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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Interesting question, how much are cartridges there and can you get a truck load sent over? One would assume lead prices are pretty global, as presumably would be powder wads and cases. There should be some aspect that could be done more cheaply there though.
  2. Try lots of things and buy whatever you shoot best with. I spent ages trying to find a left handed berretta to try and ended up getting a cheap Turkish thing as it seems to point where I look and does the job. One day I would like to try a berretta but it would have to feel very nice to make me buy one now. If you tend tend to chop and change things a lot resale may be worth considering, if you keep things till they are beyond any hope of repair it's a moot point. I would be tempted to spend £300 on a used gun, £300 on lessons, then £300 on a fitting.
  3. Wb123

    Glass Cleaner

    3m do a mirror cleaning cloth which gets amazing results on glasses and motorcycle helmet visors.
  4. The landlord just rang saying they want to sell as they have been offered the chance to buy the place they rent if they can be quick. We arent interested in buying this place. For reference we are in Northern Ireland. Sooner or later this means a completely unvetted selection of people wandering in and out for viewings and a good chance they will spot the gun cabinets and all manner of shooting related things. I dont have anywhere else I can legitimately secure the cabinets or store stuff. As far as I can tell I could cross my fingers nobody too untoward gets shown round, or play hard ball with the landlord and aim for a significant payment to make things dissappear or else aim to refuse/make unappealing viewings (lodging the guns and removing the cabinets would be expensive and inconvienient). We seem to be in a strong negotiating position with the landlord due to her three month notice period in the contract (apparently illegal here), deposit not protected (in theory grounds for an £1900 fine if we take it to small claims), and the house is not on the rented property registration scheme (£500 minimum fine). I dont particularly want to be a knob though and would rather try and come to an amicable agreement. What would other people do in my position?
  5. My moustache was accepted before it's most recent pruning (it was getting silly).
  6. Wb123

