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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. Match is more important than priority in most cases and is the first thing checked for when an organ becomes available.
  2. On the ball as always Ultrastu - if you want the other half to use it as well then the S200 is as good as anything else out there.
  3. Well done Sir - hope your experience helps to reassure others that the Police are not always the "bad guys" - now put it behind you and enjoy life - this is not a dress rehearsal.
  4. The screw behind the trigger adjusts both first and second stage pull weight - turn it clockwise (inwards) half a turn at a time till you are happier with the first stage pull - the second stage will also increase in weight but as second stage travel is minimal you probably wont notice it.
  5. If your land is already cleared for FAC then you should be fine but why not simply buy a .22lr, cheaper, quieter and variable power depending on what you feed it + the cost of Tanks etc buys a heck of a lot of .22 ammo - not much beats the sound of a Squirrel being hit by a subsonic .22lr.
  6. Doubt that the victory holds 1 ltr of Air - shot count is dismal at around 30/charge.
  7. Take it back - that's not acceptable - do not remove the stock or you will face warranty issues - the top lever should not be appreciably stiffer when the gun has been fired only the force needed to lower the barrels - if it is then the ejectors might be causing the problem? These guns have heavy duty hammer springs I believe - might also need a look at but I would demand a replacement if it's less than 3 months old.
  8. We need to remember that this legislation has been introduced to save lives - nothing more. Countless thousands of people have agreed to donate but never get around to signing the form (which can be over ridden by surviving relatives) so I'm guessing this way cures that problem. I can completely see why some people argue that having to opt out is unfair as consent is assumed but you have the choice if you feel strongly enough to opt out or simply mention to your next of kin. Do not assume that organs are just given away - to get mine I had to undergo mental assessment , heart and brain scans via an internal camera, gain weight, quit smoking, get fit and have 6 teeth removed before I was put on the list, on the night that I was called 3 of us sat in a waiting area undergoing test after test for nearly 12 hours - one poor guy had contracted a virus and was excluded after waiting for 2 years so when the organ arrived it was down to best match divided by best chance of surviving the operation (the consent form that you sign just before the OP lists "death" as the most common side effect) - I was fortunate enough to be a perfect match so underwent 17 hours of surgery as my prize. It's not easy on anybody this transplant business, but it saves lives.
  9. A bumper crop of Walnuts - now I'm green with envy. Only one tree I know of locally and it's a magnet for tree rats - too near to kids play area to shoot and the situation with the squizzers is so bad that the owner has cut back any saplings around the base and put an upside down plastic dustbin lid around the trunk to stop them getting into the tree - not much help cos they still somehow manage to clear the tree of it's nuts. Not long now till I get started - the landowners now have 6k acres so there must be some of the little pests lurking around .
  10. With so much natural food around you might have to bribe them with something that they cannot refuse - peanuts at the very least but shops like Lidl do mixed bags of nuts or buy a couple of bags of various types and mix them yourself - Brazil and Walnuts seem effective if mixed with peanuts. Should be a few youngsters around by now - Natures version of a pellet catcher .
  11. We use shower shine - after every shower just a couple of puffs (!) along the top of the screen and the screen just needs the odd wipe with a glass cleaner every couple of weeks.
  12. It's no good....I cant help myself....Eggs and Flour?.....she was battered then? No offence intended.
  13. Now there's an idea Walker570 - anyone purchasing items from an outlet owned by Muslims should wear a Balaclava in the store.
  14. Get a phone with "call guardian" fitted - less than £30 on the Bay and it's a BT phone - bought ours about 2 years ago after receiving up to 10 calls a day - not one since .
  15. Cannot help but think that this is a simple attempt to gain support for Boris and lead his way to being PM. The majority of people are saying "good on you Boris" and joining in a massive back patting party - I like Boris but this is being blown out of all proportion for a reason.
