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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. IMHO - the most likely reason she will quit is if, no matter how hard she tries, her gun is simply not capable of consistent accuracy or is heavy/uncomfortable to use. I would also bare in mind that if she does carry on, and you buy her a cheap Turkish Delight, then you will soon be forking out for a replacement. Spend a little more and, if you are quick off the mark, you could buy a gun, use it for a couple of years then sell it for little, if no, loss. Scan the website "newsnow" for "air rifles for sale" and you should soon find something suitable - I would strongly suggest the AA S200 as it can be bought for under £300 and is stupidly accurate - in fact, no matter wot you're using, it will give your gun a good run for it's money.
  2. Sorry....no words are going to make this any easier.
  3. No worries, hawkfanz, I would be fascinated to know exactly which law I would be breaking - does it also upset them if you don't have enough guns? What if I just have one gun in a 7 gun cabinet? Nothing to do with them.
  4. There is no requirement by law for him to store his Air rifle in a cabinet - a simple trigger lock is ample. As for storing more guns than a cabinet is designed for, it has nothing to do with the police nor your insurance company how many guns you keep in it. As already said - gun socks can be bought for under £8 so buy a load and wrap your guns then top & tail them. Currently have 13 shotguns and 3 rifles in 7 and a 4 gun cabinet.
  5. About this time last year Milton Keynes council agreed to take 20 refugee families and support them with housing etc, after being reminded that MK has a growing population of homeless people the council proudly announced that the immigrants could easily be housed with a slight "reshuffle". A statement from MK council earlier this year tells us that their demand for housing is in crisis??
  6. They only tend to be see thru if you put your face up close...if you walk 30 yards away and look back at them you will get the idea - not effective with crows but pigeons often seem oblivious to them as long as you have a decent background and don't move around.
  7. A million thanks for the replies - I have ordered some Wago fittings and a soldering iron to tidy up the wire ends - then I will cut enough room out of the ceiling to push them inside .
  8. Does anyone know if I can use car type spade/bullet connectors in my domestic circuit? - I have fitted a new ceiling light and the rose is tiny so getting block connectors in is a nightmare but managed to get it all in using spade type connectors bought from an Auto supplier.
  9. The one and same, my Lord, Google them, or better still send one of your chaps down to get some because, once word gets around, these will be gone.
  10. Pretty much spot on advice from TONY R in my opinion although I would steer away from an auto as a first gun. Buy a used branded gun - I would suggest 30" multi choke sporter to give you the best jack of all trades gun. Winnie 101's are fantastic guns but ejectors are becoming a problem on the older ones and spares are in the Rocking horse poo category. Look at the Browning 325 if you can find one or older Miroku's - don't buy a Beretta unless you get the chance to actually shoot the gun - great guns but some people simply cannot get on with the fit. As said - at £500 you could buy a new budget gun but a good used quality gun will outlast it many times over and lose little money if you look after it. Try as many as you can at OGC and then buy privately if you can as it will save you a fortune - take someone with you if you are not confident.
  11. The hammers will return till they are held back by the sears - unlikely that any amount of wear will make one come back 3mm more or less than the other - most likely that the gun is simply designed that way. Give the action a good soak in WD40 and use compressed air to blow out all the muck (remove the stock!) - once you have done this you can reassemble the gun and cock the locks, then remove the barrels and place a 2p piece over each firing pin in turn - pulling the trigger should launch the coin to the ceiling - simple but pretty reliable old trick.
  12. Should be plenty of advice r.e. the chequering on youtube.
  13. Pretty sure the "silencer" is only really effective when firing a pellet - otherwise your review confirms what I have always thought....it's dearer than the S410 but not as good - it certainly cannot beat the S410 on any score that counts in the real world and judging by your accuracy test it falls well short of the AA .
  14. Why are ghost nets pointless, as long as you use them as intended they work just fine.
  15. Stock...strip, rub down and oil finish...£120+....reblue...£100+, if you shop around you will get a better price, as you will for cash. You could do some of the donkey work yourself to bring the price down further. No location so no idea where you are re someone to do it.
  16. Many years ago I used to operate a lathe that faced a window, outside was just a brick wall and I could just about see the first foot or so of the roof. One day while staring out of the window I saw a Male sparrow holding a Female sparrow by the wing so that she could hang off the edge of the gutter and look underneath for insects - never seen anything like that before or since.
  17. Actually they started it together after he had the idea - she is not married btw Bigbob.
  18. Which "Idiot" is slagging her off 955i? As for not seeing it reported that she is asking for anything....took me about 10 clicks of the mouse to find her and her partners "gofundme" page . I made my opinion clear from the start that I have great sympathy for anyone who is terminally ill but to use your fame to elevate your chances of charity by backdoor begging I find a little selfish. I wish her well - hand on heart. BTW - doubtful that the overpayment will go back into a cancer charity - the £50k is for the first course of treatment.
  19. What will the Wildcat do that none of your other, top notch, guns cannot? If it's a ********, sorry,pup then how many times have you honestly watched a Rabbit ,Pigeon , Rat or Corvid (delete as applicable) heading off into the sunset because your weapon is too long?(Ooooer mrs). Airguns have ,pretty much, reached their Zenith and you already have 2 guns capable of proving this - anything else is simply desire for a new Trinket - on the other hand you only live once and if you have the money.........
  20. Not sure how long these have been on sale but just noticed that Tesco are selling "Barry Norman" hot and spicy premium pickled onions - if you haven't tried them then you really need to cos they are superb - nearest thing to a home pickled onion I have ever tasted and a kick that is addictive .
  21. Am I right in thinking that this is a £1k+ rifle not more than, say, 3 years old?? It needs "tuning"? Methinks it needs "changing" for an Air Arms or similar
  22. How would a court be able to prove that any bird you shot was listening to your decoy? On our way to Tesco's my other half chats constantly but (apparently) I don't listen to a thing she says .
  23. I understand your reasoning toontastic but she must have earned more money during her 16 years on TV than the vast majority of people will see in their lifetime, I just think that to turn to her fans and "beg" for £50k is a little cheeky. Strangely enough she is a trained practitioner of Shamanic healing - an art that seeks to "quickly find the root of a problem and remove and release negative and toxic energy" - this, apparently, brings about the healing that we need. Come on then, let's see it at work.
  24. Oddly enough, after spending many years laughing at the thought of Big Cats roaming our countryside, I nearly ran one over near Aylesbury a couple of weeks ago. Now I'm not for one minute going to say it was a Panther or anything daft like it because it was far too small but it was way bigger than any Cat I have ever encountered - I would say about Cocker size but identical in every way to a domestic Moggy - I was so shocked that I had to pull over and regain my composure . Looking on the internet I found a report of a similar sighting not 3 miles away a few years back by our local Milkman.
  25. First of all let me just say that I am saddened by the news that anybody has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I can only imagine the fear and pain they must be suffering. Leah Bracknell ( Zoe Tate from Emmerdale) has received just such news and it must be horrendous to try and come to terms with the situation, however, am I alone in thinking that asking her fans to donate funds (£50k) to allow her to undergo treatment in Germany, is a little "off"? Where has all the money gone from her 16 years on TV? What about all the other people suffering the same illness? I would think much more of her if she was raising funds for others but to use her fame to help herself? Just doesn't seem right to me but maybe I'm just a cynic?
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