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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Had one of these for 15+ years - superb mower - we have a running bet with our neighbour that every year, after being dumped in a draughty shed all through winter, that the mower will start first pull - never lost so far.
  2. Exactly the same as al4x - we are now with Octopus - cannot fault them so far and certainly the cheapest + we get £50 for everybody that we recommend - the new customer also gets £50, so far we have "earned" £150 which, along with our Solar Panels means that our energy bills this year are tiny.
  3. Only my opinion, of course, but CCI would be better off spending money on improving the accuracy of their current range of .22lr rounds rather than on pretty pointless gimmicks.
  4. Historic pair of fine weapons I believe Mick - quick research has revealed that these guns belonged to no other than Naidni Foop the Potpourri baron of southern India. Famous for his flamboyant behaviour it was this very man that coined the phrase "shoot them between the eyes" after years of hunting man eating Tigers. Mr Foop was mauled to death in 1924 by 2 one eyed Tigers walking arm in arm.
  5. My son also uses the train from Uni in Stoke back to MK - £7 if you book in advance - costs me more in petrol just picking him up from the station - cannot fault the service.
  6. Whoops missed the sock bit - then OF beat me to the suggestion of a cartridge belt.
  7. 50 ft/lb getting near rimfire territory? You would struggle to find a standard .22lr round that leaves the barrel at less than 100 ft/lb's?
  8. Another vote for demonwolf444 - wood like that deserves to be treated by someone who knows what they're doing - post it to James then get a gun sock.
  9. When you close it gently - does the top lever swing into the correct position - i'm guessing not quite? Not sure if this model has the small pin that sits proud of the breach face (near the top lever) - if so push it in with a small rod and squirt WD40 down the hole - just a little.
  10. Dont know for sure but I would place my bet on M6 x 1. If not then M6 x .75.
  11. Picked this up last Saturday (23rd) and it's a real beaut - dates to 1957 but looks like a virtually new gun apart from the woodwork looking a little "dated" - not sure what Mick had been drinking when he described it as average condition. Only trust one chap to sort the woodwork, James aka "the woodworking gunsmith" will be breathing his magic on her so she is already en route to North Yorkshire where he will bring the wood to life (check out his website - no I don't work for him, he is simply superb at what he does) - already eager to get her back and on the pigeons.
  12. Dont think he could buy the spray stuff to put around the bitches rear end because he isn't 100% sure who the bitch that complained is. Ignore it - the complainant has to get video evidence of your actual dog barking for an unreasonable amount of time on several different occasions before the wheels of the council begin to slowly grind - the RSPCA have no rights whatsoever to enter your property as far as I know so you can ignore them as well.
  13. No i don't Davyo - but its different if you are on a Moped than if you are in a Truck isn't it? Why do they not mention that? My "offences" were almost 3 years apart - first was coming into our village where they were gong to build a new School - the 30 sign was put up 2 years before building work even started - it's about 500 yards from the start of the village in the middle of nowhere. Second was entering/leaving a roundabout on a day when Silverstone was hosting an F1 race - traffic was fast and furious so you had to be quick on the gas as soon as a space appeared - as I came off the roundabout I was still doing over 30 despite taking my foot off the pedal but once nearly 3 tons of car are moving they don't lose speed very quickly. That would have been my defence in court but the courses are always a laugh - courts are far more serious.
  14. Done the course twice - if you learn anything from the course then you shouldn't really be on the road - it's common sense but the braking distances are way out in regard to modern cars. Both my crimes were for 34 in a 30 - my speedo needle covers that amount - ultimately its still a money spinner - pretty sure the police get a claw back of the monies paid.
  15. Vulcan a decent rifle for the 80's? The HW80 was out there and was in a different league - the birth of the 80 was world changing - it taught the English Airgun manufacturers a valuable lesson in quality and precision, it changed the Americans opinion on Airguns as a viable hunting tool and thus became an icon - well sorted ones will still give modern guns a run for their money.
  16. The "vulcan" would not "do" a balloon at a spitting distance. Catalogues sold mainly awful guns that dealers could not sell - the fact that you could pay weekly was the selling point. The Paratrooper (el gammy) Jaguar, Hawk with or without the 2 barrels, Osprey, Meteor, both Relums (t200 and Tornado) were all available along with Baikal and Franchi snotguns - a complete selection of metallic carp.
  17. 2 points here if I may - the 109 and the Spitfire were so closely matched in overall performance that it was normally the better pilot or attack formation that won the day. As for BSA being lazy or uncaring r.e. their workforce it may be worth remembering that CNC technology was readily available when the mk3 Merc. came out - if the owners of the plant were unwilling to invest in new machinery then there's where the blame lies. Following the war, countries that had been crippled by bombing were re - equipped with modern machinery as we endeavoured to enable them to stand back on their own feet, whereas it was not uncommon in the 60's and 70's to walk into an English machine shop and find machine tools designed in the 20's . BSA did not help their plight with the "S" either by scouring the world for the worst piece of Walnut they could find.
  18. I would be seeking the cost of the sign writing as well - it's not your fault that the van is faulty. You could have returned it within 30 days I believe without question but over a month they may try and be difficult. Consumer direct will give you the best advice. (03454 040506)
  19. Begum's family are trying to sue the Home Secretary over his decision to remove the girls Citizenship quoting that the decision " put's her life at risk, exposes her to inhumane and degrading treatment and breaches her right to family life" - so NOW these things matter to her?
  20. Had really good service from them a few years back - looking for a LH 525 with 28" tubes and no dealers in the UK had one - SGC had one in 30" so they simply swapped the stock onto a 28" RH gun - well pleased.
  21. Dont think it's keepered - he invited me to beat next year if I wanted and he described the pheasant shoot as just a few good days out for a laugh - land is amazing - it almost comes back to where I live !!! and has 3 woods one of which is 40 acres.
  22. So Squirrel season, for me, is nearly at an end and few things with a heartbeat are still in good health on my local perm since the .17hmr arrived.Decided today to have a quick look around and see if I could find some more land. Now - anyone who lives in Bucks will know how bloomin hard it is to find shooting land unless you have deep pockets or are sleeping with the landowner (or both) so my hopes were not high. On the way to walk the dogs each morning I often see a couple of fields covered in Pigeons and the rape, in places, is virtually non existent. So here was my start point - 2 phone calls with my bestest phone voice had me in touch with the owner. The norm at this point is a resounding "Nope" followed, if you are lucky, by a string of well rehearsed explanations or, if luck is clearly not on your side, a clunck as the phone goes down. What doesn't usually happen is "pop down with some paperwork and I'll sort something out for you" - 15 minutes later I'm standing in the Farmers kitchen (wow......niiiiiiice) being handed a plan of his 1000 acres of which I can help myself - Rape, Peas, Wheat and Pheasant pens that all need regular pest control. Gonna do the lottery this week...........
  23. Well there's a reason NOT to turn up early.
  24. Friends of mine have 6 or 7 of them - I cannot believe anyone could use them for hunting - they are so slow, clumsy and difficult to train.
  25. Does it fit? Can you swing it nice and smooth i.e. it doesn't have 34" magnum proofed tubes? Does it come with multi chokes (we all like to fiddle whether we admit it or not - also gives an added excuse if we miss an easy bird)? Is it a decent brand so you wont lose much money if you change after a year or so? If yes then you are on to a winner.
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