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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. Just leave them in their cells and feed them anything that fits under the door, toast, pizza ect, sorted 👍 (Before anyone gets offended, I jest of course)
  2. What motorway was that, sounds a bit suspect, to block an entire motorway and ask every driver would be a mammoth task, even with the reduced lock down traffic.
  3. Yes I've got to say, I'm impressed with the lengths the government have gone to with that, I'm a fan of Boris, both with his handling of this crisis to date and Brexit. Common ground indeed 👌
  4. Your right although in the western world, it's the working classes that get done over. I never said I was against capitalism, but there are huge loop holes that need closing. If there is a huge crash, then instead of punishing the workers again, the very wealthy should take the first hit this time.
  5. No they're not, as with all people, there is always good and bad. However it's the system that's wrong and I don't think the working classes are going to sit there and take it this time when the wheels come off!
  6. Bingo! I don't really think Ronaldo is the problem, but multiply someone like him many times over and it exposes the system for what it is. While we've got pw members who likely haven't got much, doing all they can to help, some making face masks and others 3d printing visours for NHS workers, we've got most of the privileged few looking how they can exploit the system to suck more money from the masses.
  7. I'm not condemning anyone to the dole, your clutching at straws now!
  8. "Why should you loose?" I don't know your personal circumstances, so don't know if you'd loose or gain, but why should the working man loose again and again? I'm talking of a rebalancing of the books, if its a choice between that and another huge financial crash, why should it only be the working masses who suffer like the last time, public money to prop up the banks, maybe it's time the mega rich stick their hand in their pocket for once? If you want to see what I mean, watch the documentary on the Panama papers, they should add that to the national curriculum, so that the masses in this country understand the daylight robbery that occurs everyday.
  9. I don't think he said he didn't like successful people. And I very much doubt Ronaldo was thinking of the workers at Bugatti when he bought himself a new car, the point is, he could have done huge amounts of good in the world but like most of the super rich, he chose to look after number one. I'm sure trinity understands capitalism just fine, as do I, maybe you don't understand compassion?
  10. Very well said and some very good points made 👍
  11. I'm not sure this view is right, (imo of course), this virus is killing people, there's no doubt about that and I don't believe it right to prioritize money over lives, if it gets bad enough, reprint money and redistribute wealth.
  12. I think this crisis shows how wrong the system we all follow is. Most of the very rich will stop at nothing to exploit any situation to make even more money, despite watching the masses around them struggle to make ends meet. If anything at all good comes from this situation, I sincerely hope it's a fairer system for particularly the working classes who have been overlooked for years, if not since the dawn of time.
  13. Which is exactly why I think a reordering of wealth could be the answer, it's got to be better than total economic doom for the masses for the foreseeable future, I personally wouldn't shed any tears for the world's billionaires if overnight their vast wealth was reduced to a paltry million as their money was redistributed to the masses, they filled their boots in 2008 and the following decade, taking advantage of the working classes misfortune to take even more money from them.
  14. Afraid I can't help, but hats off to him, wish there was more like him in the world.
  15. So sorry to hear of your loss
  16. No, it's over population, unless we inhabitant a new planet, or Antarctica suddenly becomes inhabitable. The world has finite resources, the world has too many people, as does the UK, we don't need any further immigration in excess of people who have skills the UK needs, we certainly don't need more car washers.
  17. The Nazis tried bless them! The biggest problem the globe faces is over population, which is definitely not helped by globalization. Pretty much every major crisis the world is currently facing is due to over population.
  18. In a perfect world maybe, but unfortunately it's not. That's never going to happen, at least not in our lifetime, there's too many different cultures, with different views of acceptable practices, can you imagine one government for the UK and north Korea?, Not happening!
  19. Quite right and it's certainly not going to happen overnight, but I think we need to start moving towards the real solutions and part of that is accepting, we don't have unlimited space and resources, curtailing globalization isn't going to happen overnight, but we need to make a start.
  20. I think we need to turn away from globalization, at least in its current form, I'm not talking about going back to the 50s, but state owned critical infrastructure, start some of our own manufacturing, more locally sourced foods and seasonal eating, less immigration, start creating decent jobs with decent wages for the masses, giving them a stake in the country. Buy less stuff from China, particularly if they're not going to take some responsibility for this!
  21. Well since we're discussing corona virus on this thread, it's not surprising I assumed it was that, so maybe it is you that should be doing the winding! It might not help this crisis now they've caused it and tried covering it up, but maybe we should be getting them to pay something towards covering the unbelievably huge bill once this is over and also learn the lessons and hopefully deter them from holding their stinking markets which caused this huge loss of life around the globe, preventing it from happening again.
  22. Totally incorrect, take a look at the Wuhan market before the outbreak. China has been warned several times of the risk of a disease jumping species and causing an outbreak many times before this happened, they then covered it up, causing untold numbers of deaths around the world by not giving countries time to prepare. China has alot to answer for with this!
  23. Very good post and I fully agree. On another thread, how do the government ask a favour of all the thousands of people who have been left behind by society, people on zero hour contracts, can't get decent employment for years, can't get on the property market, can't make enough money to offer a decent living for themselves or their families, nobody appears to have cared about them, (or the ones that do, are not in the position to help) government after government, of all colours letting them down. They are now asked to make huge personal sacrifice for the good of the nation and their fellow man, when neither have ever done anything for them, how are we as a country supposed to ask these people for their help? I really hope things change when this crisis is over and it doesn't take a bigger one to make certain people see that take, take, take can eventually come round and bite them. But I won't hold my breath!
  24. 12gauge82

    Self employed

    Totally agree, abhorrent practice
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