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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. TBH - you will need to spend quite a bit of your hard earned to beat the S200 if you bought another PCP - to attempt it with a springer is, at best, a very long shot.
  2. Doubt that I would have taken such a shot - no matter how big the regulars at the Pub are there is always the risk of hitting the Rabbit . Reporting to his FEO - REALLY?? The OP is simply presenting you with a dilemma - what better way to educate?
  3. Really sorry to read of your loss - must be heart breaking. I am by no means an expert on ESS's but my dog ( a rescue, 8 months old when we got him) will follow all basic commands after the most rudimentary training but also flushes and retrieves to hand without any training to do so whatsoever - it must be in his genes? I would suggest that it's the dogs breeding that makes him/her special so buy after recommendations or reputation rather than price. We all believe our dogs to be the best - but mine IS - I cannot imagine waking up in the morning and him not being there, best friend I've ever had by a long shot.
  4. Think that the gun has to be entered onto your ticket by the selling RFD now?
  5. Forum deffo seems to be less interesting over the last year or so - too many keyboard warriors and petty squabbles is just one reason I find it less entertaining. PW would certainly be a forlorn place without members like SIH and it can not afford to lose such talent - had the pleasure of meeting the guy once and his knowledge and skill where shot making is concerned is second to none - a really nice guy as well .
  6. Just in case you were considering one for your car - they do not work on many cars - to check you need to see if your cigarette lighter works with the ignition OFF - if it does then you should be ok.
  7. I'm with Old Boggy - the guy is a genius with old guns and a real gent to deal with - wait till you get the gun back from him then ask how old he is - amazing.
  8. Walker570....considerable swelling eh? now that's given me an idea . Mice....any pictures of the Dog wearing wellies and trousers?
  9. bruno22rf

    BSA Defiant

    Be interesting to know how many of us have ever double loaded a PCP - I'll start - 20 + years using only PCP's for hunting = zero. Keep your eye on the ball.
  10. Surely Rock Salt is corrosive to metal? - driveway/car - I wouldn't risk it?
  11. Sounds like a possible fuel issue - get it on a Dyno/rolling road and get it mapped.
  12. Our bins have really been unpleasant due to the hot weather and the other half constantly putting dog eggs in them which then bake nicely in the sun - got so bad that I was avoiding walking past them if possible but then bought some Zoflora from Poundland that I mixed up with 3 litres of water and wow-what a difference - at a squid a throw it's got to be worth a go and it smells really pleasant.
  13. Love Mirusia Louwerse - her voice can bring most people to tears - stunning.
  14. Might also be worth considering that , if you mess up on filling, 232bar is less likely to blow your gun to bits than 300bar .
  15. Just tried "Thornit" powder after wasting £130 over 2 visits to the vet - what an improvement after only 2 applications - mentioned it to our vet and was told that they do not recommend it.....is that because they cannot charge you a fortune for a prescription for it?
  16. No decent dealer would "shoot you down" - you are the customer and firmly in the driving seat - we all have to learn and we all make mistakes but a quick trip to the dealer should put your mind at rest - you could say that you just wanted to check the power level with the particular pellet that you have decided on if you are not comfortable?
  17. Just take it back to your dealer and ask them to chrono it - why mess about? There is also a possibility that your friends S400 has crept over the limit - they have a habit of doing it.
  18. Best advice really, chris, is to suggest that you drive one - mine is pretty old and slow by modern standards but the comfort and drive are like nothing else, don't expect it to be economical on fuel though - if you see 20+/gallon then you are winning but it doesn't actually seem to bother me - strange, these really are Marmite vehicles.
  19. Find a small local specialist for servicing and avoid main dealers like the plague - speak to any RR owner you meet for info on the best ones. Get them to do a couple of small jobs then pay cash () for any work carried out in the future. Supply any parts needed yourself - Opie Oils is good for most service parts but you can buy the vast majority of bits far cheaper yourself if you search around ( a service sheet for my car shows that the previous owner was charged £25 per Spark Plug by a main dealer - Ebay price is £49 for all 8), other main dealer charges are criminal - I had to pay £600 for an XYZ switch only to read on the Full Fat RR forum that there's a chap rebuilds them for £60! These are champagne cars but if you shop around and use a little savvy then they are no worse than any other car - but a whole lot better driving experience.
  20. Odd you should mention that the dealer did not even bother to show you the gun - I experienced exactly the same reaction while my application was going thru - soon as it was granted and in my hands dealers were a whole lot more helpful.
  21. bruno22rf

    Plum Tree

    One of the woods that I shoot is called "plum wood" ( for obvious reasons) and some years the trees are bare yet another the branches hang to the ground under the weight of the fruit - once the fruit drops it's actually unpleasant to walk on the fruit rotting on the floor - trees were planted in 1917 by a local soldier returning home after receiving shrapnel wounds in France - visiting this wood always saddens me because while recovering from his wounds he was sent a white feather by the local ladies who did not bother to do their homework, he later returned to the front and was killed in action in Belgium .
  22. As it's from a dealer he must include a warranty - I would suggest 3 months parts and labour at the very least although I'm pretty sure that you have the same consumer rights as if the item was new. I would look for a used TX200 if I were in your shoes.
  23. Knowing that you have a ,potentially serious, problem and accepting it is of your own doing is a huge step - you are still in control so you can take some comfort in that. Alcohol is usually an avenue we go down to escape problems that we cannot, or will not, accept or address so you should take a good honest look at your life and decide what needs to be corrected alongside reducing your reliance on Alcohol - find an escape from situations where drinking has become habitual. Speak to your Doctor or, better still , go to an anonymous meeting so no records are being kept.
  24. I rebuilt a 350lc many years ago, from the ground up, full nut and bolt jobby - it got stolen and I later found another bike parked up with a few bit's that I knew beyond all doubt came from the one I had worked on - Police were not interested as I could not prove they were my bits.
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