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Goat 🐐


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A chap that I drop rabbits off for said "do you want a bit of goat?" As I've never had it I accepted. He advised me to cook it long and slow, anyway I put it into the slow cooker. It tasted a bit like lamb to me but not something that I'd buy in the future 😉 



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Ate a few goats shot in Snowdonia. 
The nannies are very good and the billies are ok if under a year old. 
I quite like it. 
DO NOT eat mature billies!

edit to say : not sure I have ever eaten a domestic goat.

Edited by London Best
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Jamaican Curry Goat, rice 'n peas. Mmm mmmm

I have also had Goat Curry in a Punjabi restaurant, the only place that I've seen goat on the menu, apart from West Indian cafés. That wasn't as good, but worth a try.

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Have had some fantastic goat curries through the years, but do not ever believe a Gurkha when they say it's not a hot curry, their hot is on a very differnt scale to yours , amazingly tender and tasty though.

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I had curry goat a couple of weeks back at Leeds market food hall - it’s my regular meal whenever I go there.  Domestic goat, in my opinion is lovely, there’s a great goat farm at Cockerham near Lancaster, I was speaking to the owner once and she was saying how she sometimes found it frustrating as most people turned up to buy her delicious meat only to curry it.  Braised leg of goat on a butterbean and chorizo stew is a thing of beauty.

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