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Don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of hearing from some highly (over) paid plonker sprouting on about the state of the country...yesterday the govenor of the BoE agreed that he'd got it ever so slightly wrong when he said the country wasn't in a mess and now thinks it/we is/are. Today some bright sparks from a government Quango have come up with the conclusion that we the public think MPs are crooks and that Lord so and so, should have been more interested in that other Lord from RBS who got his 6.5 mill pension for failing, was not doing his job right.


OK I've run on a bit but what's ******* me off is that you could ask the average man in the street what he thinks about these subjects and get the right answers straight away; why then do we still have the highly paid ***** taking weeks/months to come up with the same conclusions...didn't Gordon the Gorgon say a while back, we need to listen to the voters and promise to do so...more BS with a PHD (piled higher and deeper)

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Don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of hearing from some highly (over) paid plonker sprouting on about the state of the country...yesterday the govenor of the BoE agreed that he'd got it ever so slightly wrong when he said the country wasn't in a mess and now thinks it/we is/are. Today some bright sparks from a government Quango have come up with the conclusion that we the public think MPs are crooks and that Lord so and so, should have been more interested in that other Lord from RBS who got his 6.5 mill pension for failing, was not doing his job right.


OK I've run on a bit but what's ******* me off is that you could ask the average man in the street what he thinks about these subjects and get the right answers straight away; why then do we still have the highly paid ***** taking weeks/months to come up with the same conclusions...didn't Gordon the Gorgon say a while back, we need to listen to the voters and promise to do so...more BS with a PHD (piled higher and deeper)



Well said that man ???


I've been spouting it for years. The public can see what's wrong with most things, but these ******** just can't grasp it :yes:?????????


Brainless, inbred bunch of *****

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The average man in the street only knows what he's told by Britain's biggest selling newspaper - The Sun.


The system can work, the trouble is the type of person who currently enters politics is on the make. I blame Labour for filling their benches with third-rate union reps: at the least the Tories have a certain panache when it came to fiddling - cleaning the moat is priceless.


We should return to nineteenth century politics, where no salaries were paid. Only those rich enough to enter politics for purely altruistic purposes could afford to give up their time to enter Parliament.

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So what's the alternative to a demcratically elected government? Communism? It has it's pro's & cons just like democracy.


No! What we need is a political party that has the interests of this Country and it's People first & foremost without any of this "what's in it for me?" ****.


We need a complete overhaul of the system and weed out these greedy r-swipes good & proper.


Having said that, there are some decent calibre MP's out there. Anne Widdecombe for one. Yes, she may be an "old bag" but she forthright, straightalking and honest (as far as MP's go). She was also my MP when I lived in Maidstone several years back. I wrote to her over a trivial issue I had with Maidstone Council, thinking that I wouldn't get a reply. She did reply, and looked into the matter for me even though it didn't end up in my favour.


Maybe we should compile a list of "decent" MP's and form a party independant of the others.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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As Banker's was mentioned in the title of this thread,


I'll tell you whats wrong with this country these day's no one is preraired to wait, I can remember my mum and dad having to go and see the local bank manager to see if they could get a loan and then wait a week or two for the letter saying yes or no. these day's you would just stick it on the plastic..


2 or 3 years ago with the number of credit cards me & the wife had and the limit on each card we could have bought a house, how can that be right,

A few years ago I worked in a factory for 18 months, the number of people that was paying their morgage off with over time was unbelievable, as soon as the over time dried up, panic set in, basicly living above their means. thats my opinion anyway.

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i always reckon we need a goverment watchdog to keep an eye on them. theyd be nothing to do with the government, they set the mp's salaries, keep an eye out for mp's stepping out of line, and most importantly, have the power to fire mp's who fail to live up to promises, be it in elections or during their term - that should sort them out :yes:

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The alternative to this? Anarchy. Take away the leaders and let the people run the country.


Either that or go with a jury-style government from the people of the country (as has been mentioned before) where everyone has an equal chance of being "elected" into government.

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That absolute shower Shahid Malik MP has 'temporarily stepped down' as Justice Minister. Putting aside the moronic split-infinitive, what does that mean? He's waiting to be cleared of any wrongdoing? He should follow the recommendation of my honourable friend, MC, and drown himself in the Thames.

