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There are many reason one assumes why people have faith, personally I have no affiliation or for that matter objection to any, however I cant help but ponder at times the foundation beneath it all.


My own thoughts lead me to believe its just a way of controlling people and in times when no law as such was in existence it most likely did a good job, but recent events such as an aid worker being killed for her Christian beliefs, Catholic priests abusing children and the born again brigade like George Bush and the likes starting wars all over the place are hardly shining examples now are they,


My Gods better than your God because he has a bigger Gun or a better Army is getting kind of scary :rolleyes:

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There are many reason one assumes why people have faith, personally I have no affiliation or for that matter objection to any, however I cant help but ponder at times the foundation beneath it all.


My own thoughts lead me to believe its just a way of controlling people and in times when no law as such was in existence it most likely did a good job, but recent events such as an aid worker being killed for her Christian beliefs, Catholic priests abusing children and the born again brigade like George Bush and the likes starting wars all over the place are hardly shining examples now are they,


My Gods better than your God because he has a bigger Gun or a better Army is getting kind of scary :rolleyes:


She was over there helping disabled kids and got shot for being a Christian. Her beliefs did her a lot of good.

They don't deserve helping and religion is the easiest excuse to start a fight that has ever been invented.

Edited by Hodmedod.one
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Its not Religion that is the problem, it is the individuals belief. Religion just gets used as a reason or excuse to behave in such ways. All these atrocities are nothing more than mans hatred towards another, if it should be labelled, it should be labelled as racial hatred.

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From what i can understand, this is a story about a good man.


People like to call him different things God Jehovah Ala and so on.


But as far as i am concerned the story is about peace on earth, love thigh neighbour.


Not being religious, maybe i have this wrong, But surely these people go against there Gods wishes by killing one another.


Never could fatham this out. Like i say though I dont know all the stories.


But its caused to much trouble with all the wars and atrocities.


These are only my hummble thoughts, and are in no way meant to offend anyone.


What people believe in is their porogative.

Edited by Miroku Mike
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Unfortunatly there are /has, been more people been killed/murdered ? in the name of religeon than any other cause.!!since time began,... as been stated above,Religon has been force fed to the populations as a kind of control... Unfortunatly this present **** goverment is feeding it.. This is/was? a Christian country... But now, what are we witnessing?... No more Christmas... now A winter festival!!... NO more nativity plays in the schools!!.... might offend the muslims!!.... No more flying the Union Flag!!??... might offend the muslims???..WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON?...As a WHITE Christian Britt, I am fed up with seeing people who come here demanding rights , that are denied to US!! Just read today that a young English woman was MURDERED YESTERDAY!! while trying to bring good by, helping disabled Afhganistan people!!....... also in the news today!! that 5 men?? have been arrested in the Midlands, for planning terrorist plots to kill Christians!!...HELLOW? WHY are we allowing such nonsense being carried out against us??.... two weeks ago, in Dudley West Midlands, despite a petition of over 15,000 white inhabitants voting against a NEW SUPER MOSQUE being built in the town..... THIS **** goverment overruled the protests!!..... THE KILLING REPLY BY THE MOSQUE WAS??? THIS IS A VICTORY FOR " DEMOCROCY?".....ERH, HE DIDNT REMIND US!..... THAT CHRISTIANS< OR THEIR CHURCHES ARE "WIPED OUT, IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES!!... FOR GODS SAKE.!! VOTE THIS ***** GOVERMENT OUT> :rolleyes::yes:

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JK8 - you seem a bit mixed up as you don`t seem to be a Christian from the first para and yet you seem to think that Christians and their churhes are "WIPED OUT, IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES!!." Personally I have never seen this in any recent pages of any of the popular press, perhaps you could provide a link.


IMHO if you apply all the basic tenents of the Abrahamic faiths, to love and respect people and there right to life, then how could any God deny you heaven............and if there proves to be no God or heaven, then you have truly done something worthwhile with the one and only life you had, can anyone do anything better ??

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Mr Henry, Sir. I am supprised you are not aware how the white citizens this once great country are being forced to accept that Islamic wishes are now being implemented?? .... you are not aware there are now over 2,000 mosques in Britain?? You say you havent seen any thing that is true in my statements!!.... You havent seen statements made by muslims in the press, showing Muslims in London with placards threatening beheading, and death to the white christians in Britain?... or the many Nu Labour councils who have stated that there will be no more nativity plays at school a t Chr//// sorry Winter Festival Time?? or the banning of the flying of the Union Flag?? Err That means the Union Jack to you, OR the statement, made by me about the new Mosque being proposed to be built in Dudley, West Midlands??? despite all these facts being made common knowledge to anyone who reads what is going on, in our once great country??.Then I think you are looking through rosy new labour spectactacles...Dont bother to BAN ME , ILE GET MY COAT!..

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This thread has gone from pav's quite thought provoking initial post to daily mail-tastic nonsense very quickly.


