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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. The landrover itch is not a rational thing, but scratching it is damned good. I have an old disco, father had a rangie that was tremendous fun. Personally I dont like the new ones as I hate chasing electrical faults and the financial depreciation, but if you can stomach the warranty or maintenance cost and depreciation of a new one they are lovely. You could get several old ones...
  2. I had a 6-18x40 bsa sweet 22 on my 22lr, I replaced it with an ancient S&B 6x42 and much prefer the latter. At night with the lamp on low the clarity is amazing. If you want the scope that came off it is just gathering dust, and is missing one turret cap. I cant imagine ever using it again, if someone somewhere is starting out and after a scope with plenty of bells and whistles (adjustable parralax, magnification, and changable ballistic turrets) they can have it for cost of postage.
  3. Teaching can be a very attractive career if the alternatives for the individual are worse. I wouldnt touch retraining as a teacher with with a bargepole but at the moment I can get more appealing work. If the bottom fell out of my industry I would be tempted by teaching. At home finding an art teacher is no problem, but a maths or physics teacher with a decent degree from a decent uni is next to impossible without putting up a lot of cash as these people have much more appealing lines or work open to them. A local private school who market themselves as having each teacher having a good degree in their field ended up offering £45k, free housing, and fees paid for two kids and still the job took three years to fill (no need for a pgce as private, just need a 2.1 or 1st from a university that will be prestigious enough for the customers, and a vauge ability to teach). My sister currently works as a teacher in the private sector and enjoys it very much, but says there is no way in hell she would touch state school teaching even if she was exempted from having to go back and do a pgce. The pay and working conditions are much worse and only partially compensated for by the better pension.
  4. There is a strange pink film and foam thing that sticks like the proverbial to a blanket I have seen fairly often. No idea what they are called though.
  5. The message will be to those tempted to go in future, and because Putin has an 'election' to win so has to look patriotic to russian voters. The UK is simply the location either by chance, or having a suitable target nice and close to all the appropriate places to join the dots. This is about the Russian system communicating with Russians, we just provided the venue. Ah, sorry.
  6. Im not sure what the controvosy is here, it seems clear that for the Russians the aim is to make it very plain to see that there is nowhere to hide for anyone defecting from their security services by doing it in a way designed to capture maximum publicity but remain vaugely deniable. Killing this chap isnt important, its the message the whole thing sends that is.
  7. I love a bit of pigeon breast, but cant get it around here. A colleague in my last place of work used to drop me an occasional bag of pigeon breasts but would never accept payment no matter how hard I tried. Once there is more space in the freezer I might be interested in pricing up posting a batch over if anyone is looking to get rid of some or is more local to Belfast.
  8. I got an S&B from greenfields via ebay that I have been absolutely delighted with.
  9. Best: an ancient S&B 6x42, took it out last night and my mind was blown. Vastly superior to the modern scope it replaced. Worst: pigs ear maximiser, nice in theory but cant get the thing set up so i get a good cheek weld with it on.
  10. I have a cheap turkish over under, in three years it has had no issues but would have been under warranty. My better half has an old used miroku which we bought around the same time, it has been in for repairs three times and only works with certain cartridges. It also tends to light strike occasionally and the auto safety occasionally flicks itself on under recoil. Parts are also apparently hard to get and impossible for certain bits of the action. I suspect each would fetch £200-£250 if we were selling honestly, making cost of ownership about the same for each.
  11. Low medium and high dont seem hugely well defined. I ended up measuring how high i needed then finding mounts to match, when looking there was a lot of overlap between what counted as low from different places. I ended up with a mount sold as low, which would have been a medium in many ranges, in order to knock 5mm off my 'high' mounts from another manufacturer. There are one or two sellers on ebay who are very good at putting the actual measurements in the item descriptions.
  12. I used to use the 21g plastic wads and found them to be perfectly adequate.
  13. Out of interest what size saddle do you use? This thing is a 17 inch which feels awkwardly small. I was getting on much better tonight until i realised i had shuffled it to the left so my danglers were both going forward and right of the pommel. Our Kent and Masters is a 17.5 and I dont hugely like it, the keiffer is also a 17.5 but more testicle friendly. I just found a sizing guide that reckoned for my leg an 18 or 19 would be more appropriate (and also for the better half fortunately). At what temperature and state of interest as it were do I measure for these boxerjock things? Or do you need one for each season...
  14. Wb123


