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Rise of "the right"


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the rise of the right wing in Germany is gaining strength every day....they havnt reached the point where they can control local govt....but the party is gaining strength

this is very "quietly" reported....

many countries as we all know...are dealing with a right wing growing element...and it aint going away regardless what the the incumbent govts' are saying...............

the common theme across all these disparate problems ...is the migration/immigration/ issue.........people are now seeing slowly their identity their way of life being slowly eroded......

we as other countries over thousands of years, have recieved and give succour to, and intergrated....strange and foreign peoples....but it has been over time of decades........

today we see govts forcing us to accept immigrants (all sorts)...at a moments notice......this timescale is far to quick....and as a result small cabals are formed......and the rest is history....

the govt /govts know.... 100% what needs to be done ...but refuses to act...........

WHY ???

Edited by ditchman
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20 minutes ago, ditchman said:

the rise of the right wing in Germany is gaining strength every day....they havnt reached the point where they can control local govt....but the party is gaining strength

this is very "quietly" reported....

many countries as we all know...are dealing with a right wing growing element...and it aint going away regardless what the the incumbent govts' are saying...............

the common theme across all these disparate problems ...is the migration/immigration/ issue.........people are now seeing slowly their identity their way of life being slowly eroded......

we as other countries over thousands of years, have recieved and give succour to, and intergrated....strange and foreign peoples....but it has been over time of decades........

today we see govts forcing us to accept immigrants (all sorts)...at a moments notice......this timescale is far to quick....and as a result small cabals are formed......and the rest is history....

the govt /govts know.... 100% what needs to be done ...but refuses to act...........


Because they are WEF stooges as is King Jug Ears and mass Immigration into the West is their top priority along with the economy wrecking insanity of Net Zero.

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immigration is crucifying Europe and is being aided by the Left Wing powers that be.

The last,"so called",right wing UK government that got hoofed out last month were as bad as the leftists and complicit in not stopping the hundreds of thousands that come over here every year EVEN AFTER guaranteeing they would in at least 2 election manifestos.

they had/have as much intention,which is absolutely none,in doing this as have the current shower of ***** in power now no matter what Kier "we'll smash the gangs" Stalin says.

he will curtail our freedom of speech and impose massive tax hikes,net zero and hijack any savings, pensions etc,etc that "working people" have accrued to fund the unions and the "poor"

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interesting interview on Sky with Trevor Phillips interveiwing German ambassadour................he came clean and is clearly very worried about the rise of the right in germany and worryingly Austria.....sweden....Holland...Italy...France..

a truthful interview but he was downplaying it a bit........

quite surprised Sky covered the story

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15 minutes ago, armsid said:

And it will not get better until Govs. in Europe take their fingers out of their ears and listen to peoples concerns

excactly this..............they (the govts) know this ....totally....but refuse to bite the bullet and face it...WHY ???

are they being controlled.....are they worried about losing their salaries/position's of power.........is there a dangerous current of hidden socialism infecting every corner of govt'..........

if something is not done soon....the boil will burst...and plunge the politicle systems of the world into deathly chaos.......(not for the first time)

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We already have hidden socialism in Europe    it is called the      EU COMMISION not one of them has been elected by the people of Europe      they were appointed by each Gov. in Europe to preside over us during the early days of the EEC and cannot be got rid of. By allowing uncontrolled miggration into Europe and the problems associated with it the Govs. of Europe can bring in dictatorship and state control of our lives by saying it is neede to keep us safe from harm

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I don't have a friend or even acquaintance who isn't genuinely concerned about immigration. There are a few on here who see no problem or even hint at prejudice against anyone who has the temerity to state the obvious.

It might not suit Starmer and his cronies, or even the Tories to acknowledge the voice of the people. As has been pointed out, ignoring the problem is leading to the rise of the "right wing" in quite a few countries.

Never mind - Angela Rayner will be on the case, if she can find the time amongst her truly embarrassing nightclub appearance. 

For any single person who mocks Donald Trump - watch Rayner's video and tell me truthfully, who has more to offer politics. 🙂 


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43 minutes ago, Gordon R said:


Never mind - Angela Rayner will be on the case, if she can find the time amongst her truly embarrassing nightclub appearance. 

For any single person who mocks Donald Trump - watch Rayner's video and tell me truthfully, who has more to offer politics. 🙂 


🤣 What's your problem with Rayner's video? Just having some fun. You want to see me dancing 🤣🤣🤣

I think the problem with Trump (setting aside his corruption, fraud, misogyny, rape, and dementia) is project 2025. He is no longer pulling the strings. 

46 minutes ago, Ferretlurcher1970 said:

With the rise of " the right" is not up to people which way they lean, isn't that the point of a democracy? Also the definition of right now covers anyone white , over forty and loves there country !

Loves their country? What is that? 

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🤣 What's your problem with Rayner's video? Just having some fun. You want to see me dancing 🤣🤣🤣

oowee - a kind offer, but I will have to decline. 🙂 When Starmer is trying to peddle the image of a serious political party, on top of the economy, law and order etc., Rayner just drags them back to the thick, with no class level.

Since the last Labour Government left the country in financial ruin, they have tried to rid the party of the pathetic with money tag. They have not stopped talking about the bigger than they expected black hole in the economy. I don't think they really mean it - it would make their election promises look like a pack of lies - I think they are trying to brainwash the public. It's junior level thinking.

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It may be semantics but I would not say the rise of the right. I think it is more correct to say the EMERGENCE of a protest movement. Otherwise you start linking them to the Neo Nazis who have never gone away in Germany but whose beliefs and aspirations are not the same as these protestors. 

