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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I have heard great things about dintrol just as people above have mentioned. When I got a pile of welding done on my landy the chap contracted to do it swore by spraying acf50 into cavities.
  2. As an outsider i have found both sides incredibly pleasant and welcoming, whilst professionally I have not perceived any difference in meaningless violence between the sides compared to sporadic violence in similar places i have worked in on the mainland. What i do often see though is the results of the law being disregarded as an option, with disputes settled with prearranged beatings. At first I found this distasteful, but after close to two years here I have yet to see someone who had a significant beating who either wasnt a complete scrote, or didnt admit they had been a bad boy. Refreshingly I also see next to no heroin related problems (but not infrequently i see people who clearly used to use heroin but have now lost their knees and given it up). This system seems to provide people with much more faith that justice is applied. Recently a colleagues car was stolen from work by a patients relative who managed to knick their car keys from their handbag in an outpatient clinic, they were then caught on cctv in the car park making a bid for freedom. 18 hours later the miscreant was shot in both legs (joyriders here tend to be shot in the ankles so they cant easily use pedals again) whilst the same case on the mainland would take months to settle and likely nobody involved would hear the outcome. This cant be defended as a system, the rule of law has to be applied transparently and thoroughly, but I can absolutely see why the locals are so attached to it.
  3. My better half is very recoil fussy and seems to find a soft 21g load from a twelve bore optimal for her. It is also, fortunately, the cheapest option. She is however markedly taller. That said if you actually think she won't stick to it and want a 28bore to stick a longer stock on and use yourself when she gives up that may alter the argument.
  4. Do you really think the Irish state would want to keep the NHS going for their new subjects in the north whilst running a profoundly different system for everyone else? It would be political suicide to attempt it on the southern side of the border, whilst arguing against it would also wipe out any support from the new voters for whoever was seen to be the figure head. It would be equivalent to Westminster adding twenty million staunch communists to the electorate. Whilst I think a unified Ireland is probably in the best interests of most over here, even more so post Brexit vote, I don't think it is practical to make a sudden change after a border poll or the like. I would prefer to see increased devolution without the safety nets previously provided to push towards a semi independent Northern Ireland and an eventual independence referendum. In the process of doing the above I would expect Northern Ireland to become more closely aligned with the Republic, if the two then wanted to join up then they can sort it out amongst themselves.
  5. I absolutely concur. Unfortunately it still failed to persuade the better half that she is prepared to let me take her horse foxhunting, she maintains foxes should be shot trapped or snared, and her horse may only drag hunt.
  6. Even more confusing when they could be marked as either but are also in German.
  7. I thought the crack had to either be huge or in the drivers more central vision. Small cracks also being pretty cheap and easy to diy fix. The engine management light one could wire in parallel with the oil pressure light to make it meet the new regs of having to come on with the ignition and then go off when started, assuming the instrument panel comes out easily enough. I guess the key question is what is the difference in price you get likely to be and how long are you prepared to work to bring that home. Auto trader has a selection of 307s from £500-£1100, assuming a £500 sale a day fiddling to take home an extra £370 which would beat my day job by a good margin.
  8. I would have thought you could get £500. Advertise as fixed price no haggling and see if there is any interest. I assume it has an mot and the windscreen crack is not into mot failing territory.
  9. Why would the Irish government want a united ireland? It would add 1.7 million people disproportionately dependant on state support and state funded healthcare without the corresponding economic activity to fund it, and voting patterns grossly out of kilter with every major Irish party. I could see why Westminster might try and use Brexit to push Northern Ireland out to end up as an independent state, but I can't see why the Irish would conceivably want the place back.
  10. I have found pledge to work very well on the motorcycle helmet, not tried it on a scope yet though.
  11. The better half is a pretty staunch unionist but has still applied for an Irish passport as her employer needs her to fly back and forth to the mainland Europe often at short notice. Without an Irish passport she would potentially be out of a job when Brexit completes. A schoolmate has married a German and moved his business to France as 80% of his sales were to mainland Europe (and let all his uk staff go), a few colleagues whose partners work in the republic have been looking at working down south if the border becomes problematic, a couple have already moved... My work is uk based and beyond any Brexit impact on people's ability to spend I won't be directly effected, but for my better half to continue her career (essentially covering a Western Europe territory spanning the uk and parts that are not uk for a New York based company who deal with international drug trials) there is a very real chance we will have to look at either the Republic of Ireland or further afield depending on the fallout of whatever deal is struck. Given the situation I would absolutely take another passport under the circumstances, either anything European or Australian. National pride comes distinctly second to keeping a roof over our heads.
