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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. If it were my sister I'd make some alternative available to preserve the relationship with her. It sounds like a fantastic selection of food to me, enjoy it a little more for us.
  2. This evening a farmer I met over a work barbecue invited me to shoot his barley at harvest time, he already has a chap who decoys off his field and they seem to have a decent relationship so I have no desire to pinch the best bit of the mans shooting year, neither however do I want to offend the farmer by declining. How do I proceed?
  3. Apple refurbs used to be good value but still more expensive than a new one with a uni discount (about 35% when I was an undergraduate). Used hold their value very well but they do seem to go on forever. I am still on one from 2006.
  4. I found my neighbours dogs incredibly irritating for the first two weeks. They bark at anyone walking down the street by the side of their garden or at anyone on our side of the fence (on and off all day, they were trained to do this when the owner kept his business on site as a guard system). Then the owner appeared under my Landrover whilst I was swearing at the handbrake cable routing and got stuck into helping. Since then the dogs have been just as noisy but it hasn't bothered me. In your instance environmental health might help but it may be more effective and much faster to buy them an anti barking collar as a present. Since i I started walking their biggest and loudest by far dog from time to time it has almost completely stopped barking, probably because when out with me a bark gets a quick reprimand.
  5. This. That said do you pay enough tax to actually get anything back? Apprentice wage of circa £2.60 an hour would fall below income tax would it not? (I may be wrong but as I understand it ni contributions don't count when offsetting expenses).
  6. Bangon. Even if your employer won't give the OP anything together we should be able to help them claim everything they can back from hmrc.
  7. Carefully study your contract. You should be able to offset through self assessment if you don't get paid against your tax bill but unless on 40% tax or higher you don't get all that much back. My experience of places with apprenticeships is that they replace low skilled cheap workers with apprentices at even lower rate and make sure they finish the course and are replaced with fresh ones. I remember one very proud manager accost me over lunch to explain just how much they were saving and ask if we could think of any other roles they could replace. Once established in the job market with sellable experience and skills things get better, so long as you can be mobile and don't work for a monopoly employer.
  8. Wb123


    Pricing can be highly variable in private healthcare. Generally going through a branded firm to a particular consultant will tend to be considerably more expensive than going directly to them at local independent clinic room provider. At a rough stab I would expect one could get down to around £400 but may have to pay for histopathology and any semen analysis on top of that.
  9. I regret not buying a painting a few years back, the artist had caught the way horses move so perfectly in a spot I know well. I walked past it a few times a week for the four weeks it was on display but never had the money (it was only £340 but cash was very tight at the time), then someone else bought it. I have seen many lovely paintings before and since but that is the only one I regret not buying.
  10. I stick the horse out in his paddock as I go out to shoot. I spray him and I in whatever the better half buys for him and it seems to work. Does going out smelling like a very sexy Landrover really work?
  11. Precisely the problem. Getting rid of well paid jobs people want in exchange for badly paid ones they don't.
  12. I was impressed with sky when we had frequent drop outs. The better half phoned up and kicked off that she was missing days of work over it and they sent an engineer out in 48h, fixed the problem (inside the house) for free, and gave a good bit of money off. We are on a business connection paid for by her employer though.
  13. It's not a shot I would entertain from that angle (even with an air rifle, the odds of attracting the wrong attention i feel are too high) but I suspect if I moved a way to the right to might become viable depending what is left of the photo.
  14. I have tried a few but keep going back to Howard Leigh max. My custom Moulded ones are significantly less comfortable and effective.
  15. Depending on the diameter required can you use a pipe bender and some copper pipe within the rubber hose to splint the kink?
  16. I've not yet repaired a puncture in. Tubeless tyre myself (I haven't had one in ten years) but do tend to change my own tyres using a hilift jack and two long levers. Whenever I do get a puncture I anticipate repairing it myself.
  17. Is there any data on how strongly leave voters felt about the issue? Between the better half and I we really couldn't side one way or the other so had a pact that each voted a different way. Thus far I have yet to see any new information that would have made me act differently (though I do miss two mates who moved their businesses to mainland Europe).
  18. My understanding is that the storage issues are tricky (but no more impractical than batteries), the calorific value rather low compared to traditional fuels (so you need to transport a huge amount of it), and it takes a vast amount of electricity to make useful amounts of hydrogen. As such, given you have to come up with the energy in electricity first for most situations why not just use said electricity. Biofuels will be where we end up though I reckon, if we get control of the worlds overpopulation issues in time.
  19. Absolutely not, one has to do a thorough cost analysis of it first. If the results suggest it genuinely comes out cost effective then I will fall on my penchant for evidence based policy and begrudgingly support it. I suspect however that society puts a reasonably high value on personal choice to eat warm soup with a fork, but a reasonably low value on pointy knives. Has anyone managed to find whatever analysis of the economics behind the knife proposal has been done?
  20. True, though that would be massively impractical with huge economic fall out. If the evidence is that saying 'all kitchen knives over Xcm length sold from 2021 must have rounded ends to be sold in the uk' would reduce stabbings by even a relatively small number, with little to no cost then I am all for it. I remember a design touted a few years back with a small functional point below a rounded end that looked like it should be perfectly workable.
  21. This is exactly my understanding of the issue also. Additionally I struggle to recall a time I have needed the tip of one of my kitchen knives that wasn't related to the rest of the knife needing sharpening. I'm not at all convinced this is a bad idea.
  22. There is a 6x6 disco on ebay which has been desperately tempting me.
  23. The killer example for shooting purposes would be your mother/neighbour/village idiot etc phoning the gp and saying they were worried about your mental health, drinking, etc... potentially decades ago. The information cannot be released to you if doing so threatens the confidentiality of the reporter but ultimately means you can have information in your notes on which concerns have been raised but you cannot be informed about. Obviously this is a big problem which will probably need a test case to sort it out from a shooting perspective, and is also a nightmare for your gp as every set of notes released have to be checked. You can consent for a full version of your notes to be released to a third party, that is still chargeable though.
  24. Note that is is not necessarily your full record you have free access to. It has to be vetted for third party information or information they feel you should not see first. The lst dealing I had with a solicitor was £1 a page for printing.
  25. Wb123

    2 weeks off

    Never been on one and struggle to see the appeal. That said a mate did ten years working on cruise ships and rated it very highly. Excellent money, no tax, but difficult to avoid getting very very fat.
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