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webber - an announcement.


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Thought I'd take another look at this for updates. It's good to see you posting, I wasn't expecting you to be on here so soon!


You mention that you were thinking of demolishing the building at some point anyway? Next time, light it from outside you daft sod :)

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Thought I'd take another look at this for updates. It's good to see you posting, I wasn't expecting you to be on here so soon!


You mention that you were thinking of demolishing the building at some point anyway? Next time, light it from outside you daft sod :)


but we all don't have your experience with bombs Neil .


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, the blast blewmy pants down to my ankles, which triped me up as i tryd to run awy.


and then i fell onto that sheep and that's how I ended up in this position your honour...........


Sounds like an Essex maffia story to me

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10 pages plus of best wishes.....


Well me owld mucka..........you know you aint gonna get no sympathy from Beater No2....


So...........what were you doing to get blown off in the gas shed.:)?


MCf described your injurys - and I can see a singing detective moment coming on very soon...........Lubricant Mr Webster.......


Deako says your a pain in the ****........he needed to order some gas today, I did get him to resist ringing the office and asking if that was NORWEST GAS...........then saying BANG and hanging up.......


Lads in the shop send on their best wishes.


Just ask the plastics surgeon to try and do something with the pig ugly face.



Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,by the way..........Im curretly blowing up the BIGGEST ring of incompetence you can possibly find. Ill deliver it round to the hospital for you.



You will do anything to get out of a works party at the syndicate........Lazy bstard...




Ps. just so you have something to take the mick out of me for - Im now a Eunuch...........Ive been gelded and am currently sat at home with throbbing discoloured danglers..........




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look on the bright side mate .......think of all the dosh your going to save not having to buy shampoo :)


seriously though .......had a couple severe burns myself and only in small amounts and they were bad enough so I can only imagine the pain which must be absolutely unbearable so heres to a speedy recovery .

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As requested by Webber himself and not me taking the **** here's a photo of webber in hospital, he as more hair than he thought he had left but it will fall out as all his scalp is burnt, he has 3 burns on his legs 1 which is particularly close to his wedding tackle which are still intact (he tells me) and much to the pleasure of Mrs Webber or The soup dragon she is so affectionately known as.



In my oppinion my friend is a very lucky man to still be on the same planet as me, i think he knows that himself too.


Dont worry mate once your out of hozy you'll be feeling better and no doubt in a couple of weeks be back in work giving your orders, it will be business as usual.


See you soon


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