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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. bruno22rf


    TBH if it's accurate then I would leave it for now - not sure if the washer is leather but if it is then a couple of drops of neatsfoot oil down the transfer port then leave to stand overnight will be all she needs.
  2. Even carrying the AA classic to the feeding stations got my ticker pumping hard these days and I often have to stop to catch my breath - it's getting so bad that I often simply don't go which is frustrating. Found out today that the gun is actually out of stock and the new ones are not due for about a month when the price will. most likely, rise. So now I'm looking around for anything that takes my fancy - Hortitsia floats my boat but out of stock everywhere and as heavy as the S400 so the search continues.
  3. Correct Mick - one is slow, leaks oil and totally out classed by the vast majority of mopeds - the other is a Yamaha (snigger)
  4. Apologies for dragging up an old post but I've just ordered a spanking new P15 - should be here end of the week. Been looking at used prices and some are dearer than new - paid £439. new and seen them up for £450 + so not sure what's going on. Reviews seem to vary wildly, anything from total carp to being likened to the return of the Messiah so only time will tell. After years of promising myself I would never part with my duo of S410's, the classic simply had to go as health issues mean that carrying the thing was too tiring - kept the carbine but even that is starting to feel weighty. Noticed that accuracy issues with the P15 seem to be connected to the magazine so will be on the lookout for a decent aftermarket jobby, besides, most of my shooting is only around the 20 yard mark so the gun should be up to the task. Anyone in PW land have any experience with this bullpuppy?
  5. bruno22rf


    FWIW I wish you the very best of luck, I have read the majority of your posts and it's nice to see someone so determined to enjoy his chosen sport - many people come on this site and ask for shooting then disappear when members fail to fall over themselves to offer help. Keep going and I would guess that you will be rewarded - if you were closer I could most likely get you on land and, with your attitude I think it would be a mere formality.
  6. Read your post this morning and gave loads of thought as to how I could perhaps make you feel a little better - 3 mile Dog walk in the early sunshine and the beauty of nature all around me allowed my mind to explore several possibilities but eventually I come to the same conclusion - the title of your post say's it better than I ever could. Be strong for your family.
  7. Dyson do a set price service for around £80 - they come to you and will replace just about any part showing signs of wear or damage all included in the price. As for a replacement then Miele is the best but Henry wins hands down considering the cost - you can run the Henry without a bag for better suction still. I have a Dyson and over the last 2 years every single part of it (apart from the long pipe) has been replaced under warranty.
  8. Only a guess but I would suggest the firing pin has stuck in the breach block and hit the cartridge as soon as the action has started to push the cartridge into the chamber - the primer has left the scene which would be unlikely had the cartridge been against the breach face - the gun has gone "full auto".
  9. As above - still all boxed with pull through, handle, brushes etc - used it a couple of times but then bought a rod set, it was used when I bought it so not in mint condition - whoever wants it for the price of posting ( should be about £3.) - box suggests there should be solvent but that was not present when I bought the set.
  10. WINCEY? - type of coarse woven fabric .
  11. IMHO there's no overnight solution to this problem - this time of year the trees are heavy with food for squizzers and it's going to be this way till winter hits. Bait stations with Peanuts will tempt the first few victims but they learn fast and you soon run out of the dimmer members of the group. The co2 powered traps are not proving as effective as everyone thought and when you consider the high cost of purchase they may just be uneconomical. Once winter comes and the leaves fall you should be able to start reducing significant numbers but if there are others nearby, and they will travel a couple of miles with ease, then the ones you shoot will be replaced by newcomers within weeks. Poisons are banned afaik so Air Rifle and feeders is most likely the best solution but it will be ongoing and you will need to regular forays to make any real difference. I have been shooting them this way in one small copse for 3 years now and I shoot roughly the same numbers each year so I doubt that even this technique is actually very effective - jolly good fun though!
  12. Talk about being picky - being .177 they will easily fit into your .22 and so long as you only shoot upwards everything will be fine........tut, some people.
  13. Owned furblades and gixxer's and ridden them all pretty hard and, to be honest, never really found an expensive tyre appreciably better than cheap old Maxxi's.
  14. Why would you feed carlos fandango rounds to a gun like that? Plenty of power but accuracy is limited so why all the extra poke? Try RWS HP HV - sometimes hard to find but a real quality round that just gets the job done.
  15. Forum's a bit dull at the mo!!
  16. Problem seems to be,S Kewitsch, that your eyesight is more likely causing the problem - if you need to screw out the eyepiece that far then it can hardly be the scopes fault? At the end of the day you will not find SMK scopes being used by top FT shooters and there's a very good reason for that - they are primarily aimed at the real budget end of the market . I,like strimmer, always try and buy used scopes - for under £50 you can pick up a some very reasonable glass - not a Hawke fan, I prefer Nikko Stirling myself.
  17. 3-4 hours does me - but then I could nod off at the drop of a hat in the afternoons - rarely go to bed before 2am and my alarm (set for 6am) only goes off if I forget to turn it off when I get up - I seem to spend most of the night on the internet or reading - local burglars hate me.
  18. bruno22rf

    FWB 127,

    If it's in really good condition I would leave it - not really built for plinking as it's an out and out sporter and one for the collector - it seems a shame for such a rifle to spend it's days perforating tin cans. As an investment it's not a bad bet cos prices are only going to go one way - but make sure it's the later model - collectors also seem to like the original ASI sticker on the cylinder.
  19. After noticing my lad (ESS) has been breathing fast, even at rest, we popped him to the Vet today and 2 hours later heard that he has an enlarged heart and a "kink" in his Aorta - he is only 5 and we are devastated to hear such bad news. According to the Vet his condition is either genetic (unlikely as he has a string of FT champions behind him) or has been caused by Trauma - there is a Dog where we walk him that seems hell bent on running into other Dogs as they run past. If we have been lucky and caught the condition early then he may lead a long and relatively normal life but he is going to have to learn to calm down - not easy as he is manic most of the time. He is on a strong initial dose of Diuretics to try and remove the accumulated fluid from his stomach and lungs so the next few days will be critical. I'm , tbh, in pieces over this, just thought I would share.
  20. If you can pull that shot off 9 times out of 10 then good on you - if not then you were simply being irresponsible risking wounding an Animal for no more than a challenge. There are many Rifles out there that would kill at such a range all day - why not buy one?
  21. 8-9 most of my life but following the recent GL fiasco I would guess about 4-5.
  22. Ah, I see what your'e saying Walker570 - but what you actually needed was MY Springer 😃
  23. I always find option 2 the best in the long run - but from day 1 my dog is totally off lead at home and learns to follow me around the house/garden. I may well be wrong but I tend to find that the first thing on a Dogs mind when on a lead is how to get off it - in a young Dog this seems to become somewhat ingrained and then leaves you with more problems than you started with - get him to follow you like a shadow when he's a puppy and I find the Dog will never stray far from your side.
  24. FWIW I think London Best is about on the money advice wise - meeting farmers without asking permission is far more likely to gain their trust - markets, farm shops etc. Don't be afraid to start small as one guy who may have little more than a paddock may seem insignificant - mentioning his name and adding that you shoot for him can carry a lot of clout .Over the last 4 years I have gained over 6K Acres by bumping into farmers whilst out walking the dog - pretty sure that , had I turned up at their door and asked, I would not have been so lucky.
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