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1 hour ago, islandgun said:

They haven't figured out how to make a profit from it yet

the new prime minister is still sucking on his mothers titty....we will wait for him to gain experience of life first ...before we hear from him

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We keep being asked to send aid to Yemen war zone  to help the people with medical and food supplies is it going to pay for the Houttis war in the Red Sea or is it going to the part of Yemen that is the war zone

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The Hooties will be unable to hit back from Yemen....................so i wonder how many die hard Hooti supporters are already in our country ...laying below the radar planning and bit by bit getting ordanace supplies in...ready for a combined Hooti...Hammas...Iranian .....homegrown hit..at the capitol...or midlands....or at the royals

i would not want to be a Royal at the moment............wondering every day when i wake up wether or not the chances i have got to avoid death are running out

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4 minutes ago, ditchman said:

i wonder how many die hard Hooti supporters are already in our country ...laying below the radar planning and bit by bit getting ordanace supplies in...

.... paid for from our benefits system, housed in our social housing system, brought in as 'refugees' from 'being under threat' in their home countries - and now threatening their hosts in their chosen host country.

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On 12/01/2024 at 06:58, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Do you think the USA and the UK should just sit back and do nothing?

On 12/01/2024 at 07:04, ditchman said:

coarse i dont............im just saying you shouldnt **** on someone who is your sworn partner in war............Biden fails to realise that....fact is he hates the UK..

but we are standing steadfast with him 

impressed the Dutch are in the mix with us

The issue is bigger than one man. 

To do anything at all it must be of such force as to quell them for certain.Not the light touch.

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On 12/01/2024 at 07:07, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Okay, well I don't think we have a choice.


He will not make another term, Harris is very quiet and we will see what the next US election brings.


We will NEVER have such a good situation as the Reagan/Thatcher years.

Totally agree Tightchoke

On 12/01/2024 at 17:34, islandgun said:

With Rotterdam being the biggest port in Europe, might explain Hollands concern

Very good point

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4 hours ago, ditchman said:

The Hooties will be unable to hit back from Yemen....................so i wonder how many die hard Hooti supporters are already in our country ...laying below the radar planning and bit by bit getting ordanace supplies in...ready for a combined Hooti...Hammas...Iranian .....homegrown hit..at the capitol...or midlands....or at the royals

i would not want to be a Royal at the moment............wondering every day when i wake up wether or not the chances i have got to avoid death are running out

Thousands of sleepers by now maybe?

Sponsored by our fabulous politicos?

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8 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

.... paid for from our benefits system, housed in our social housing system, brought in as 'refugees' from 'being under threat' in their home countries - and now threatening their hosts in their chosen host country.

I think we need to remember that when we cast our vote at the next general election.

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30 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

I think we need to remember that when we cast our vote at the next general election.

Makes no difference.

There are only two parties that could possibly form a Gov't.  Both are broadly on the same hymn sheet on refugees.

We currently have the party in Gov't that have spoken 'tougher' on immigration/refugees (although I agree not put it into practice). 

The Starmer party (it isn't really a traditional Labour party as it mainly represents the London centric 'woke and wealthy' left now) have touted a slightly softer line on immigration and 'human rights' laws etc., that are currently one of the major problems (multiple legal pitfalls).  The harder left that will try and take back the reins of the party once Starmer is elected want more immigration and want to allow many more asylum seekers in.  They will be the future left voters encouraged (bribed) by generous benefits paid and facilities granted to the incomers.

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On 14/01/2024 at 16:24, JohnfromUK said:

Makes no difference.

There are only two parties that could possibly form a Gov't.  Both are broadly on the same hymn sheet on refugees.

We currently have the party in Gov't that have spoken 'tougher' on immigration/refugees (although I agree not put it into practice). 

The Starmer party (it isn't really a traditional Labour party as it mainly represents the London centric 'woke and wealthy' left now) have touted a slightly softer line on immigration and 'human rights' laws etc., that are currently one of the major problems (multiple legal pitfalls).  The harder left that will try and take back the reins of the party once Starmer is elected want more immigration and want to allow many more asylum seekers in.  They will be the future left voters encouraged (bribed) by generous benefits paid and facilities granted to the incomers.

All the failures you have mentioned have continued for years under the tories, if we don't vote for change we'll simply get more of the same.

