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Staining Stripes in wood

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As Ditchman and Tightchoke says.

I'd say with Beech you're stuck with that. I've had the same doing up old air rifle stocks. Call it "character." Unless someone knows of a wonder potion. 

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9 minutes ago, Fil said:

I'd say with Beech you're stuck with that. I've had the same doing up old air rifle stocks. Call it "character." Unless someone knows of a wonder potion.

I have had some success in the past  using scumble as in "false woodgraining".

Edited by Yellow Bear
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I used to stain beech and pine furniture many many years ago using a stain made from caustic soda, boiling water and potassium permanganate crystals. I cannot remember the exact recipe so it may be worth googling doing some researchinto it /speaking to a pine furniture shop that does their own finishing, please DO NOT just try knocking it together as it’s really not very nice stuff until properly neutralised (I believe we used washing powder to neutralise it, but again I can’t recall exactly) I will have a rummage around online and see if I can get a link for a recipe and update later.




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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

beech is difficult to stain 

It is beech as DITCHMAN says. It is part of the history of the rifle, that beech was used when walnut became scarce, and why would anyone want to disguise the fact? It also has been finished so as to be resistant to water. My advice is leave alone. But if the OP wants to do it he'll need to use a spirit base stain such as Rustin's and FWIW still won't hide the contrast between the colours. if he uses water based he may risk raising the grain. It'll simply look like beech that's been stained...or rather attempted to have been stained. Your rifle was, once, one of the tools of liberty that fought Nazism in Europe and later perhaps Communism in Korea. Let it be. 

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2 minutes ago, Sweet11-87 said:

1942 was a rough year, the rifles were rough when they left the factory, trying to make it presentable is like putting lipstick on a pig, a pig thats of more historic than financial value these days.


PIGGY 2.jpg

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1 hour ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:


PIGGY 2.jpg

I am watching Top of the Pops re-runs on Freeview as I read this thread. My there must have been gallons on lipstick delivered weekly to the BBC TOTP studio. Some of the acts are dire. Kenny, Bay City Rollers I could go on...but it'd make me ill.

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