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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. I would imagine that he was doing what most Police Officers do these days - checking that the car used by the Terrorists was taxed and insured. On a more serious note he should be sacked for cowardice in the face of the enemy. Reading the report it also looks like he had his car driven away without even attempting to see if he could assist the downed officer - unbelievable, there was a time when he would have been shot for such actions.
  2. yes please - pm me your details regarding payment.
  3. HW60J stunning accuracy - mates fires v-max into 2p size groups at 100 yards all day.
  4. Try some different Ammo - the .17's are often very fussy - buy 1 box of whatever you can find and test them - find the best and go back and buy as many as you can from the same supplier/batch.
  5. People who stand at my front door for 5 minutes reading my "No Junk Mail" sign before putting Junk Mail thru my letterbox. Xfactor.
  6. You must be mad not to shop around every year - some comparison sites will even remind you just before your insurance is due. There is little doubt that some companies offer lower premiums in the first year to tempt you - they then sting you the following year so shop around and whoever you insure with should be informed that you do not agree to Auto Renewal. On a slightly different note - if you ask Adrian Flux for a quote they have a habit of simply posting you your completed insurance documents even if you turn down their policy .
  7. You should be able to access your medical records online - ask your surgery how to do it - cannot see why you cannot copy and send to the Police?
  8. Second foray yesterday - got to wood only to find 7-8 Caravans parked up and the woods overrun by little feral kids. Shooting has been stopped until the local council remove their fingers and do something .
  9. Considering that up to 56000 people die each year of Flu and the fact that the injection is a DEAD virus I find it hard to understand why anybody would not jump at the chance to be jabbed.
  10. I have spent the last 20 years being lectured by TV presenters shouting their mouths off about the benefits of conservation and pretending to care. They don't, it's just an excuse to pander to ignorance and cheap publicity.
  11. Disappointing first evening foray for me - full of hope and enthusiasm and dreaming of trees full of youngsters only to find myself burnt by the afternoon sun while the blighters sat high in the trees shouting abuse at me .
  12. One of my springer's sometimes finds dead Squabs in the woods and brings them back to me - never really added up numbers but only 5 or 6 a year but this last month she has been bringing back at least one (and on one occasion 3) dead youngsters on every walk - these are all from different areas of the woods and in various stages of growth from a couple of weeks to fledgling stage. I have never experienced so many dead birds, the wood is 100 acres and only one bird so far seems to have been partially eaten (missing head) and cannot help but wonder if anyone else has noticed anything similar in the Bucks area or anywhere for that matter?
  13. Well the call to Arms came out of the blue today - Feeders up just a few days in one particular wood and already attracting squizzers - Tally Ho .
  14. Slightly off topic but, following months of loose stools, we have tried just about every Dog food on the market and have now settled on making our own. We buy any meat on offer (except pork) and fry it in a little water with Bovril to add flavour - we aim for around 60/40 meat to veg ratio an use frozen sweet potatoes and mixed veg (without sweetcorn which seems to go straight thru or Onions) and bag into 650g portions then freeze. With a scoop of biscuits we can feed one dog for less than £1/day and his stools are just as they should be.
  15. Thought Bow hunting was illegal in the UK?
  16. If you have not tried the above then grab yourself a 6 pack.....sooooooo drinkable and you can thank me when your sight returns to normal .
  17. Love the original 35 - caused a massive argument between my father and myself many, many years ago when a local idiot found himself short of cash up the pub one night and offered his new 35 to the first person to put £6 (I kid you not) on the table - sprinted home and begged the old man to loan me the cash but he reckoned it was a wind up. I spent many hours that summer ,green with envy, watching my friend enjoying the cheapest new 35 I ever heard of .BTW - it was £6 because that was the cost of filling his motorbike. Some nice rifles there ,Mice, but BAR prices are about 30% dearer than I reckon I can buy for and then they add £24 postage .
  18. Eagerly awaiting best fittings response on this one - you could so easily have lost an Eye .
  19. Don't forget , if you buy from a dealer, to pay with a credit card (or even just a deposit) as this means your credit card company are equally liable if the car is a pup. Bought my Range Rover from a dealer and it developed a gearbox fault within weeks - the dealer simply refused to play ball so my credit card company paid to have her fixed.
  20. The S200 is one of my all time favourites so well worth considering but having owned 2 before I like the idea of trying summit new. The more I study reviews on the older classics, the more I find myself wandering off looking at Compatto reviews and the temptation is growing in that direction .
  21. Always loved the Weihrauch marque until I bought a 95 several years ago - pulled off my longest every Squirrel shot with it but it's accuracy never really gave me confidence, unlike my previous 80, and was kinda glad to see the back of it - had a 35 (bought with my first ever earnings) but we never got on either - OMG - just realised that must have been 1979. Quite like the Original 45, but too heavy for me now, or the Annie 335 but that's rocking horse poo territory.
  22. Thanks for the suggestions hawkfanz but I've had Meteors, sold a few Airsporter's in my time and never had an Original 50 that I felt was up to hunting, beautiful gun in every way but never felt right hunting. The HW80 I shot with for years is worth considering but the weight, with my health, makes heavy guns a big problem.
  23. Wb123 - interesting choices there but which ,of the two, do you prefer?
  24. The scope is an issue that I'm pretending to ignore but, in my heart of hearts I kind of know that I need one to be effective - not only to improve my accuracy but to give me something to blame when I miss.
  25. FWB Sport, now there's a dream rifle - seem to remember they did one with uprated woodwork, that would be nice but LH?
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