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Everything posted by Bobba

  1. Thanks. The difference between theory and practice.......... Many years ago I worked in a Government Agency which dealt with the CAP. We were subjected to audit and inspection by both Commision auditors and the European Court of Audit. We gained the impression then that when it came to control checks it was not a level playing field and when I visited other member states their approach to control checks was in their national interest. If the auditors didn't catch them it was a matter of pride, whereas the UK played it by the book. Having had the opportunity to travel in Europe I have seen under sized fish in many fish markets. Yet, by comparison, some years back we were on our way to dive the Eddystone lighthouse and watched a trawler tipping fish over the side. We learned later that where part of the catch would take trawlers over their quota resulting in penalties some of them would dump the excess. Somehow I cannot envisage the French or Spanish following that practice.
  2. I am totally confused on the topic of Fishing rights and quotas after brexit and the more I read the more confused I get !! It seems to me that on leaving the EU the UK will not be taking back control by saying Quotas were part of CAP, we're no longer part of that regime, all quotas are cancelled and we start again with new quotas and licenses. What appears to be emerging is not a clean break let's start again, but that existing arrangements will remain in place but massaged eg more catch by foreign vessels or leased use of UK quotas must be landed in UK ports. If this is so, then how are we taking back control of UK fishing? Can someone help clarify my thoughts please? I did find this article interesting but it only added to my confusion ! https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2018/10/11/fishing-quota-uk-defra-michael-gove/ I'm no good at links so if it doesn't work, sorry. Google it.
  3. Bobba

    Homing Pigeons

    'West of England South Road Combine' is the website I ended up on when googling HTH
  4. Bobba

    Homing Pigeons

    No idea. But out of curiosity I googled around. 'West of England South Road Combine' has a list of racing pigeon club contacts in the SW. Two are in Bristol. You could always give them a call as a starting point.
  5. During lockdown like JTaylor91 I too rang 101 and received the same positive response (Avon and Somerset) However, latest BASC advice draws attention to the fact that there is a difference in approach to pest control by police authorities and so it is prudent to check with your authority before you go. In this way you will avoid problems.
  6. "Refreshing those old memories" "from differing perspectives" How true. I was never in HM Forces. But at that time I was project accountant in the MOD Director General Ships for Ships Taken Up a From Trade (STUFT). Being so far out of theatre the RN did not have a battle damage ship and so the oil rig support vessel MV Stena Inspector was purchased and converted in to the Forward Repair Ship to be named RFA Wakeful. We chartered the Cunard Countess which served as the Roulement Vessel between the Falklands and the Ascension Island. This ship had conversion work done in Puerto Rico. There was the design and build contract for the Falkland Island Port and Storage System (FIPASS). The design and build of the Accomodation vessel. And, purchase of three North Sea oil rig supply vessels for conversion in to Falkland Island Patrol Vessels.A very busy time and probably the most interesting job of my career. 38 years later, thank you Henry d for refreshing those memories.
  7. My ancient memory of having read "Quartered Safe Out Here" A recollection of the war in Burma by George MacDonald Fraser refers to the Badge of the 17th Division (India) and the Cat on their badge.
  8. Dramatic change to the world as we know it could be a lot nearer than we think. That is, if the conclusions of the study, published in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", are to be believed. Climate change could push 1.5 billion people to migrate to escape unliveable heat in the next 50 years even if targets are reached,the study says. "The number of people who will fall outside of the climate niche that we have lived in for thousands of years is gob smackingingly high" said Tim Lenton, director of the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, and one of the study's co-authors. So, one possible scenario could be more and more people wanting to live in less / smaller occupiable space with those already there saying stay out, and those migrating saying we're on our way. Both factions possibly resorting to violence to have their way. I'll be long gone by then. Hey Ho. Peace on earth and good will to all men (and women).............
  9. Personally I've no idea. However, if you get no info here why not wing it and send an enquiry email to cartridge expert "Just Cartridges" and see if they can help. Contact details on their website.
  10. My wife received an email from TV licensing saying to the effect that she was £12 in arrears, it was payable immediately and if not paid they would send the debt collectors. There was a click box to open the payment process. I have to say that at first glance it looked pretty impressive, matching form and layout of the tv licensing bureau. However, their email address was not in the correct format and when my wife tapped it up cropped a hotmail address! Also, personal inconsistencies were that as I'm over 75 then at the moment we don't pay for a licence. If we had to pay it would be a lump sum so we would never be in arrears. And the cruncher for us is that the licence is in my name not hers. It's been reported appropriately.
  11. The starting point is that all birds are protected unless otherwise stated and that their control is necessary and covered by any of the General Licenses. You can find them on the BASC website. My reading of the licenses suggest that your problem does not fall within the ambit of any of them. So you will need to find a basis in law as to why you are killing them - should you choose to do so.
  12. I can relate to that. I met a Sikh guy in the late 60's and visited his home in Poplar where his wife showed my how to cook a curry. To this day I can never get it like hers. Perhaps it's in the blood. The nearest I can get to it is The Curry Guy recipe for Punjabi Chicken. Lloyd, have you found the Bristol Sweet Mart in St Mark's Road? Amazing source of Indian spices, fresh coriander and veg. Also, Wai Hee Hong at Eastgate. Great source of both Chinese and Indian ingredients. As to take aways, I would never use deliveroo etc. I only order from places I have eaten and then collect.
  13. In England I rely on the GL34 for the protection of wild birds and see no reason why the OP could not rely on the Welsh GL 04 if circumstances justify killing the Jackdaws. I live in the middle of Bristol and my garden backs on to a large allotment which attracts many magpies. Friends and neighbours have witnessed magpies raiding nests and taking chicks. So, to protect the nesting birds I reduce the magpie population. I sit quietly in my lounge, French windows open, and shoot within my back garde. AA S410 silenced. It does not attract the attention of neighbours. If challenged I would use witnesses and the GL as a defence that I was protecting wild birds.
  14. Things were different then......! I remember when It was then legitimate to take fish from rivers and lakes provided they exceeded the sizes specified in your license. So, like oldypigeonpoper, I too have eaten pike, perch, bream etc, and my grandfather taught me how to make jellied eels with scraps from the fishmonger. I was 10 when food rationing finished and taking fish from the river and the "nothing from the animal was wasted" philosophy continued for many years. As to the Swan and the 8mm ball, it could well have been a catapault but a quick search has showed examples of 8mm balls fired from crossbows. Unlikely, but I guesse we'll never know.
  15. Bobba