It's very easy to brand people as right wing and dismiss them as fruitcakes without listening to what they have to say.

A lot of these people's main grievance is believing that nobody is listening to them.

As for Raynor, you can take the girl out of a Stockport Council Estate but it appears you can't take the Stockport Council Estate out of the girl.

She so should have known better than to ever let those pictures end up in the papers.

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There’s no left or right anymore.

Labour want to promote a class war between the haves and the have nots but the idea that there’s a hill with all the conservatives and capitalists on the top and suppressed workers at the bottom under their boots is 100 years behind the times.

We are now seeing traditional Labour supporters vote in droves for the right / Reform. And the conservatives certainly aren’t conservatives anymore.

The lines are forming around sensible and pragmatic vs dreamy unworkable nonsense.

I maintain that economics needs to be taught in schools alongside maths and English from day 1.


18 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

A lot of these people's main grievance is believing that nobody is listening to them.

And they’d be right.

Im not one for conspiracy theories but the uncontrolled mass immigration under the conservatives (contrary to manifesto promises) baffles me. And even when we had a head start watching the detrimental effects in Europe and just what can be seen with our own eyes in all the major cities in the UK and yet it *will* only get worse over the next 5 years. Labour have no plan and killed the only available plan.


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Just now, Mungler said:


Labour have no plan and killed the only available plan.


I think you have the answer right there. Labour killed the Rwanda scheme "because they could" demonstrating mindless negativity over practical need.

But let's not forget the part the Home Office and the Judicary also played in scuppering  it at every stage

One of the things we have got to do is stop bottomless legal aid because it is being misused to create delaying tactics for their own sake.

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12 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

I think you have the answer right there. Labour killed the Rwanda scheme "because they could" demonstrating mindless negativity over practical need.

But let's not forget the part the Home Office and the Judicary also played in scuppering  it at every stage

One of the things we have got to do is stop bottomless legal aid because it is being misused to create delaying tactics for their own sake.

It’s the liberal left in academia, the civil service and judiciary that make change impossible.

The naive Gary Lineker-esque ‘can’t we all just get along’ and higher status opinion signalling that is at the heart of this. Brexit and immigration are low status opinions and just don’t feature as important or worthy in Westminster. Problem is, the rest of the country who don’t live in the nice areas where the effects of uncontrolled immigration are felt. Indeed none of their kids would have fallen under the spell of a gang in Rotherham, Telford etc or go to a school where English is a third or forth language. 

Who was the delightful Labour mp who declared that the victims of the rape gangs should stay silent for the sake of multiculturalism? How is that person still in public life?


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23 minutes ago, Mungler said:

Who was the delightful Labour mp who declared that the victims of the rape gangs should stay silent for the sake of multiculturalism? How is that person still in public life?


I don't know,who was it🤷‍♀️

i'm no labour supporter,in fact i detest them and their policies,BUT,the only Labour MP that i can recall that opened their trap regarding the rape gangs was Sarah Champion AND SHE WAS HOUNDED OUT/SACKED FOR DOING SO.

that's Labour and how open/fair they want to be😡😡😡

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14 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:



But it was only an accident. I wonder if that defence will work for those sitting in prison for sharing posts 🤔🤔🤔

She also got suspended for anti semitic tweets (plural) and then quietly it was forgotten about and she got reinstated . Corbyn era.

Apparently comparing Israel to Nazi Germany didn't get you kicked out back then. It probably would now I hope.

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exit polls for the German local elections are looking VERY PROMISING for the hard right politicle wing party.....be interesting to see how this pans out later.............the present German govt have been aware of this rise for a long while and have released a statement that they will "firewall" the hard right with the help of the other disparate parties

yeah ...i think that will work...:lol:



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5 hours ago, Gordon R said:

I don't have a friend or even acquaintance who isn't genuinely concerned about immigration. There are a few on here who see no problem or even hint at prejudice against anyone who has the temerity to state the obvious.

It might not suit Starmer and his cronies, or even the Tories to acknowledge the voice of the people. As has been pointed out, ignoring the problem is leading to the rise of the "right wing" in quite a few countries.

Never mind - Angela Rayner will be on the case, if she can find the time amongst her truly embarrassing nightclub appearance. 

For any single person who mocks Donald Trump - watch Rayner's video and tell me truthfully, who has more to offer politics. 🙂 


Hello, Have you a link to the Video Gordon, 👍

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43 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

Hello, Have you a link to the Video Gordon, 👍

are you looking for the angela dance routine..........at one time i thought she was offering her boobies to be grabbed

someone told me it was denise van outen that took the video...

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I don't really get this left and right thing, didn't the nazis start off as National Socialist German Workers' Party and wasn't the kkk started by members of the

democratic party.

Would have thought they are a couple of what would be seen as right wing organizations.

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35 minutes ago, bluesj said:

I don't really get this left and right thing, didn't the nazis start off as National Socialist German Workers' Party and wasn't the kkk started by members of the

democratic party.

Would have thought they are a couple of what would be seen as right wing organizations.

And here is an excellent comment in my opinion.


Most people I know who would be labelled as 'right wing' when it comes to immigration have no interest in how free the markets are and want to see the rich taxed more than the 'working class'. They want to have the nhs and certain benefits etc.

Yes the nazis had plenty of financial benefits for thier country and I believe also siezed private property and / or business that was deemed to not help the nation.

There was definitely a large element of socialism there. 

I personal peev of mine is also comparing our politics to that of America. Something that serves no benefit to us and simply splits our population further. A real shame

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