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Am I being a Karen/Ken?


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I dare say that this go on in todays society more than we are led to believe , I walk my dog around our crescent late at night and get the odd whiff here and there , my next door neighbours are lovely people , they go to church each Sunday and would do anything to help you , they have got a son in his mid 20s , he have his mates round in the garage and I can smell it now and again with the smoke coming through the eaves , I can't smell anything in mine so overall it don't bother me , but I can understand people getting concerned when it do affect there health with the fumes getting in there household , I hope the op problems get sorted out without any bad feeling on either family .   MM

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Imho you are not being a Karen/Ken. It’s anti social behaviour which should be legislated against in my view.

How to resolve it is another matter unfortunately, I hope you are able to.

I know one guy for whom this issue became all consuming, you must try to avoid that at all costs.


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12 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

This boils my pee.. just because we own firearms does not mean we would do ANYTHING wrong with them. Guilty before even saying a word... It's a joke really 

Ah, but there lies the true crux of control? The be able to deprive someone of something of value? The dossers have gone beyond that point by choice, hence not giving a fig?

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14 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

This boils my pee.. just because we own firearms does not mean we would do ANYTHING wrong with them. Guilty before even saying a word... It's a joke really 

Unfortunately, all of the major gun incidents in this Country, involved LEGALLY held firearms.

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53 minutes ago, Westley said:

Unfortunately, all of the major gun incidents in this Country, involved LEGALLY held firearms.

Does spraying randomly into a crowd with a Mac 10 not count as a major gun incident ?
Because if I can  have a 9mm full auto SMG legally,  Ill get a variation put in :lol:

Edited by Rewulf
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13 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

Imho you are not being a Karen/Ken. It’s anti social behaviour which should be legislated against in my view.


It was legislated against, hence the smoking ban. 
I do agree though, it is anti-social behaviour and the OP isn’t being a Karen/Ken. It’s annoying. 

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Is the weed smoker a driver? If he's seen driving erratically and is reported for suspected drink / drug driving to Thames Valley Police there's a reasonable chance they'll give him a tug and check him out.

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11 minutes ago, London Best said:

Why would you want one of those? 
What is the point in owning one?

I think you missed my thinly veiled sarcasm.

Of course I don't want one, but it was stated that mass shootings in the UK, are ONLY  carried out with legally held guns. Which clearly isn't true.

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