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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Every university questionairre i have done has been delivered through a uni portal. There are a few issues with the clarity of your questions, most people i know will buy mostly lead cartridges for use on clays for instance, they may shoot a little over water but will go nontoxic for that (but a very small proportion of total cartridge use). Contrary to the impression you may have got most people on here are fairly keen to be helpful. Why dont you tell us your research aims and objectives and we will help refine your questionairre so as to get more robust data, or point you at better sources of data for your project. Unless you come up with a university email address and better backstory though such help may not be forthcoming.
  2. Wb123

    six nations

    I have been lucky enough to live and work in all four of the home nations, but spent most of my childhood in England, whilst the english rugby development funding did a lot for the school I went to. As such I tend to cheer for england, or if they arent playing whichever placei am living in at the time. I have noticed the 'banter' between the welsh and english is a hell of a lot less freindly than with any of the other teams though, to the extent it makes me much less keen to work there again. I was in Murrayfield for scotland vs newzealand in the autumn and had high hopes for scotland this year, lets hope they can find that magic something again.
  3. Sainsburys have an own brand one that I rather like.
  4. Horrible stuff, a triumph of marketing. The best sausages I have had were the lincolnshires from petits in Grimsby, these days i tend to go for supermarket own brand but either finest or one down.
  5. Wb123


    I have certainly had to reregulate my seiko 5 after it was dropped onto a concrete floor, but i have never noticed any problems with it shooting.
  6. Saw one twelve years back, wasn't the only chap in the village to have seen it either. It was a dark night and I was out late with the dog when this long black beast that reached from one side of the track to the other from noise to tail slunk across 15m or so ahead. He paused and looked at us briefly before vanishing into the crop. The dog (who was just as scared as I was) and I turned back the way we came. One of the gamekeepers on the local estate apparently saw it too around the same time.
  7. I have always got on best with orange ones. I did a stint on the Isle of Man and the 'stubbins' as they call them were all remarkably pleasant.
  8. My parents had a horrible cat. When I left home it dragged itself out from a thorn bush to say goodbye as I was leaving for the station (very uncharacteristic indeed) then died three days later. My current neighbours have have two lovely cats, one is sat on my feet as I type.
  9. I have had just as many supersonic 42g winchesters as I had with the 40g ones. Not tried fiocchi but like eley subsonic hollow points very much. Significantly quieter than anything else I have tried and more accurate, though they seem to drop more.
  10. On a more pragmatic level, given the substantial legal safeguards we all seem to agree would be required, and the substantial costs of any new work for the legal profession, is locking them up not very likely to be cheaper as per the american experience? Personally i agree there are cases where the death penalty wouldnt be unreasonable, but given the likely greater expense versus life imprisonment after legal costs are considered (especially with regard to the cost of preparing borderline cases for consideration), and the complete lack of any documentec deterrent effect, I feel there are many better things for society to spend money on.
  11. How many of us on here have seen big cats whilst out? I was pretty sure i saw one once, the dog was terrified of whatever the thing was.
  12. I have neoprene lined Aigles for winter and cotton lined for summer. Unless at work I am in slippers or wellies. Both are easily some of the most comfortable boots I have found and whilst painful to buy well worth it now. Amazon can be cheap but my local rfd has been even cheaper (i bought a pile of ammunition at the same time as my summer wellies and he very kindly knocked a good bit off). My better half has cotton lined ones for summer and leather lined for winter/sunday best. She does keep eyeing up neoprene lined ones though. I also have aigle riding boots and have been less impressed with the way the linings move around. For reference I paid £70 for my summer wellies, £115 for the winter ones, the better half paid £85 for her summer ones and £65 for her leather lined ones (an Amazon algorithm glitch I suspect due to her weirdly sized feet). I bought several pairs of riding boots at £20 each when a local shop was selling them off.
  13. To be entirely fair to them my understanding is that much more staccato noise like gunfire tends to be more problematic than fairly constant noise.
  14. Its a ****** to get off, fortunately my plates are held on with self tappers.
  15. Should provide some local jobs, bring more people in increasing demand for local places to live, provide some opportunities for local younguns, lead to improvement of local roads to take the traffic, and will finish with some nice lakes to turn into leisure buisnesses, also with a little push the new owners could be persuaded to provide funding for some local community expenditure to help get some of the sticklers on side. A mate walked out of a phd on the noise issues from such places as apparently the matter was solved years ago (but pretending it is a problem sustains a small industry) after a few days of moaning people stop noticing it. Modern dampening regs should keep the dust down, and when it is all over there is scope to make a cracking clay ground (some of the best I have been to are ex landfil or quarry). Whats not to like?
  16. Buff/tcut. if that fails i have seen decent enough low effort results with brushed or rolled on tractor paint, nato green is also very forgiving.
  17. I remember an interesting talk from the police to a group of new starters at a place in Manchester (I was one). As there were usually a large proportion of foreigners in the groups the police had taken to sending someone to explain uk knife laws and that you could not carry anything 'for protection', but that should you be particularly vain a tin of hairspray could be carried justifiably so long as it was for ensuring perfect hair and not as a weapon. Those of us from the UK were pretty flabberghasted that the talk was necessary (I never felt unsafe in my time there) but the foreign lot handed a suprising number of knives to the copper on the way out.
  18. Given Ian Brady's determination to be let die keeping him going would seem to have been a worse punishment.
  19. Difficult to call, I would work out the financial implications of each option, and if dissapointed with which was cheapest go for the other.
  20. Good work. I'd cut it into steaks and freeze, then when you fancy one warm to room temp right through, salt, pepper, 45 seconds a side in a really hot pan, done.
  21. That's why you get 24 inch super high scope rings, you can then mount the barrel near vertically and zero the scope according to the wind. The seriously long range chaps make some extraordinary kit to deal with exactly the problem you raise.
  22. If nobody local wants it after a while let me know and I will send payment. I am in no hurry at all as currently my rear diff is behaving.
  23. The better half just brought it home with half the bonnet eaten by some childs pony they allegedly had tied up and spent twenty minutes grooming it whilst it chewed on the paintwork. To say I am unamused would be putting it mildly.
  24. Mine had its front diff recently rebuilt but the rear will likely need doing soon. Not local to bolton but would pay postage if it avoided a perfectly good part going in the bin.
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