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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Look in your local auctions. Lots of cheap flatscreens there. Need to look round the back for the right sockets. David.
  2. It is pricey but I reckon the Huskie 2stroke oil is worth it. They seem to run cleaner and idle better. Less nasty fumes to breathe. Just 2p worth. David.
  3. Huskie for me, I have a 136 13" bar, which gets as much work as anything, a 55 with a 15" bar which is nearly 20 years old and and works very well, a 372 with a 24" bar for big stuff. The only thing any of them have had is plugs, filters, chains and bars but they are cleaned and checked regularly. Do a course and learn to maintain your kit and keep safe, it will pay for itself over a few years. David.
  4. Sometimes its a temporary glitch. Try again and stay calm. David.
  5. If you are starting out a 365 is a big beast if you haven't had proper training. Sorry to be a killjoy but you don't want a nasty injury, buy the protective kit and get trained. David.
  6. You should belong to one of the shooting organisations. Both for your sake and for the sake of out sport. David.
  7. Gosh, that's an oldie. David.
  8. The "head stamp" is at the blunt end of the cartridge! QED. David.
  9. Well if they are a rebadged CZ there won't be an awful lot wrong with them. David.
  10. +1 for Webber. John is one of the good guys. David.
  11. It is a truism that you can only beat what is in front of you. If Djokovic or anybody goes out earlier in the tournament it can't be Murray's fault. David.
  12. Well he did us all proud this evening. David.
  13. Sir Robert Peel also bred the Tamworth pig! So they don't only get the name Peelers from him!!! David,
  14. 527 in 223 seems to shoot fine. David.
  15. Come on guys. It is the cafe owners decision. If you don't like it go somewhere else. Tell them you are leaving for that reason, but mostly these are big chains and the people working there aren't paid enough to hassle people. David
  16. Well, if he is pleading not guilty, could it because he wants to be treated as insane and get an easier ride? David.
  17. The RSPCA would prosecute far fewer cases if they knew they would have to pay defence costs if they lost! At the moment they use the threat of costs to try and lever a guilty plea, knowing that often their costs come out of the public purse. This means that they aren't even carrying out a private prosecution in the true sense. David.
  18. The fee isn't compulsory. You can always drive a couple of hundred miles and pick it up. Work out the travel cost and your time and look at the price again. David.
  19. There was me thinking justice should be paramount! Look it up. David.
  20. All this, justice for animals is paramount. What about justice for humans? Or don't humans count in this brave new animal farm world? David.
  21. Pity it is made the wrong way round! David.
  22. Adge if you can't see the importance of the separation of powers you should look into the situation more carefully. The point of separating them is to put a check in so there is less opportunity to "fit people up" many of the RSPCA's failed prosecutions are because they have deliberately withheld evidence that is contrary to their view. They should have lost the powers long ago. David.
  23. Fieldsports Equipe in Rhyl seem much more reasonable. Bit late for your friend though. David.
  24. I think it depends on how big the "bits" are. If you are worried get a letter from your GP staing what metal you have "installed". David.
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