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1 hour ago, 12gauge82 said:

we'll simply get more of the same.

For the foreseeable future - there are only 2 parties that could gain a majority.  In the event of a coalition, one of those two parties would be the larger partner in the coalition.

That is (unfortunately) fact.

At present, the likelihood is that we will have one, probably two Labour governments.  I believe that will be disastrous for most aspects of UK 'life' for most of us, and will be bad for country life, fieldsports and those who work and save.

Current predictions are that Reform (under Tice) will most probably win 0 (yes zero) seats.  Predictions have been wrong before ........ but not so wrong a zero will turn into a majority (or even an influential block!  IF Farage stood, they might win a seat (his).  The Tories (like it or not) are the only electable party other than Labour.  THe only party that might stop Labour.

It isn't how I like it, but that's the way it is.

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

For the foreseeable future - there are only 2 parties that could gain a majority.  In the event of a coalition, one of those two parties would be the larger partner in the coalition.

That is (unfortunately) fact.

At present, the likelihood is that we will have one, probably two Labour governments.  I believe that will be disastrous for most aspects of UK 'life' for most of us, and will be bad for country life, fieldsports and those who work and save.

Current predictions are that Reform (under Tice) will most probably win 0 (yes zero) seats.  Predictions have been wrong before ........ but not so wrong a zero will turn into a majority (or even an influential block!  IF Farage stood, they might win a seat (his).  The Tories (like it or not) are the only electable party other than Labour.  THe only party that might stop Labour.

It isn't how I like it, but that's the way it is.

? Disastrous for all aspects of UK life is this Tory govt. We need a new one of whatever colour or combination. 

The US cannot be trusted with our security, or our freedom. If we rely on the US for defence we rely upon them to protect freedom. They are not trustworthy and cannot be relied upon. 

Europe needs to stand up for itself and protect its own freedom. There is good evidence that countries across Europe are waking up to the threats on their doorstep and significantly increasing funding for defence. As an example the UK is now making one of the smallest contributions to Ukraine in Europe (GDP). Germany for example is making a huge contribution directly and as a major financier in Europe rivalling that of the US.  This drive for security needs to be harnessed and coordinated at a European level. The sooner we get a European super army together the better, for our economy and security. 

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It might well be desirable for European countries to stand together in times of military threat, but when you say "European super army", I sincerely hope you don't mean under one leadership. That would be a bit silly.

It would end up with the UK being one of the main sources of troops / equipment and money - yet again.

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17 minutes ago, oowee said:

Disastrous for all aspects of UK life is this Tory govt.

And Corbyn/Starmer would have been better?  remember the last general election was Johnson as Tory and Corbyn as Labour.  All of the current situation root causes (immigration pressure, war in Europe, War in Middle East would have occurred whoever was in UK Gov't. and have occurred to other (mainly Europe) countries as well.

23 minutes ago, oowee said:

The US cannot be trusted with our security, or our freedom. If we rely on the US for defence we rely upon them to protect freedom. They are not trustworthy and cannot be relied upon.

I agree on America - they are currently run by a senile puppet and (probably) about to be run (again) by a halfwit of highly questionable honesty.  However they have been good allies in the past as well as poor ones (e.g. Suez) and may be again.

24 minutes ago, oowee said:

The sooner we get a European super army together the better

Europe have been poor allies in the past.  A super army controlled by whom?  Paid for by whom?  When we have needed to use forces in the past (e.g. Falklands) Europe was no help at all and some European countries virtually backed our opponents.  I would not trust Europe.  Overall the USA have been better allies than Europe.

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4 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

And Corbyn/Starmer would have been better?  remember the last general election was Johnson as Tory and Corbyn as Labour.  All of the current situation root causes (immigration pressure, war in Europe, War in Middle East would have occurred whoever was in UK Gov't. and have occurred to other (mainly Europe) countries as well. Corbyn 🤣

I agree on America - they are currently run by a senile puppet and (probably) about to be run (again) by a halfwit of highly questionable honesty.  However they have been good allies in the past as well as poor ones (e.g. Suez) and may be again. It will get worse with Trump but even without him there is no consistency.

