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  2. Animals escape sometimes, it's inevitable. Police get called to situations that are way beyond their experience, that's inevitable too - they can't be expert at everything. The problems arise when they assume that they can deal with a situation because they are police officers and are experts at everything. Surely someone in their office could have phoned any livestock farmer in the area? That's what happens in our rural area, farmers always turn out to help when the police ask them to, it may be moving a tree that's come down (a forklift that's just half a mile away is always better than calling out a contractor 20 miles away) or it may be a loose animal, they always help despite getting little or no help from the police in return (theft etc doesn't seem to interest the police). It seems to me that this happened simply because nobody thought it through. The drama was created by ignorance!
  3. I love it too but it's got to be just greens and potato with a nearly burnt top. No peas, carrots or sweet corn like my local cafe puts in it.
  4. Rewulf


    Thats a very good question, is it an admission that labour have been meddling/influencing the civil service to the detriment of the tories ?
  5. Must admit that I like mine almost burnt 😬.
  6. Hi for sale my C50 Wi-Fi model bought second hand and not used .In good condition comes with Ir and 2 batteries. Looking for £650 to include postage. Cheers Chris 👍
  7. Is that even legal? Even if it is; once in power I predict Sue Gray will inevitably do a 'Barnard Castle' (rules for thee not for me) and she will become toxic. I'll keep saying it: The architect of the UK's current disastrous energy generation policy is Ed Miliband. Yes, the Tories have done sweet FA to it other than tinker at the edges in 14 yrs, but I couldn't think of a worse person to put in charge energy than Ed Miliband. What is Starmer thinking?
  8. Seen a bloke online professional safe guy just used a rubber mallet while bouncing the bolt back & forward
  9. Great little gun 20 inch barrel. 20 inch barrel ???.
  10. Today
  11. Turns out the lock didn’t fail. I was shooting one of my airguns in the garden, (so I had the keys to the gun cabinet with me)… and left my house keys in the small safe (which I usually use for the cabinet keys, a few watches etc). My wife wanted my house keys for something so yanked the key out of the safe without rotating it back to its original spot… Not sure if it’s worth risking any further issues though so I’ve just bought a replacement.
  12. Yep, I have been retired for 22 years, but I still shoot clays with a lot of serving Bobbies, attending a lot of Police competitions. I was in the company of 3 serving Bobbies last night, one of whom has less than 12 months in the job, he does not have a degree. The Graduate entry scheme that you may be referring to, was a 'fast track to the top' , which unfortunately led to a lot of the top brass, leaving a lot to be desired !
  13. ditchman


    dont forget the parables as well
  14. well the current media would have us believe that is the case..........and i have based all my beliefs on this....... i have been hoodwinked
  15. old man


    Would be charged for here but farmed out to Specsavers etc al.
  16. Wait, there's a way not to pay to see content? 🤑 (I think you are on the money, so to speak! TC is on a fishing vibe and feeding bait I suspect!)
  17. How is it going with the 410 by the way? That is such a lovely piece that you own! ❤️
  18. old man


    All speak with forked tongues in the hope that memories have failed.
  19. Must be in excellent unaltered condition, cash waiting. West Yorkshire area, will travel for right gun. Please PM me. Thank you.
  20. Agreed, If that's his idea of welfare? Yep. Not your average cheapie run about.
  21. It’s been worked out, with the significantly higher loans required interest rates of 6%+ today are equivalent with the high interest rates of that time: Point is, even if fuel prices cut 50%, if everything else goes through the roof it don’t make much difference.
  22. And price? As if free I will have it 😜
  23. Hi there, please post a photo I all ways wanted one but it's not happened yet.
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