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Are you referring to their propensity for burying their head in the sand?

Then I’m afraid you’re mistaken and maybe need to read the real reason that an Ostrich does so. Not to avoid its surroundings, but to nurture and care for its soon to be young- the young that carry on and have responsibility for the future survival of the species. 

So Raja and Oowee, I do believe the OP is actually giving you a backhanded compliment and not the intended personal insult, an insult which goes against the ethos of having a ‘community’ such as we have here. 
I thought we were ‘all’ allowed to have an opinion, but is it only if it fits the narrative!!!

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25 minutes ago, 100milesaway said:

This is a very special section specifically for the likes of oowee and Raja c just to make them feel more woke and comfy.

I do like some of your reply's/posts but cannot agree with this one, everyone is entitled to an opinion but this one is a bit personal, take it to PM if you must.

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In the spirit of the title of the thread: Tried ostrich burgers from Costco for the first time this weekend. Found two in a bun with double cheese a little too stacked. More protein and less fat than beef but I still prefer a nice wagyu burger. 7/10 in my humble opinion.

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While I often have a difference of opinion on many subjects with Raja and Oowee, they always make well written intelligent points and they often get me thinking, or at times have changed my views altogether. 

In my opinion some of the personal attacks on them are nothing short of pathetic and carried out by a minority of bigoted individuals who seem to lack the ability to see past the end of their own noses, much less think outside the box. 

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