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Cat shot by Shotgun


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Who do you think shot this, a person who legally owns a shotgun or some muppet without a certificate?




Neither, just further propoganda from the the SPCA, may have been a road accident framed up as a shooting.


Get sick of hearing it

Yep, a good possibility, we had an incident here a few years back, a roadkill badger had a snare put round its neck and the police were called.

Possibly or possibly not a frame up, but on the other hand, I have yet to meet a gamekeeper who would not shoot a cat if it was more than half of a mile from the nearest house, and having seen the damage that they will do to pheasant chicks, I can't say that I blame them

Edited by bob300w
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The cat is a stray ie. feral, it hadn`t been around for weeks and it would be safe to say it was further afield than Queensferry when it was shot so it could have been near a shoot etc. and therefore allowed to be shot.


That said, 40 pellets would indicate a close shot and possibly small pellets, so best left rather than shot at, I prefer No.3`s for all size cats.

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:good: this is bad, as an airgunner i know how you shotgunners feel, there are reports on the right, three of them about stupid little idiots shooting cats and the press just make it worse (not saying they shouldn't report it) but they don't realise or so that the majority of the shooting community are very responsible and don't mention to the public that they shouldn't be condemned or looked down on because of the actions of these ******* :welcomeani:
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I can't agree with the killing or harming of cats im afraid :good: either domestic or feral, if they are causing problems then they can be trapped humanely and relocated, I know because I've done it myself with a feral cat and kittens in the past.

If anyone did anything like that to my cat (and I dont give a toss if he's a farmer protecting his poults, a landowner or whatever) then not only would it be the last time he ever did it, he'd remember me for the rest of his life :welcomeani:

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I can't agree with the killing or harming of cats im afraid :good: either domestic or feral, if they are causing problems then they can be trapped humanely and relocated


The SSPCA did exactly the same with foxes about ten or eleven years ago - trapping foxes in Edinburgh and relocating them to a site in West Lothian - that was a great idea :welcomeani: Suddenly the area was overrun with urban foxes used to raiding bins for food.A lot of the were shot by the shooters in the area who couldn't believe the sudden increase in the fox population (it was all kept hush hush).

The foxes weren't "country wise" so they made easy targets.The rest found their way to towns in the area and some even made it back to Edinburgh. Another totally useless excersise by do-gooders.


I don't agree with killing domestic cats but I think this was done by someone with a SGC.

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I can't agree with the killing or harming of cats im afraid :P either domestic or feral, if they are causing problems then they can be trapped humanely and relocated, I know because I've done it myself with a feral cat and kittens in the past.

If anyone did anything like that to my cat (and I dont give a toss if he's a farmer protecting his poults, a landowner or whatever) then not only would it be the last time he ever did it, he'd remember me for the rest of his life :good:



sorry but if your cat is harming livestock then in the same way that farmers can shoot dogs, farmers should be allowed to shoot cats.


unfortunately cats are much harder to keep under control compared to dogs, but that is beside the point if it is affecting a persons livelyhood.


and making threats on the internet is great :welcomeani:

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I agree with the fact that if a cat is in a rearing pen etc it should be shot but not just a moggy roaming the country side, there are stories all the time of "aggressive dogs" yet a moggy seems to be allowed to go where ever they like, if i personally see one sitting on my car i make sure it gets a boot up the **** so it doesn't come back again, how would the owner like it if i plonked my dog on the roof of thier car???


I would not shoot a cat for just any reason and if a dog was in a pen killing pheasents i'm pretty sure my local keeper would take the same action as he would if it was a cat!

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I can't agree with the killing or harming of cats im afraid :P either domestic or feral, if they are causing problems then they can be trapped humanely and relocated, I know because I've done it myself with a feral cat and kittens in the past.

If anyone did anything like that to my cat (and I dont give a toss if he's a farmer protecting his poults, a landowner or whatever) then not only would it be the last time he ever did it, he'd remember me for the rest of his life :good:



If it was someones pet then I can see the reason for getting upset. As it's a stray then it's just the same as any other pest species and IMO it's fine to shoot them.


In the same view though it should have been given a swift end, not left to run off due to an incompetant shot or the wrong ammo. I don't like to see any animal in pain no matter how much of a pest they are. It's not their fault they have a hunting instinct (just like we do) :welcomeani:

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