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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I prefer tight fitting, but the sizing is such that this is tricky if I also want long enough arms, legs, or necks.
  2. Wb123


    I'm getting a root canal and crown finished on Wednesday for a total cost of £1200, with a dentist recommended to me by a maxillofacial surgeon I know. The amount of time that will have gone into it is many times more than that which is viable on the NHS reimbursements for dentists. (Four to five hours versus plus making the crown vs about one as the most that I am told would be profitable at NHS rate). I don't generally think getting someone on a price that means they have to madly rush the job to make any profit is a good idea, especially not on my teeth.
  3. Thats the one, tasty stuff. I might try the plum stuff after pudding, like a desert wine.
  4. Wb123


    I have a few £5 real cheapies lying around that have always worked well so long as the batteries were fresh. That said I have a more expensive one I bought for the dwell meter function which now gets used for everything as the screen is much easier to read.
  5. There was a two speed manual puch maxi sold in europe (I have one in bits), that would give you a bit more flexibility. The yanks had a two speed automatic.
  6. I like my waxed jackets, they do need rewaxing three or four times a year though to stay good. I get five years or so from a coat before it starts to fall apart (£20 ebay jobbies, not Barbours), but at that price I dont worry too much about the effects of barbed wire, bitey horses etc...
  7. Expecting the armed forces to nanny kids whose parents declined to do the job is a very long way from the work they are trained and (somewhat) equipped for. A definite no vote for me, perhaps influenced by the people I have worked with who had to do national service in their origional countries have never having had a positive thing to say about it. As I understand it the French have a huge problem with youth unemployment which doesnt exist here (underemployment is a seperate debate).
  8. Yes you can, but once you look at the export costs on the far side you may decide there are better ways to find whatever it is you want. I was looking for something harder to find a while back, I could have bought one easily in the states though at £500. Getting it back though looked to add a four figure sum. Placing a wanted add here offering a price somewhere between the two would have shaken one of the tree. Placing a few wanted ads eventually found one at a very good price.
  9. It is sad how pub prices have rocketed. There is one pub at home who can still do a good local ale at £2.50 a pint but everywhere else I never go any more, a few I quite miss but the turning point was when a schoolmate and i met up a few years back in an old favourite and it was over ten quid for two local pints and a packet of crisps. At that price it seems no wonder they have to charge the earth if people only then go out for one rather than the four to ten we used to enjoy. Now on the occasions we are all back we either go to that one old favourite place or stay in.
  10. I hate leaving empties anywhere, but find even with a bolt action 10% seem to get away. Does anyone sell a case catcher for a cz452?
  11. I will have to try Plum Porter to help settle this. I have had coffee porters before, it did take a while to come round to the idea. At night its a terrible idea, but it makes one of the very finest quick lunchtime pints.
  12. Wb123

    New mortgage

    The trouble we are having is getting geographical stability. Turning 30 this year and have had at a quick count 12 addresses in the last ten years. Between me and the better half we could put down a fairly comfortable deposit but there is no point buying if we dont know where work will be in twelve months time. My pay is being held down fairly aggressively by government policy and had been shrinking versus inflation since before i started, my better half however has seen her pay grow nicely year by year and has a good bit of scope to go up with a few career steps drawing close.
  13. I have the cotton lined aigles for summer, just as comfortable, half as warm.
  14. There is nothing coming up in Northumberland as Strickland for me.
  15. Did a two day course including tests to go from cbt plus a bit of pottering about to 600cc a few years ago. I got one minor, my mate got four. It was easier than we both expected. We did one full days tuition including some module one test track time, then the mod one test the following morning, then another morning of a short ride then mod two. 600s are very different to a 125, everything has to be much smoooother in terms of control inputs. Download and memorise all the showme tellme questions, there is no excuse for losing such easy marks, have faith in how grippy the mod one surface is, watch lots of youtube videos to try and work out what is expected for both mod one and two.
  16. You would think that was visibly far enough off they wouldnt have fired it, or has the impact of the bullet into the moderator excenuated the deformity?
  17. Every university questionairre i have done has been delivered through a uni portal. There are a few issues with the clarity of your questions, most people i know will buy mostly lead cartridges for use on clays for instance, they may shoot a little over water but will go nontoxic for that (but a very small proportion of total cartridge use). Contrary to the impression you may have got most people on here are fairly keen to be helpful. Why dont you tell us your research aims and objectives and we will help refine your questionairre so as to get more robust data, or point you at better sources of data for your project. Unless you come up with a university email address and better backstory though such help may not be forthcoming.
  18. Wb123

    six nations

    I have been lucky enough to live and work in all four of the home nations, but spent most of my childhood in England, whilst the english rugby development funding did a lot for the school I went to. As such I tend to cheer for england, or if they arent playing whichever placei am living in at the time. I have noticed the 'banter' between the welsh and english is a hell of a lot less freindly than with any of the other teams though, to the extent it makes me much less keen to work there again. I was in Murrayfield for scotland vs newzealand in the autumn and had high hopes for scotland this year, lets hope they can find that magic something again.
  19. Sainsburys have an own brand one that I rather like.
  20. Horrible stuff, a triumph of marketing. The best sausages I have had were the lincolnshires from petits in Grimsby, these days i tend to go for supermarket own brand but either finest or one down.
  21. Wb123


    I have certainly had to reregulate my seiko 5 after it was dropped onto a concrete floor, but i have never noticed any problems with it shooting.
  22. Saw one twelve years back, wasn't the only chap in the village to have seen it either. It was a dark night and I was out late with the dog when this long black beast that reached from one side of the track to the other from noise to tail slunk across 15m or so ahead. He paused and looked at us briefly before vanishing into the crop. The dog (who was just as scared as I was) and I turned back the way we came. One of the gamekeepers on the local estate apparently saw it too around the same time.
  23. I have always got on best with orange ones. I did a stint on the Isle of Man and the 'stubbins' as they call them were all remarkably pleasant.
  24. My parents had a horrible cat. When I left home it dragged itself out from a thorn bush to say goodbye as I was leaving for the station (very uncharacteristic indeed) then died three days later. My current neighbours have have two lovely cats, one is sat on my feet as I type.
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