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About AlistairB

  • Birthday 05/11/1969

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    Rough, driven, duck, geese, clays, pretty much anything really!

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  1. Not much doing round Sandy way, I text one of the farmers who was ok with me going out, but he'd ploughed the field i wanted to shoot two days after they'd harvested!
  2. Just don't drive over it in the winter when the ice is falling off!
  3. I had a 2007 D3 V6, bought at 40,000 miles, sold at 110,000. Only ever issues were EGR valves and an air suspension compressor. Then i had a 2011 D4 V6, bought at 25,000 miles, sold that at 120,000 miles to "a car buying website!" in 2021 when the rear crankshaft bearing seal started to occasionally drip oil onto the turbo housing and cause some smoke to come from under the bonnet (body off to fix it, but if you've got a 4 post ramp, not too difficult - my local ex landrover mechanic didnt have one so main dealer wanted £2,5k to fix it), but other than that, the only issue was lower front suspension bushes, but it was time for a change! Now have a D5 Landmark, no issues to date. Also had a 200TDi, but that was a shooting/hobby truck so lots of "elective" stuff done to that!! Wouldn't be without one, just warming the wife up to get her a Velar (neighbours had one, they loved it and even they'd admit it had no issues, but for some reason traded it in for a BMW X4M, but now have a 5 year old RR Sport v8 diesel, again no issues with either of them!). Mate has a D3 at 230,000 miles (main family car), gearbox needs a flush, but other than that, all good!
  4. The BBC is correct, only 5 episodes were commissioned. Silverback, the OU, WWF and RSPB decided to make the 6th after the series was commissioned and agreed a release approach separately. The Guardian has been asked to issue a correction, but haven't done so to date
  5. It was very good, but I suspect most, if not all the audience don't realise that whilst the BBC commissioned the series, it was actually co-produced by the OU, the WWF and the RSPB. I've yet to figure out exactly what their "angle" is yet!
  6. Hi Steve, i've got one. It hasnt been used much, but seems pretty reliable to me so far. Comes with 2 magazines, a single pellet loading tray, nice clear scope, mod, 2 different combs and grips, and it;s easy to fill from a dive bottle. Good for plinking in the garden or knocking over rats. It's not regulated though so you need to figure out the sweet pressure spot and zero at that, or do what i did and assume it'll always be full/close to full and zero from there. Im no expert on air rifles mind you, but it does what i need it to! AB
  7. I used to pick up hundreds while out walking the dogs. The half decent ones got sold to the golfers in the office for between 50p and £1 each depending on make and model, Pro V1 and Pro V1x being the most expensive. AB
  8. Always wanted a 916 or 996, but also always had a real hankering for a yellow 748!
  9. I've got a Musto tweed and an Alan Paine Tweed jacket. The Musto is now 11 years old and still comfortable, warm and waterproof. The AP is nice but just not the same quality tweed as the Musto, a bit stiffer, not quite as nicely fitted, but still a good jacket for early season days. As they say, you pay your money, you take your choice, but i always wait and buy my shooting gear in the sales, really not bothered about someone thinking i've got last years tweed on! AB
  10. AlistairB

    Nice to see

    If it was earlier today, i was watching it from the garden AB
  11. Mine's in upside down, i took the dividers off and stuck them back on with double sided tape AB
  12. Yes, I've had my Admiral refund. We have their "everything" insurance (3 cars, contents, buildings, named items etc) and it is always cheaper than taking out individual policies. AB
  13. Sporting Targets is opening on Wednesday i think EDIT: Apparently they are not opening now until the CPSA has clarified the position further
  14. Ive just bought one of these in the sale for walking/training ion the cold weather, seems pretty robust https://www.alanpaine.co.uk/kexby-mens-waterproof-smock AB
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