All aboard the 08:05 ill-informed outrage express, boarding at your spittle flecked monitor, stopping at muslims, polish immigrants, Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell, the Queen Mother (god bless her), the thwack of leather on willow on the cricket green in the good old days, tea in the park and jumpers for goalposts, terminating abso ******* lutely nowhere....





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The reason that new Mosques are being built is because there's people to fill them, the majority of churches and chapels have closed and been turned into houses and flats because people have stopped going to them. I doubt that Britain will become a muslim country in our lifetime but if the balance changes and there's more practicing muslims than christians then that's the way it might go. At the end of the day Britain's only been christian for about 1500 or so years, it's been here a lot longer.

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This thread has gone from pav's quite thought provoking initial post to daily mail-tastic nonsense very quickly.


All aboard the 08:05 ill-informed outrage express, boarding at your spittle flecked monitor, stopping at muslims, polish immigrants, Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell, the Queen Mother (god bless her), the thwack of leather on willow on the cricket green in the good old days, tea in the park and jumpers for goalposts, terminating abso ******* lutely nowhere....









Back to the topic, the Taliban in particular use "religion" as a form of social control. They really do want to keep the Country and it's inhabitants in the stone age.

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This thread has gone from pav's quite thought provoking initial post to daily mail-tastic nonsense very quickly.


All aboard the 08:05 ill-informed outrage express, boarding at your spittle flecked monitor, stopping at muslims, polish immigrants, Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell, the Queen Mother (god bless her), the thwack of leather on willow on the cricket green in the good old days, tea in the park and jumpers for goalposts, terminating abso ******* lutely nowhere....






Excellent stuff, we should retain this post and resurrect it (Ooops, no pun intended) every time this subject comes up. :lol:

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This thread has gone from pav's quite thought provoking initial post to daily mail-tastic nonsense very quickly.


All aboard the 08:05 ill-informed outrage express, boarding at your spittle flecked monitor, stopping at muslims, polish immigrants, Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell, the Queen Mother (god bless her), the thwack of leather on willow on the cricket green in the good old days, tea in the park and jumpers for goalposts, terminating abso ******* lutely nowhere....







you are wasted here ZB :lol: :lol: :lol:

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If God created everything, loved everything and created all mankind equal, then why would he tell that hallucinating control freak, Muhammed, to keep away from 'dirty' pigs, treat women badly, bleed animals to death and kill anyone who did not 'believe'?

Edited by Floating Chamber
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Mr Henry, Sir. I am supprised you are not aware how the white citizens this once great country are being forced to accept that Islamic wishes are now being implemented?? .... you are not aware there are now over 2,000 mosques in Britain?? You say you havent seen any thing that is true in my statements!!.... You havent seen statements made by muslims in the press, showing Muslims in London with placards threatening beheading, and death to the white christians in Britain?... or the many Nu Labour councils who have stated that there will be no more nativity plays at school a t Chr//// sorry Winter Festival Time?? or the banning of the flying of the Union Flag?? Err That means the Union Jack to you, OR the statement, made by me about the new Mosque being proposed to be built in Dudley, West Midlands??? despite all these facts being made common knowledge to anyone who reads what is going on, in our once great country??.Then I think you are looking through rosy new labour spectactacles...Dont bother to BAN ME , ILE GET MY COAT!..


You still didn`t answer my question, perhaps you are too coy, especially as you come from a different part of the country and are indeed another banned member that can`t stay away........BTW - I see you have 5 further posts since you said you were off.........promises, promises.

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Mr Henry, Sir. I am supprised you are not aware how the white citizens this once great country are being forced to accept that Islamic wishes are now being implemented?? .... you are not aware there are now over 2,000 mosques in Britain?? You say you havent seen any thing that is true in my statements!!.... You havent seen statements made by muslims in the press, showing Muslims in London with placards threatening beheading, and death to the white christians in Britain?... or the many Nu Labour councils who have stated that there will be no more nativity plays at school a t Chr//// sorry Winter Festival Time?? or the banning of the flying of the Union Flag?? Err That means the Union Jack to you, OR the statement, made by me about the new Mosque being proposed to be built in Dudley, West Midlands??? despite all these facts being made common knowledge to anyone who reads what is going on, in our once great country??.Then I think you are looking through rosy new labour spectactacles...Dont bother to BAN ME , ILE GET MY COAT!..


You still didn`t answer my question, perhaps you are too coy, especially as you come from a different part of the country and are indeed another banned member that can`t stay away........BTW - I see you have 5 further posts since you said you were off.........promises, promises.



Superb !!


I have just read all JK8s previous posts.


Good one Ron !!! You can recognise your writing style a mile off.


I cant believe that you have written 45 posts without swearing and making a next day apology !


Good to have you back, albeit for a short while ! :oops:




EDIT: you dropped the ball in an earlier post when you talked about leaving home in the Midlands. You only had to add a few :D:good::good::good: and I would have been 100% sure.

Edited by LV
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