    Stick a normal one on bricks.
  15. One of the key PE lessons at school I remember (around year ten) was the head of PE stating that if we wanted to compete above county level doping was something we had to be prepared to take part in. Colleagues who have worked with professional atheletes echo this and suggest it is a game of sail as close to the wind as you possibly can, then he who has the best genetic makeup mixed with the best support team wins. The atheletes themselves are performing seals who do what they are told when they are told to do it.
  16. Wb123

    Fox hunting

    Nobody likes to admit it functions as a bit of both. I do find it odd how we cant admit to enjoying either vermin control or deer stalking (it seems you have to work cull into the sentence). I am firmly pro foxhunting, though I appreciate as pest control it is not a total solution. But it does in my experience provide a lot of rural employment, moves money out of towns to more rural populations, brings communities together, and provides a hell of a lot of fun.
  17. A quick update on my danglers for everyone. This horse seems to be more of an afternoon than evening fellow. Took him out over lunch, within ten minutes of arriving at his stable he had tried to kick me once and had two goes at biting my other half. He was however slightly more enthusiastic about behaving once in the saddle. Twenty minutes working on transitions and trying not to use the stick had him waking up for some canter work. Until we cantered he was much better with his head and only one minor glancing squeeze of Mr Righty complicated matters, given I was in a rush and wearing breifs rather than my usual two pairs of extra tight get them back inside lycra mix undercrackers this was a remarkable performance. The sheepskin nut saver has yet to arrive, but is supposedly in the post. I do when cycling, horse saddles I find quite comfortable under the backside, the trouble is the bit at the front smacking the plums as there is a lot more going in and out of a saddle compared to cycling. I have only ever sat on myself once when cycling that was on a very hot summers day riding in very loose swimming trunks only.
  18. I find postage costs almost a lottery at my local. That said one of the counter girls is fantastic and always seems to charge much less than some of the others, if I have a lot to post and she is not on I just buy fruit and come back again another day. If I still had my royal mail shares Im not sure i would feel the same way about it.
  19. The trouble to my mind is that if you want people with experience and insight from across the different sectors to be able to bring such insight to parliment you have to pay a wage that means a good enough proportion of them can afford to do it (ie not have an untenable pay drop). Add in the effect of five years off the proffessional boil and the loss of progression in their origional work and the pay needs to be higher again. That said the rise of the professional politician seems to make this view seem good in principal but ultimately irrelevant.
  20. I use an old S&B 6x42 with no complaints. I went for something with a reputation for being good under the lamp, robust, and simple to use. Then found one old enough to fit my budget.
  21. Some societies seem less driven by wealth inequality than others. A colleague who worked in Sweden for a year hated the place as he felt unvalued taking home close to the same as those not working or doing much less skilled work. The locals however felt a degree of pride in supporting their countrymen out of all proportion to that I or I suspect most British people would have felt given the price. Earning more than other people unfortunately is a large part of what makes people feel good, it drives people to work harder and more efficiently but comes at a price paid by those unable or unwilling to compete. I dont think it is wise to blame wealth inequality for all ills, but a balance has to be struck. For me when I take home less than half my pay for a shift I start strongly looking at not doing the work and spending the time doing something more enjoyable. With marginal rates able to exceed 100% in the U.K. once people start losing certain benefits we need a rethink of how we encourage productivity both at the lower and middle ends of the earning spectrum.
  22. Seems a bit high, we live in a three bed semi in a pretty sheltered spot, electricity is £45 a month, no gas but 750l of oil looks set to (just) last two years if spring comes soon. Electricity was £30 a month before the better half started working from home. We virtually never use the central heating for more than two hours a day, and last year it was turned off early April to mid October. We do to be fair benefit from neighbours who use their heating a lot, if they go away we really feel it.
  23. My new pump will arrive in April. A bps in 10 to join the 12. If anyone else has one, will I need to resize cases as part of the reloading process for them to feed reliably or if starting with new cases can i skip resizing thereafer if only useing the one gun?
  24. If i remember rightly you keep a spreadsheet of journeys, what you claim from work, how you calculate the deficit against allowed rates, and submit it with your tax self assessment. Give them a call if you need to, in my experience once you get through to an actual person they tend to be very helpful and a pleasure to deal with.
  25. Might make them dangle a little closer, but with the temperature outside today I had expected them to be tucked safely up inside the igloo as it were. Now on a hot summers day they can be a real liability, the dingle dangle starts to jingle jangle as it were. As above.
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