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Everything posted by bruno22rf

  1. I contacted Air Arms about this very matter about a year ago-I even designed a simple and cheap way of preventing the problem (if done during manufacture) using a spring loaded ball. Didn't even get the decency of a reply
  2. Batteries last for years-the more you use them the better-I also have a MK3 and I would suggest that you put any worries you may have about the electrics/batteries out of your mind. A single overnight charge back in January and my gun is still shooting perfectly today-at least 500 shots gone and lord knows how many more. As said-get Daystates serviced by trained gunsmiths and NOT by DS themselves-it will save you a fortune. IMHO very nice guns IF money is no object and you like the latest all singing and dancing toys-but in the real world the AA 410, 510 etc will match them all day long.
  3. I would have told him that for 80p
  4. Sounds like a Chinese made gun to me?
  5. About a metre of fishing line with a loop tied on the end-piece of cotton about 25x10 mm soaked in WD40 and pulled through is all I have ever used.
  6. Would it not have been more useful to say something years ago-why now?
  7. All of the Numatic range are good-run the Henry without the paper bag for best results. If you want value then buy a Dyson 07 from a dump/Ebay and for £80 Dyson will send an engineer who will replace any worn or broken parts and leave it like new-should cost less than £100 all in.
  8. There is no legal obligation for her to maintain the fence unless the deeds state "must be maintained" next to the boundary-she can tie a string of used Thongs along there if she likes but if you erect a fence along the boundary line you are trespassing-also, if she does not put a fence there and your dog/kids go in her garden you are still committing an offence.
  9. Jesus wept, chris-I can almost hear the fashion police sirens racing towards you-you really need to stop smoking that herbal stuff.
  10. bruno22rf


    If it came in via a download/update then you were careless and just clicked "accept" when asked-common mistake. Borrow someone else's computer and simply ask google how to get rid of it-you might want to make sure that your pop up blocker is on (internet options-privacy) and also download Adblocker. Check your programs ( control panel) and see if any new ones appear on the day you upgraded -if so delete/uninstall them.
  11. If the slave cylinder was replaced in January it must still be under warranty?-The V5 is not proof of ownership btw-the paperwork you gave him where you accepted money in exchange for the goods, however, is.
  12. "some may need make up"-love it-the mind boggles.
  13. Although it does not bother me-its kind of considered bad form to ask for permission to shoot on your first post.
  14. Boring but raises an important question-does his mum know that he's shooting at her favourite table?
  15. Every Sunday the urban masses spend hours painting mud on their freeloader wheel arches before popping on their patterned Hunters and sitting down for a taste of fresh air. Watching Adams pet farm where nothing ever dies or gets hurt is a shot of joy to all as everybody soaks up a little heritage and learns how the "real" people of the countryside spend their days playing Aunt Sally before meeting in huge village groups to quaff scrumpy in terracotta mugs that their Ancestors knitted. Its all good fun and depicts the world as the public want to see it .
  16. You may well have rabbits in abundance but that's between you and the landowner-the onus is on him to control the vermin and even then it is entirely at his discretion-you do not have any legal rights to shoot unless the landowner gives permission.
  17. As a tenant you do not own the shooting rights to the land-they belong to the landowner. If the landowner has given you written shooting rights to the land then all is well.
  18. Ignore it-as far as I know parking offences on private ground (such as a supermarket) is a civil matter and the owners of the ground would need to prove financial loss by your "offence"-impossible unless they can prove that the car park was full.
  19. It is a great honour to be best man at ****'s first wedding.
  20. I cannot help but wonder who , in gods name, ever goes twice to a "show" like this? Initial impressions were not good when we heard a young lady ask a parking goon if she could park closer to the entrance because her 90 year old mother could not walk very far on uneven ground-she was dismissed with a curt wave indicating the bottom of the field ( a good 500 yards walk). A steely glance from the other half prevented me "having a word" with the idiot. We were then robbed of £12 each that enabled us to wonder around the showground trying to find something remotely interesting to look at. The ubiquitous airgun range was next to a group of American civil war re-enactors (relevance to an English country show?) and the rest was an assortment of opportunities to waste your money on more carp than you could shake a stick at. Downtrodden and depressed we headed for a watering hole that was advertising traditional cask ales and country ciders-a pint of warm watery tasting cider, 2 bottles of water and a can of coke was £10-I was so angry that I took the cider back and demanded a refund (I also noted that NO prices were being displayed)-we could have bought a cup of coffee but £3.50 for instant seemed to add insult to injury-besides the queue to pay £7 for a pork roll was in our way. We stayed about an hour and the trip for 4 adults and 2 kids set me back £66 inc drinks-what an absolute crock of old dog *****. P.S. no clay shooting-at a country fair???
  21. No-its a disgusting throwback from the cave man era-we have moved on so far that we can kill our victims with the best tools at our disposal-if you kill, be it for sport or food, then you should do it in such a way as to cause the absolute minimum of pain.
  22. Sorry mate-but without pictures you will struggle. You might want to find out postage costs as well?
  23. Shooting steel shot has very little effect on modern metal detectors-the machine can be set to ignore them or will identify the metal-I don't detect any more but as far as I'm concerned its not my land so if they have permission then good luck to them. In my experience it is far more difficult to get permission to detect than it is to shoot -might be worth chatting to them and finding out if they know of any land where rabbits/pigeons are a problem .
  24. Might help if you get your dog out on hard ground more often to toughen up her pads-I also notice that dogs seem to suffer more when its been raining-maybe the water softens the pads a little?
  25. Have you tried using a Nitro solvent ?-use a drop on a wool mop and leave for a couple of minutes then clean as usual.
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