes were the exact cause of my losing my hearing to its current state.

Visit your GP (good luck with that one), ask for an appointment with your local Hospital Audiology department.  Have a hearing test and let them decide if you need hearing aids or not. You could also go to Specsavers, but I do not know if they will charge you. I recently went to Specsavers and it cost me £55 for 5 minutes work, having my ears syringed.

If you are married, hearing aids can be a boon.......they have an OFF switch    !  😄

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Through firing many 1000's of rounds with shotguns in my eariler days (mid teens, and not wearing hearing protection)and also working in a factory(1977-2000) which was very noisy and no hearing protection offered, I have suffered with Tinnutis ever since. I used to hear a high pitched whine when in a quiet area or when in bed, but for the past few years, I can hear it constantly. I had a hearing test via the NHS which showed that I am 'deaf' to different levels of sound. I was fitted with a hearing aid for my left ear, and another for the right to 'balance' everything. All that these have done is amplify the Tinnutis as well as speach etc. I was advised not to bother with the 'fancy' ones on offer from the likes of Boots/Specsavers as they do the same thing. Whether if this is true or not, I don't know.

Edited by steve_b_wales
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3 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

Through firing many 1000's of rounds with shotguns in my eariler days (mid teens)and also working in a factory(1977-2000) which was very noisy and no hearing protection offered, I have suffered with Tinnutis ever since. I used to hear a high pitched whine when in a quiet area or when in bed, but for the past few years, I can hear it constantly. I had a hearing test via the NHS which showed that I am 'deaf' to different levels of sound. I was fitted with a hearing aid for my left ear, and another for the right to 'balance' everything. All that these have done is amplify the Tinnutis as well as speach etc. I was advised not to bother with the 'fancy' ones on offer from the likes of Boots/Specsavers as they do the same thing. Whether if this is true or not, I don't know.

I initially went to Boots for a free hearing test, then a pal recommended another company called Regain Hearing who carried out a more in depth hearing test and also they are renown as tinnitus specialists. I suffer from tinnitus, but not a high pitched tone, more of a constant rumbling which is reasonably bearable and sometimes not noticed unless in a very quiet environment . I understand that tinnitus is within the brain, so do not fully understand how your hearing aids amplify the whine noise. Anyway, with my aids I am able to control within reason the tinnitus via an app on my phone which can create certain sounds to mask the rumbling noise I get. 

Like Westley above, I can turn off both or either one via a switch or by my phone. This is particularly useful when driving with the wife beside me and can turn the left one off:lol:

However, the most useful setting is a `Noisy Environment` setting which cuts out all noise around me apart from a small arc in front, such that in a crowded environment like a pub or restaurant I can at last hear clearly the conversation in the direction in which I am facing. I must admit that this has changed my life and I only wished that I`d done it sooner.


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I was tested and fitted with two NHS hearing aids about 10 years ago. A very disappointing outcome. I was hoping to hear the birds sing again after 40 years, but in the countryside all that was amplified was traffic tyre noise from half a mile away. In pubs/restaurants the background noise nearly blew my head off. I took them back to the audiologist and was told, “we can’t amplify what you can’t already hear. I persisted about one month and have never used them since.

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11 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

It is surprising how much lip reading comes into the equation when engaged in conversation.

I think it would be well worth you visiting an audiologist for a free hearing test. They will be able to advise whether a hearing aid/aids would be beneficial in your case. It could change you life as I know how frustrating it is and how isolated you can feel.

Well worth a go.


I think a hearing test is due.

7 hours ago, Westley said:

2 strokes were the exact cause of my losing my hearing to its current state.

Visit your GP (good luck with that one), ask for an appointment with your local Hospital Audiology department.  Have a hearing test and let them decide if you need hearing aids or not. You could also go to Specsavers, but I do not know if they will charge you. I recently went to Specsavers and it cost me £55 for 5 minutes work, having my ears syringed.

If you are married, hearing aids can be a boon.......they have an OFF switch    !  😄

Trouble is, got more chance of picking next weeks lottery numbers. When i need to talk to a doc i use their call back facility. If you dont you sit in a queue of 40+ people doing same.