  16. I must have 2 unique S410's then cos neither has shifted zero (apart from when changing scopes!) since I've owned them - had the odd occasion where I thought zero had shifted but back home on a soft rest and bang on. As for the front support shifting, as long as the screws are tight then you would need considerable force to twist the barrel - not a design fault but surely a lack of care or brain cells. The BSA barrel is held in place by 2 tiny grub screws, same as the AA, the only difference is the larger dia of the barrel - but you then have to bring the quality of manufacture into the equation to ascertain which is most firmly held - both are also fitted into an alloy body I believe - hardly a recipe for robust construction. Anyhow - next time I go sea fishing I will bow to my superiors and hold the rod, one handed, just behind the reel. Free floating a barrel is all about harmonics and preventing anything touching the barrel and thus affecting it in any way and not to do with strength. Let's run a simple experiment - you clamp your BSA to a workmate, or similar, and fire a shot downrange - note it's position then hang a 3kg weight off the end of your barrel and fire another - I will do likewise with my S410, then lets see who's point of impact drops the most.
  17. Why would free floating barrels prevent this? Surely a supported barrel is far less likely to move when bumped around in a bag or the boot of your car - bit like saying that I can hold my fishing rod more rigid with one hand than with two? Free floating barrels have never been promoted as being more robust as far as I can recall.
  18. But then your bonnet is up and the panel is outside the car? Unless you thread it thru the dash which would be a pain - I think the output is so low that they are not much use on a car battery.
  19. Why would the state want your organs velocette?? Trust me, it doesn't - a sick and dying person somewhere who has come to terms with the idea of dying but has just one glimmer of hope - that something about to be thrown away could be their saviour does. If your child was dying of Renal failure (God Forbid) I'm guessing that you would give them one of your Kidneys and gladly accept that the NHS (or "the state") is going to spend £40k plumbing it in then paying thousands of pounds a year to keep her alive? Why is the idea of giving someone life so hard to swallow? Maybe a walk down the local Hospital and a quick peek in the Dialysis unit would open your eyes?
  20. Mine and my families thanks go virtually every day to the 18 year old young lady that carried the donor card and enabled me to be part of my children's lives as they grew up over the last 13 years - unless faced with the situation it is hard to explain how you feel when you realise that another persons thoughtfulness and care has given you life, there cannot be a greater gift surely? God Bless her, I only wish I could tell her somehow.
  21. By design PCP's have an almost built in regulator - when the hammer strikes (via the valve) against the cylinder's internal pressure the valve will be forced closed by said pressure and the speed of closing will determine how long the valve remains open - short bursts of high pressure versus longer bursts of a lower pressure as stored pressure drops - a regulator simply maintains a constant feed of constant pressure to the valve - more consistency and less wasted air. In real terms the most difference will be felt at both extremes of shot count capability - for arguments sake the first and last 30 shots (don't forget....MOST difference) - you can avoid this problem by A / charging your rifle less than it's max refill level and B/ knowing how many shots your gun is capable of before velocity starts to noticeably drop - in short the "sweet spot" - if you have this latter information then you should routinely carry that amount of pellets - simple. If you buy a regulated gun then life is generally a little easier for you but it is not the cure all that some may think and it does not make you a good shot, it simply removes one of the variables. Is it my imagination or are members getting on a lot better than in previous years - it's so refreshing to read genuine questions and intelligent answers from members on this section - you are all a credit to our sport. p.s. Walker570 - thank you for your kind remarks.
  22. Please don't take this the wrong way ELIMINATOR but if your son is type 1 and was smoking then he needed a good talking to - you are dead right about the hands though - I had type1 for 30 years and several operations on my hands and nobody ever told me it was linked to diabetes - even now, several years after having type1 I am suffering from carpel tunnel.....bloomin hurts at times .
  23. Social scobydog - my personal thoughts are that if you work for it and buy it then nobody should be able to touch it - as for mental issues in our midst, couple of weeks back I found myself in A&E with my son - there were at least 50 people waiting for triage as we were being seen by a Doctor - in the bay next to us was a young man demanding to have his feet washed - he could not do it at home because "the bad demons wont let me use the sink" - every time they tried to discharge him he screamed like a banshee till eventually they just left him wasting a bay - wonder what the 50+ people behind him would have thought?
  24. Just buy a complete tank/whip/gauge specifically for Airgun charging - plenty around at keen prices or look around for used ones for sale - only thing you will need to fit is your specific adapter - simples.
  25. In my local area (10 miles outside MK) there seems to be a lot of older people living as a couple in large 3 bedroom houses - it's a harsh thing to do but these people should be forced to move to more suitable housing and accept the fact that it might be in a different area, surely this is just a fact of life if you live in social housing.
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