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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Now there's a picture worthy of framing.
  2. Quite lucky that you didn't put down a deposit stu64 - if you had changed your mind about the car (maybe found a better one for less money) you would be legally bound to buy the car you had the deposit on - if the garage were feeling generous they might have just kept your deposit but a deposit constitutes a legally binding contract that you intend to buy.
  3. I'm with ditchman - got to be good sausages though, no Tesco garbage.Sausage rolls (home made) with Caramelised Apple or Onion Chutney cooked inside are amazing.
  4. Just come back from visiting my bro in Lincs. While we were there we were taken into S****horpe for a day and that's put me off Christmas for life. Never seen so many over weight trackie wearing yokels in all my life - the air is a mix of fried onions and fag smoke although the sight of Tinsel wrapped around the bars on the windows of the Charity shops added a certain ambience.
  5. 3 more this morning but my magical Monkey Nut theory has backfired slightly - although they are intrigued by them they have already learned that grabbing one and running up a tree with it is far safer than sitting on the feeder, took me 15 minutes to shoot one this morning doing just this but eventually he waited about 3 seconds too long. 1698
  6. You need to write to the MD and post it recorded delivery. In your letter you need to highlight your exact complaint and what you have done to help them rectify the problems. You need to show that you have been reasonable and that you have been more than willing to assist them in returning the car but that you feel enough is enough and that the car, despite them having several opportunities to fix it, is still not fit for use. This letter will be very useful should you go to court as it demonstrates to a judge that you have been "reasonable" in your demands. Give them 14 days to return your money, if nothing happens go straight to your local Court (small claims will not cover 20k) and start your case - I believe that sometimes this can be done online.
  7. Does it fit? Do you like it? Will it give you pleasure every time you take it out of the cabinet? Life's too short - buy it and enjoy it as you will need to look quite hard to find a negative review on Miroku's. I bought a really old one of this site about 7 years ago (not a 3800) - paid pennies for it but I love it and sold my 525 within weeks - been using it since and it's just bomb proof.
  8. On the front edge of the action you should see the cocking dogs - push the offending one against a block of wood to recock the hammer. The ejector can be replaced if you can get one, if not then a decent gunsmith should be able to build up the worn area with weld and reshape - might be an idea to remove the whole ejector and make sure everything is moving as it should.
  9. With the greatest respect - I would not feed my Dogs that garbage if it was the only food available. Try Naturo or Forthglade (Akela if you buy in bulk from the importer is about as good as you can get) or a decent complete dry food from a reputable outlet. You can make your own if you have the time - Turkey Mince, Brown Rice, .Tomato Juice and mixed frozen veg (no onions) with a bit of pasta
  10. John Knibbs seems to stock them - £12.50. 01675481006.
  11. Despite my pal above having one go tuts up, and several reports on the interweb concerning the indexing post, I have personally experienced far more HW's failing (or HC failing to fix them) than AA's - my 2 had been going strong for over 10 years and god alone knows how many shot's before having to splash out the wallet crunching £13 for a replacement post. The OP has been unlucky to some extent by buying from a Gun dealer that appears to know very little about Guns - this has made, to turn a phrase, a drama out of a crisis - I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that my local dealer, or indeed me personally, could have repaired said Gun in minutes - the OP, however, did exactly the right thing by taking the Gun back due to warranty concerns. He was let down by the dealer and the guns previous sausage fingered owner - to some extent by AA for not getting the job done faster but the dealer must shoulder the blame for sheer incompetence. I suppose all that ends well and all that - the OP now has one of the finest Air Rifles ever built and it should serve him well - stunning looking gun to boot.
  12. Signs of a good Dog - the rest should be easy (ish) - never lose your patience with him - never punish him more than a gentle tug on the ear and a harsh tone - overboard on praise in the early days and keep him interested by varying your lessons. Oddly enough, and without getting all girly, I was out with the Dogs a couple of days ago and, as my mind wandered, I was trying to think what, of everything I have ever owned (including Ducati's and Ferrari's) has given me the most pleasure in my life and it turns out, thinking about it, that it's my Springer - he amazes me just about every day, he rarely leaves my side for more than the time it takes him to retrieve but, most important, he goes ape whenever I come home - in short he is the best mate I could ever hope for.
  13. The indexing posts are the same on the S510 and S410 - but the post design has been updated recently - it now has a spring loaded "catch" that, I guess, should stop the things failing. There are, however, several reports of the new catch having manufacturing faults allowing the tiny spring to "kink" and jam - turning it around can fix the problem but this should never happen in the first place.The S510 US is a thousand pound gun and, pretty much, AA's flagship model - come on AA - think of your reputation and just how easy it is to lose it.
  14. CZ all day unless you can find an Annie - I've shot left handed with a RH rifle for 20+ years.
  15. Try Monkey Nuts - they seem mesmerized by them - Peanuts are also a good pull - early morning at daybreak is when they are most hungry and most tempted by an east meal - give em a couple of days to switch on to the new bait. Monkey Nuts also don't seem to appeal to birds so less get pilfered.
  16. By the time you have used 10 co2 capsules you could buy a second hand tank.
  17. Was it a problem with the Flux Capacitor? - It's the powdered Unicorn horn they use to lube the dies on the hades - gets everywhere like sand in your Bikini.
  18. Nice indeed but then it IS a Browning - thought about one when I bought my HMR but went for a Varmint barrel Annie - I'm reminded of my error every time I lug the beast around the fields.
  19. NEVER try fixing anything that's not big enough to kick.
  20. I think a voucher valid for an Energy company would be more fair - those who don't need the help most likely would not bother using it.
  21. It's a Browning , Mice, no need to worry at all - it will hold that tree up all day long.
  22. With the lock removed, can you trip the hammer by hand? Pics might help.
  23. Legality aside - that's simply disturbing and using a trap that causes such a slow death should be banned immediately, even if it were legal I would not consider using such a device. Legal? apparently so! Moral? absolutely not.
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