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Whatdi DD EE say...??  Gunfire... engines running in the workshop... other industrial noises.... getting older..  I  remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when HIT by tinnitus.   I was out walking.. night shooting rabbits with a mate when suddenly there was a high pitched noise like a leaking air line. It was like having a car accident and forever saying on the first of the first xyz year at X hour I  had an accident THERE.  I use the NHS service andI personally can't fault it.  If I  think that things have changed I just send them an e-mail and it's not long before I get an appointment. I don't see how paying a franchise dealer like specsavers will get anyone a better service than I  have had.  The most recent set that I have been issued are not only controlled both sides on the aide but are linked by WiFi through an app so that I can control each side by my phone.  They are infinitely control able for pitch and tone.  They are adjustable for direction left to right and front to back.  Since using the aids I  really don't notice the air line sound.  I still dont understand the Mrs though... "Wad she say". ??? She says that I'm like an old dog..... deaf as a post.  Though the dog hears a biscuit packet at 50 mars.  She says that I can soon understand when someone calls about shooting.  AND I can take them out when they have so called music at the pub.!  I'm  really tempted to ask the landlord how much they pay him to play there.  

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24 minutes ago, Minky said:

Whatdi DD EE say...??  Gunfire... engines running in the workshop... other industrial noises.... getting older..  I  remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when HIT by tinnitus.   I was out walking.. night shooting rabbits with a mate when suddenly there was a high pitched noise like a leaking air line. It was like having a car accident and forever saying on the first of the first xyz year at X hour I  had an accident THERE.  I use the NHS service andI personally can't fault it.  If I  think that things have changed I just send them an e-mail and it's not long before I get an appointment. I don't see how paying a franchise dealer like specsavers will get anyone a better service than I  have had.  The most recent set that I have been issued are not only controlled both sides on the aide but are linked by WiFi through an app so that I can control each side by my phone.  They are infinitely control able for pitch and tone.  They are adjustable for direction left to right and front to back.  Since using the aids I  really don't notice the air line sound.  I still dont understand the Mrs though... "Wad she say". ??? She says that I'm like an old dog..... deaf as a post.  Though the dog hears a biscuit packet at 50 mars.  She says that I can soon understand when someone calls about shooting.  AND I can take them out when they have so called music at the pub.!  I'm  really tempted to ask the landlord how much they pay him to play there.  

Problem being, I need new hearing aids. NHS told me there was a 4 months wait for my ears to be syringed, before they could take ear moulds. Specsavers did them the following week,  I was at the Hospital the next day, ear moulds taken and the new aids should be ready by next week. Means to an end  !

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4 Months to get ears syringed.?  that's crazy.  if they could look down your ears to see that there was wax in them why didn't they do them there and then.?  5 mins and their done.  It took longer to sort out an appointment than to do the job.  I do my own.

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10 hours ago, Minky said:

4 Months to get ears syringed.?  that's crazy.  if they could look down your ears to see that there was wax in them why didn't they do them there and then.?  5 mins and their done.  It took longer to sort out an appointment than to do the job.  I do my own.

I had been doing my own, but apparently I had compacted wax at the base of the ear canal, caused I suspect, by in the ear hearing defence. Those doing the hearing tests do not do syringing, that is a different department  ? I feel as though the NHS, certainly in this area, are trying to push you into going private. I have had hearing aids for 20 years and always found the NHS really good. Gone are the walk in minor repairs, EVERYTHING is by appointment only, until recently, that included getting batteries. I just bought my own.

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18 minutes ago, Westley said:

 I feel as though the NHS, certainly in this area, are trying to push you into going private.

Coincidentally, while at NHS audiology last year the audiologist was discussing staff shortages and said there were “those” (unspecified) who were increasingly of the view that hard of hearing patients should be given a grant in the form of a voucher to take to private sector providers leaving scarce resources to deal with more serious cases (whatever that meant). He said something similar operated in the Republic of Ireland. I said that if a patient had to add to the cost it would mean the NHS was no longer free at the point of delivery to which he replied “you’re not I’ll, just deaf” !!!

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I have an ottoscope, ( optical device to look into ears ) when I syringe my ears out I get the Mrs to look in to see what the situation is.  All of this has to be done with care.  As for batteries I  just send an e-mail and the system sends me an amount out by post.  It's  the same as appointments.  I e-mail and they respond.  I don't really see any problem with getting doctors appointments either.  It's easy to get an E consult the same day and dispensing to medicines.   The whole system is online and when you get to grips with it,  it is quick, easy and effective.  Today I organised the ability to book appointments and to view my complete medical history.  I've just got to download an app and enter my codes etc that they have issued to me.

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35 minutes ago, billytheghillie said:

Do you get free hearing aids from the NHS? Im in Scotland, dont know how system works, also a OAP.

Yes, hearing aids are free from the NHS here in England, but you have to get a referral from your doctor initially. Also, if the aids are battery type (not sure whether NHS now do rechargeable ones) replacement batteries are also free.


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14 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

Yes, hearing aids are free from the NHS here in England, but you have to get a referral from your doctor initially. Also, if the aids are battery type (not sure whether NHS now do rechargeable ones) replacement batteries are also free.


Same in Wales. Prescriptions too. 

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