  12. For the last few years I have been interested in getting into wildfowling but due to constantly moving around for work, and thus needing to stay dogless for renting I had ruled it out. It looks like I may however be doing 12 months in Wiltshire from early August, with access to a dog (a well behaved lab who does the basics but is not yet trained to the gun, four years old). Is the start of August too late to start trying to train a dog and find a club? From the end of the contract I will almost certainly be somewhere else without a dog so I am keen to try and make the most of the time available.
  13. Given 21g from a 12 is more than enough I doubt (ignoring financial considerations) the same 21g from a 28 would be significantly different. You might want to look into reloading though if you plan on using it much and dont have very deep pockets.
  14. I have sent the chap I gave the scope to a message alerting him to this thread. He may have better experiences with the scope than I did.
  15. 6x for me. At 6x my S&B is clearer than my old scope was wound up to 12x. Lower magnification in a quality scope does seem to give me at least a better result than less good quality glass at higher magnifciation (up to a point, in really bright light things would probably be less different). I had one of those and gave it away a few weeks back to a chap on here (a sweet 22). I thought the quality of the image was terrible and could not get on with it. In really bright light it was ok but under the lamp or on dull days it was no use at higher magnifications and not clear enough at lower magnification. I replaced with with a used S&B 6x42 and have been delighted at the improvement.
  16. Nice work, i made a suckling pig roaster out of one last summer. Handy things oil drums.
  17. Ours is included on the horse's insurance. It probably isnt covered on an unlocked yard, though it would be significantly more distinctive and less valuable than a good five or ten other trailers there. It is probably worth about £1000, would cost more than that to replace, and I think the better half said it adds £35 a year to the insurance policy. If you dont mind losing any breakdown cover converting to a nato hitch would make it markedly less pinchable to a passing ***** (and avoid those 'can i borrow your trailer' requests). If you use the thing regularly and want to be able to reasonably quickly grab and go options are a bit limited. We use a simple hitch lock and rely on there being more profitable pickings within a few meters.
  18. It only fits if you reckon the interests of the nation as a whole are clearly best served by leaving. Given the population was split damned close to 50:50 on the matter I suspect it would be impossible to make the case stick. Im not sure which way the country is better off in terms of Brexit, but I am sure that the house of lords being largely unelected and full of people not having to pander to a political flag acts as a well needed brake on the extremes of policy brought about by rapidly changing governments and the whims of democracy. An example, although a rare one where the house of Lords ultimately softened but failed to stop kneejerk legislation, is the hunting act.
  19. Im all for the minimum pricing. If it pushes people back in pubs drinking sociabily with a degree of community it will be a very fine thing. Perhaps the minimum price should be higher on offsales to acheive this as the vast bulk of the booze in my kitchen would have been unaffected by the rate as it stands. I do home brew but generally only from modified kits which tend to produce enjoyable drink with minimum effort at minimal cost. i started doing it as I was unable to get the drinks (fruit beers and suffolk style ciders) my better half particularly likes over here without either paying £3 a pint in tesco or even more for mail order.
  20. Glad this came up, I had been pondering just the same question.
  21. We don't have Asda over here that I have seen, but I miss their cheap fuel if not their food.
  22. I tend to use my driving licence as first choice but on the occasions that has been away (fairly frequently an issue) my fac is the only thing left. As it has only been an issue for work where walking out would leave the people asking for my ID in an impossible spot it has always been accepted (I could probably turn up with nothing I suspect). Were for instance I to miss the chance to vote over it I would be seriously hacked off. The difficulty in such situations is that the balance of power is with the person checking the ID, not the person asked to supply it. If my ID is refused for work the not inconsiderable investment in time getting me to that point is lost, and they have to find someone else very fast, for a flight or to vote etc whoever requires ID has you by the short and curlies.
  23. I turned up to a job interview once with the only photographic ID that I had (FAC), it caused some significant debate as to wether or not they could accept it but ultimately I got the job. The key point in the debate with the admin drone I suspect came when I pointed out that it was the ID I had used to check onto the flight there, after which she took it to the interview panel to see what they thought.
  24. I was quoted £30 but that was a long way from Portsmouth.
  25. Wb123

    Premium Bonds

    I dont think I do any more, the prize fund is 1.4% but unless you get very lucky and hit a very high value prize the functional prizes to win is a smaller yield. NS&I collect the 1.4% then have to take the 10% for high value prizes off, leaving a functional 1.3% which you should be able to match elsewhere unless you are using up your pretax interest allowances elsewhere. That said I had forgotten about my premium bonds account, i know i took most of my money there out a few years ago when in a tight spot but i think i left something behind. The online password resetting thing doesnt seem to want to work in order to find out though. I also have accounts with nationwide amd hsbc come to think of it that may or may not need emptying and closing.
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