Europe have been poor allies in the past.  A super army controlled by whom?  Paid for by whom?  When we have needed to use forces in the past (e.g. Falklands) Europe was no help at all and some European countries virtually backed our opponents.  I would not trust Europe.  Overall the USA have been better allies than Europe. Europe has the resources to fund an Army approaching that of the US (72% of US GDP) and hopefully Britain would join. Control not so easy but with the US there is no control and with Trump its out of control.


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1 hour ago, Gordon R said:

It might well be desirable for European countries to stand together in times of military threat, but when you say "European super army", I sincerely hope you don't mean under one leadership. That would be a bit silly.

It would end up with the UK being one of the main sources of troops / equipment and money - yet again.

Europe has the financial capacity to build a world class military to match the US, particularly when investing in it's own arms industry to further boost economic performance. There are some very significant military investments being made across Europe now the threat from Russia is real. I can't see the UK being a major player as it will struggle to break free of the past history, it's subservience to the US, and it's anti Europe stance makes it an unlikely early participant. 

Leadership  and terms of engagement? I guess you start with a willingness to do something (that's already happening), set a standard for equipment and control and build from there. A defence and security strategy as a replacement for NATO would be a starter for ten, aided or otherwise by Trump and the associated uncertainty. 

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Dinna faec yerself......everything will be alright......watched Trump doing the Caucuses...which he took by storm...............in his speech he is going to stop all these conflicts by doing deals with his "good friend" putin (his words not mine)..and deals with the chinese who he knows very well and has much respect for (his words not mine)  and deals with the Israelis...and deals with Ukraine ...........

lets face it most of these conflicts can be cured by the judicous adjustment of money..........

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

Dinna faec yerself......everything will be alright......watched Trump doing the Caucuses...which he took by storm...............in his speech he is going to stop all these conflicts by doing deals with his "good friend" putin (his words not mine)..and deals with the chinese who he knows very well and has much respect for (his words not mine)  and deals with the Israelis...and deals with Ukraine ...........

lets face it most of these conflicts can be cured by the judicous adjustment of money..........

🤣 I doubt even America could bribe Putin (the richest man in the world) with cash. Amnesty might be a different matter. 

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I don’t know…Israel and Palestine bombing each other. Russia and Ukraine bombing each other. Now we’re bombing some Arabs and China is debating whether it can risk a war with USA over Taiwan. Volcanic eruptions in Iceland. 
It’s the climate I’m worried about! 🤷‍♂️😄

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1 hour ago, Scully said:

I don’t know…Israel and Palestine bombing each other. Russia and Ukraine bombing each other. Now we’re bombing some Arabs and China is debating whether it can risk a war with USA over Taiwan. Volcanic eruptions in Iceland. 
It’s the climate I’m worried about! 🤷‍♂️😄

dont get yer knickers in a twisp.........(lost me teef)......we are starting the next ice age....so there is **** all we can do......just enjoy youself.......spend your money ...keep a few quid to one side for a new forum server...and whistle "always look on the bright side of life " as the nukes are coming our way

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8 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

For the foreseeable future - there are only 2 parties that could gain a majority.  In the event of a coalition, one of those two parties would be the larger partner in the coalition.

That is (unfortunately) fact.

At present, the likelihood is that we will have one, probably two Labour governments.  I believe that will be disastrous for most aspects of UK 'life' for most of us, and will be bad for country life, fieldsports and those who work and save.

Current predictions are that Reform (under Tice) will most probably win 0 (yes zero) seats.  Predictions have been wrong before ........ but not so wrong a zero will turn into a majority (or even an influential block!  IF Farage stood, they might win a seat (his).  The Tories (like it or not) are the only electable party other than Labour.  THe only party that might stop Labour.

It isn't how I like it, but that's the way it is.

That only continues to happen because of that same old stale thinking, if everyone got up on election day and thought to themselves I want change and I'm going to vote for it today, we'd have a new party in power over night.

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3 hours ago, Scully said:

I don’t know…Israel and Palestine bombing each other. Russia and Ukraine bombing each other. Now we’re bombing some Arabs and China is debating whether it can risk a war with USA over Taiwan. Volcanic eruptions in Iceland. 
It’s the climate I’m worried about! 🤷‍♂️😄

Therein lies the answer, if we can just convince everyone to convert to electric vehicles [tanks trucks ships and warplanes] any thought of war would be instantly foiled due to the lack of charge points. Im beginning to get Just Stop oil.......... Greta wait !

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