    Jonty, many thanks Bob
  16. Bobba


    Jonty, I look forward to it. Thanks. Bob
  17. As per comments by Figgy, you could think in terms of the Beretta but with the addition kick-off. Or, perhaps explore the possibility of retro fit a kick-off to your current shotgun.
  18. Gosh. How sad. I've been using Veals for 65 years. As kids we used to bike from Cotham (Bristol) to Pennywell Road buy tie on hooks and small tins of split shot then off to the Avon. Migrated to fly fishing about 30 years ago and even bought my AirArms S410 there. Always had knowledgeable helpful staff. They will be missed. Lloyd90, inter company "transfers" like those you described are not uncommon. Hopefully the administrators will pick up on any skullduggery. I guesse we're all off to Doncaster Road.
  19. Bobba


    Agreed. I've been disapointed too many times. My aunt Edith (now deceased) was a Devon girl who was of the view that pasties were of Devon origin. She made the greatest pasties ever and gave me her recipe. It was lost in house moves and sadly I can't remember it. So, if anyone has a genuine local recipe (not one from Jamie or Delia or Mary) please post it here 🍺🍺 Thank you.
  20. This topic caused me to re-read an Independent article on Rathkeale: a small Irish town mostly owned by wealthy travellers returning every year with their proceeds of crime. An interesting read (sorry, can't do links)
  21. An interesting point. Does "essential" migrate to "non-essential"? By experience I suspect the answer is found somewhere in the unpredictability of crow and pigeon behaviour. Because, if we could predict the outcome we could at any time determine the "go / no go" days we would go out. Last week, for example, I received 'phone request + email + photos of very large crow No's on Spring barley Drillings. I telephoned 101, they didn't need the evidence but thought it useful if I was stopped. I got agreement for next day to solo travel, shoot, return (I didn't see or speak to anyone). Next day, on farm, the unpredictability factor kicked in.......... Very few crows. They had found somewhere more to their liking. But, walking the fields the damage was evident. So, on that day it could be argued that my presence was non essential although when planning with good intentions and noting the damage, it certainly was essential. It's a Curate's Egg. But certainly not as black and white as some suggest.
  22. But is that not also the case with poisons in general?
  23. Cement powder mixed with grated chocolate and a saucer of water nearby. They are attracted to the sweetness and the cement powder hardens when moist.
  24. If you've time on your hands during lockdown you may find it interesting to compare your theory of economics with those of John Maynard Keynes (Keynesian economics) and Milton Friedman (Monetarism). Very educative.
  25. I received an urgent email request from my permission as there was massive crow numbers on newly planted barley. I rang 101 and explained the situation. I was told that crop protection is regarded as essential work. The Officer gave me his "collar number" in case I was stopped. Great response from A&S which reflects the situation described by Chairman in his post above.
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