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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. Last time I was at Ragley, no mobile signals at all. If you travel with a few people and intent to use your phones to mee up and stuff it may not work. David.
  2. Well there is always trading standards. David.
  3. Well if he is that good, DSC should be really simple! David.
  4. Well, Labour were under investigation for cheating over postal votes. They are politicians, cheating is a way of life with them and is not party specific. David.
  5. Browning pump. The pump action of choice. David.
  6. Will it work in the beating line? David.
  7. I hope the knees get a bit better. Enjoy your company too. (By the way reduce the praying to manageable proportions, very hard on the knees ) Mind you I understand about the knees, I have problems with mine as well, but fortunately I do manage to beat (inefficiently) for you guys and it is a really good couple of days. Take care, David.
  8. Why don't you come out say what you mean Terry, David. PS Will I see you next season at you know where? Hope so.
  9. Sorry but quite a few of us live in Wales but not in South Wales. David.
  10. Many moons ago when I still lived in the Kalahari a semi 22 was our rifle of choice for snakes. (I can tell you if you didn't do a job on snakes they could do a job on you) Rifle FN Browning SA22. When I say reliable I mean reliable and quite accurate enough for a fairly narrow moving snake. QED. David.
  11. These do seem a bit like "Trigger's Broom" can't understand buying something that needs so much fettling! David.
  12. I don't know if this will help but try your local brickworks for a couple of bucketsful might work. David.
  13. The quick answer is often the wrong answer. Anybody can resign at any time, but there will always be procedures to go through. Give them a bit of time and space. Let's stop helping the antis by our undisciplined behaviou. David.
  14. Learn to shoot left handed. Very easy at most ages. Some peoples eye dominance changes as time goes by anyway so she could swap back if required. David.
  15. If you are going to use it for wildfowling I would advise getting a lefty. The flash in very poor light is much less obtrusive and affects your night vision less. Just my two penny worth. David.
  16. Like or disike the BASC all this speculation on an open forum does nothing for the community we represent! David.
  17. Northern Ireland or Eire? David.
  18. I suppose that if you have people working shifts loading spare magazines and firing as fast as you can, less time than normal usage. David
  19. I think the front end collision thing is a problem with "I have four wheel drive and can hustle down this road really fast" this may be true but all cars have four wheel brakes and if you are going faster it will take longer to stop. Laws of physics and all that stuff. David.
  20. Sorry year before, wasn't run by the BASC then either. David.
  21. Went last year, as one of a string of visits, and I am afraid to say I wasn't impressed so I won't be there this year. Shame as it was only ten minutes away but I don't think it is worth the travel. David.
  22. The question should be "Which is the least bad land rover?" David.
  23. John really is one of the good guys. Rather too few like him about. David.
  24. As above, I need a new petrol strimmer. Any feedback would be appreciated. Many thanks, David.
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