    Photo ID Rant

    A bit like provincial bank notes if they arent commonly seen a fake wont be picked up. Most shops will virtually never see a fan or sgc and have no practical means of verifying it. On the same note it drives me round the twist trying to get english notes before trips home as the notes issued by the northern irish and scottish banks are almost unusable, but if I had a buisness at home I sure as hell wouldnt take provincial notes. Equally valid yes, equally secure definitely not because of lack of familiarity.
  7. When on the mainland I used to buy 3000 a time at a minimum. Over here we are limited to 2000 so I tend to buy 1000-1500 at a time. Most people have a 1000 limit and i don't think I have seen anyone else buy more than 250 a time. There is no official price for over 250 in my local rfd but he often knocks a good chunk off. That said cartridges are cheaper on the mainland.
  8. Definitely not, until recently my commute involved a frequently foggy section where if anything they seemed beneficial if used far more liberally than at a strict 100m visibility threshold. Where fog was often very patchy one got far better advance warning seeing cars ahead go from two tail lights to one fog then disappear, making it clear fog was ahead not a turn in the road. Rear fogs are probably not used enough around here at least, front fogs on the other hand are horrible dazzling things which seem to be used far too often. That said I have followed a few cars with rear fogs mounted very low that seem to produce a similar effect. At the current threshold of being supposed to put tears fogs on at 100m visibility in theory one can still stop from 70mph in the area one can see to be clear. A 10mph threshold would be crazily low in my opinion.
  9. Good call. The Aldi gin isnt bad at all, it is the base for my sloe gin (though Gordons was even cheaper last time I made a large batch).
  10. Eyewatering taxation on tobacco does however seem to have had some effect has it not? First it reduced use then pushed a good chunk of the remaining smokers to the electronic jobbies. In the process a generation or two of smokers more than paid for the consequences of their decisions in higher taxation, and the problem was dramatically reduced. Also, how much drinkable booze that normal people without drinking problems consume is under 50p a unit anyway? The only stuff I could find that cheap in my house is the home brew, everything we buy is already over 50p a unit bar the cooking wine.
  11. Mine is on general grabbers and has yet to get stuck, but all it ever does is wet grass with a few ton on a trailer. I cant comment on noise as the straight through pipe is loud enough to drown pretty much everything else out.
  12. I'm not keen on a second vote at this stage, I fear we would end up with a slight swing to remain and an opportunity lost. I would however strongly favour a second referendum when the dust settles and people have seen whatever Brexit brings. Hopefully it will be increased prosperity and quality of life for most/all, in which case a second referendum to cement it as the informed democratic choice should keep the very pro Europe chaps at bay for a generation. If on the other hand Brexit is felt to have worsened the lot of the bulk of people a second referendum to reconsider seems fair. At a rough guess a second referendum in five years seems about right. For me leaving the EU seems rather like leaving a steady job to go self employed, you need to be prepared for a rocky few years at first whilst exploring if it works out worthwhile, but one keeps the option to apply for jobs. I wouldn't view myself as particularly pro Brexit, but I fall more towards Brexit than against. I do however have the safety blanket of qualifications and a job I can reasonably easily emigrate with if things go bad, and a better half with dual nationality and an EU passport. Many other people without such luxuries plus kids and a mortgage may have to be less risk averse and I can understand why they would want to support the status quo.
  13. I voted leave also but am not sure I would again (at the time I was pretty 50:50 on it). My understanding of the argument for leaving was that it would give us more flexibility to compete both intercontinentally and to an extent across Europe if we could get an appropriate deal for access to the EU markets. In essence rather than watching tax get poached by Ireland we would be in a better position to keep it at home and poach from surrounding countries, plus hopefully get better access to some wider markets for our service industry. Our cost of labour would have to come down substantially before the industrial sector would be likely to see any benefit though as I understand it. Ireland could of course follow us out of the free trade area and we could go back to our own smaller version, but they get more from Europe than from us. They know which side their bread is buttered and will be very keen to stay in Europe. If after two years of negotiations, and a period of separation of another few years there is no significant improvement in our situation I would absolutely support a second referendum if the EU would accept us back on similar terms to those from which we left. We do need to give leaving the EU a proper go but without decent access to the EU markets or another new and large market (and fast) I suspect the economic price may be higher than the electorate will tolerate.
  14. We have 'taken back control' and unfortunately that seems to translate as telling the European free trade area and the associated benefits and obligations to get stuffed as we don't want them any more in any way shape or form no matter what the cost.
  15. A firearms certificate with my shotguns on it (as per local rules). It looks like my main address will be in Northern Ireland and I will be going back and forth a lot so I suspect I will be advised to keep my FAC there and essentially be visiting the mainland. We shall see what the feo local to this job says if I can sort the new storage problem out.
  16. Over here they don't really do trail hunting and she knows it. Not here, who would have thought Northern Ireland would be the last outpost of civilisation in the British isles.
  17. Are clubs likely to be remotely approachable if I won't be in the country till August? A major spanner has been thrown in the works as making this job work financially is based on living with local family during the week who have said no firearms in the house. There are alternatives available but the cost difference over a twelve month contract before very likely moving again are too large to be worthwhile. At the moment I am based in Northern Ireland, from August I will probably be based in Wiltshire, twelve months later I could be going anywhere. Many thanks for the offer though, it is greatly appreciated.
  18. I have heard great things about dintrol just as people above have mentioned. When I got a pile of welding done on my landy the chap contracted to do it swore by spraying acf50 into cavities.
  19. As an outsider i have found both sides incredibly pleasant and welcoming, whilst professionally I have not perceived any difference in meaningless violence between the sides compared to sporadic violence in similar places i have worked in on the mainland. What i do often see though is the results of the law being disregarded as an option, with disputes settled with prearranged beatings. At first I found this distasteful, but after close to two years here I have yet to see someone who had a significant beating who either wasnt a complete scrote, or didnt admit they had been a bad boy. Refreshingly I also see next to no heroin related problems (but not infrequently i see people who clearly used to use heroin but have now lost their knees and given it up). This system seems to provide people with much more faith that justice is applied. Recently a colleagues car was stolen from work by a patients relative who managed to knick their car keys from their handbag in an outpatient clinic, they were then caught on cctv in the car park making a bid for freedom. 18 hours later the miscreant was shot in both legs (joyriders here tend to be shot in the ankles so they cant easily use pedals again) whilst the same case on the mainland would take months to settle and likely nobody involved would hear the outcome. This cant be defended as a system, the rule of law has to be applied transparently and thoroughly, but I can absolutely see why the locals are so attached to it.
  20. My better half is very recoil fussy and seems to find a soft 21g load from a twelve bore optimal for her. It is also, fortunately, the cheapest option. She is however markedly taller. That said if you actually think she won't stick to it and want a 28bore to stick a longer stock on and use yourself when she gives up that may alter the argument.
  21. Do you really think the Irish state would want to keep the NHS going for their new subjects in the north whilst running a profoundly different system for everyone else? It would be political suicide to attempt it on the southern side of the border, whilst arguing against it would also wipe out any support from the new voters for whoever was seen to be the figure head. It would be equivalent to Westminster adding twenty million staunch communists to the electorate. Whilst I think a unified Ireland is probably in the best interests of most over here, even more so post Brexit vote, I don't think it is practical to make a sudden change after a border poll or the like. I would prefer to see increased devolution without the safety nets previously provided to push towards a semi independent Northern Ireland and an eventual independence referendum. In the process of doing the above I would expect Northern Ireland to become more closely aligned with the Republic, if the two then wanted to join up then they can sort it out amongst themselves.
  22. I absolutely concur. Unfortunately it still failed to persuade the better half that she is prepared to let me take her horse foxhunting, she maintains foxes should be shot trapped or snared, and her horse may only drag hunt.
  23. Even more confusing when they could be marked as either but are also in German.
  24. I thought the crack had to either be huge or in the drivers more central vision. Small cracks also being pretty cheap and easy to diy fix. The engine management light one could wire in parallel with the oil pressure light to make it meet the new regs of having to come on with the ignition and then go off when started, assuming the instrument panel comes out easily enough. I guess the key question is what is the difference in price you get likely to be and how long are you prepared to work to bring that home. Auto trader has a selection of 307s from £500-£1100, assuming a £500 sale a day fiddling to take home an extra £370 which would beat my day job by a good margin.
  25. I would have thought you could get £500. Advertise as fixed price no haggling and see if there is any interest. I assume it has an mot and the windscreen crack is not into mot failing territory.
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