Edited by Baldrick
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So what's the alternative to a demcratically elected government? Communism? It has it's pro's & cons just like democracy.


No! What we need is a political party that has the interests of this Country and it's People first & foremost without any of this "what's in it for me?" ****.


We need a complete overhaul of the system and weed out these greedy r-swipes good & proper.


Having said that, there are some decent calibre MP's out there. Anne Widdecombe for one. Yes, she may be an "old bag" but she forthright, straightalking and honest (as far as MP's go). She was also my MP when I lived in Maidstone several years back. I wrote to her over a trivial issue I had with Maidstone Council, thinking that I wouldn't get a reply. She did reply, and looked into the matter for me even though it didn't end up in my favour.


Maybe we should compile a list of "decent" MP's and form a party independant of the others.


Wouldn't be as bad if they were a democratically elected government, I certainly don't recall ever seeing that one eyed scottish idiot (Clarkson you are a genius) leading a party at election time.


Maybe we should compile a list of decent mp's, you could fit that list on a post it note if you wrote it with a big marker pen.


There isn't many jumping to anyones defence though is there? They are too scared of any investigation. But that will be covered up anyway.

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I can feel a surge of interlect comeing on??


??? ??? :lol: :lol: yep here its.... quis custodit ipsos custodes... there that feels better :yes:???


I think I'll add that to me signature ???


Sorry, just to be pedantic it is actually quis custodiet ipsos custodes


Quis custÅdiet ipsÅs custÅdÄ“s? is a Latin phrase from the Roman poet Juvenal, which literally translates to "Who will guard the guards themselves?", and is variously translated in colloquial English as "Who watches the watchmen?", "Who watches the watchers?", "Who will guard the guards?", "Who shall watch the watchers?", "Who polices the police?" or other similar translations


I knew that that Latin O level might come in handy sometime :lol:

Edited by amateur
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That absolute shower Shahid Malik MP has 'temporarily stepped down' as Justice Minister. Putting aside the moronic split-infinitive, what does that mean? He's waiting to be cleared of any wrongdoing? He should follow the recommendation of my honourable friend, MC, and drown himself in the Thames.


Its about time that ***** **** stepped down. He's the biggest cheat of the MP's



Edited by jonno 357
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Strangely enough when the moat cleaning came out in the press it didn`t even raise an eyebrow with me ! How sad is that, that I expected it of the people elected to represent me :yes:



Couldn't agree more.


It must be part of the Phd and the MA, screw the general public for what you can.

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That absolute shower Shahid Malik MP has 'temporarily stepped down' as Justice Minister. Putting aside the moronic split-infinitive, what does that mean? He's waiting to be cleared of any wrongdoing? He should follow the recommendation of my honourable friend, MC, and drown himself in the Thames.



Minister for Justice?:good:?? There is film of him, face bloodied fighting in the Oldham riots. He is from Dewsbury (home of Karen Matthews) over 40 miles from Oldham, draw your own conclusions, I can't say he will be missed, his post bill last year was the highest of any MP in the country

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If Gordan had a shred of decency in him , he would call a general election this summer and let the electorate of this country sort these crooks out at the ballot box . I bet that there is not 1 mp who would want to go to the polls this summer .

Harnser .

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That spaff-gargler Brown won't call a general election until he has at least a modicum of a chance of obtaining some campaign funds, and he is biding his time in the hope that things can be patched up. Would you back him now, throwing millions in funding at what looks set to be an absolute whitewash?! Even UKIP stands a higher chance of getting into No 10 than Labour does of reclaiming power.

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Put the f#####g lot of them in the dock !and none of the old boy network on the other side .fraud,then send them down and not FORD OPEN NICK OR SUNNY SUDBURY !,PUT EM, IN THE SH#.T HOLES .lying ,bunch of scumbags :good::D

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I thought that last time around. I'll never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups again. :good:



Did you see the press about the BNP councilors - claim the full expenses and don't attend meetings - the cheapest of the cost £1620 per meeting - they've ALL got theeir nose in the trough. No one has caught UKIP yet but I would bet it is only a matter of time.


Anyone who wants into public office should immediately be banned from holding it., :D:lol:

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