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Gotta love the NHS.


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Love them or hate them, they do a great job with a budget not near enough.


I know we all become frustrated when we have to wait, but it isn't like the wards are empty and they are doing nothing.


Good luck with whatever you are having done, but let's not forget all the good things they do too!!!

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Think you will find clinic was cancelled due to some stupid management cock up / save money whatever rather than docs/nurses off playing golf or doing private work, and yes I do take offence at your comments. :hmm:

Have a go at the management/Government that are screwing up the system, you wouldn’t have a go at the army boys if they were having problems you would blame the government/management. :good::good: ...same thing here.



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Have just come back from Basildon Hospital A and E with a hurty knee - Told them what the problem was and was seen by a junior doctor - "Well, we don't think it's broken - It's probably some muscle damage - Go home and take ibuprofen and if it's not better by Friday, see your GP".


Ta very much - Most helpful.........Not

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Think you will find clinic was cancelled due to some stupid management cock up / save money whatever rather than docs/nurses off playing golf or doing private work, and yes I do take offence at your comments. :good:

Have a go at the management/Government that are screwing up the system, you wouldn’t have a go at the army boys if they were having problems you would blame the government/management. :good::good: ...same thing here.





Didnt mean to get your back up Doc, just feeling a bit let down by the system. spoke to the booking people, and they just said the surgeon was having a week off. :good:

Like i said, no offence to the guys on here who are in the medical clan.

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be lost without the NHS learn to use it I.E do your homework re best docs hospitals etc in your area easy to get good balanced opinions then if you have a prob get it sorted.


I have necrossis in both knees,(make that one now :good:) was unhappy with the fob off injections and "bone resurfacing" I had had op after op for no gain?, demanded I went to a another specialist at another hospital, treatment there was like chalk and cheese, left knee replaced and when I am ready for it the right knee will be done also, cant knock them.



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Isn't it 18 weeks from seeing consultant to operation or you get fast tracked into private hospital?


or go down the private route BUPA perhaps?



if you have a "private" hospital in your area that does the kind of work you need it should be available to you as an "independant hosp" and your costs should be covered by the NHS I have just had a knee replacement done at the nuffield in stockton :good: as an NHS patient even though when I first told my doc thats where I wanted to go I was greeted with "but you cant" after sticking to my guns and the doc contacting the hosp, I was seen by a surgeon 12 days later and operated on 6 weeks after that, my doc wanted me to go back to the local hosp and see the **** that had messed me about, just to see him would have taken 41 days? know your rights and demand them :hmm:



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if you have a "private" hospital in your area that does the kind of work you need it should be available to you as an "independant hosp" and your costs should be covered by the NHS I have just had a knee replacement done at the nuffield in stockton :good: as an NHS patient even though when I first told my doc thats where I wanted to go I was greeted with "but you cant" after sticking to my guns and the doc contacting the hosp, I was seen by a surgeon 12 days later and operated on 6 weeks after that, my doc wanted me to go back to the local hosp and see the **** that had messed me about, just to see him would have taken 41 days? know your rights and demand them :hmm:





Nice one K. I 've been lucky that my company I work for include free medical insurance and it was been a godsend over the years by seeing a doctor on a Monday the consultant back end of the week and a the operation the follow Monday. Downside is you have to do all the sorting out and finding out who is the anesthetist ? And what price band he is in or it starts costing you money? Its daunting when you check into the hospital and you give your credit card details to admin



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I am very glad that I have private cover for myself and my wife . The cover that I have is from my previous employment and covers myself and the missus for life for a very nominal sum each month . I wouldnt have had private cover for my old age without this carry over from my previous employment . Both my wife and I have had to use this insurance since my retirement and have had excellent instant treatment . I am very glad to have this cover ,but still wonder if private medicine is moral .? Incidently anybody can ask to be reffered to a consultant privately by their GP , the down side is it will cost you about £200 .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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Regards 18 week pathway, your Trust have to offer you the treatment within that time, this does not mean it will be done in the private sector can be an ITC. Problem is as I see it is that not all Docs are equal and that means treatment may vary,,, and believe me it does. GP can now only refer to the trust and then they decide where that patient is seen, this is dictated to by the need to see and treat within the 18 week time scale.

It is a nightmare in my area and all administration/management has been taken away from us and is carried out by the amorphous mass known as "The management" they are the ones that dictate how the system works and I wonder if this is done in the name of money, hitting targets etc rather than in the best interest of the patient.

In the case outlined at the beginning of this thread the cancelation will not be because the Doc has suddenly decided to go off on hols. We have to give six weeks notice for our holiday dates and my clinics are booked four to six weeks in advance.


Anyway come the revolution we will get rid of two thirds of management, increase docs nurses therapist etc and give control back to the people that understand the probs.


As was mentioned above it is not the amount of money being poured into the NHS but how it is used that is the real problem


I have real sympathy for patients using the system, if you are good at it then treatment can be superb.



Doc :good::good::huh::good::hmm::good:

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letter arrived this morning, surgery cancelled due to reshuffle. :good::good: feel like crying. :good: looks like months now before i can get back to work. bet the doc is off doing privates. (no offence to the med staff on here.)



Well I have worked for the NHS for 25years but that still has not stopped family getting the stinky end of the stick too.Your account has echoes of what is happening with my Sis in Law having spinal surgery cancelled for the 3rd time then threatened with further delay if she complains.She needs to get back to work(Police) but cant until operated on.No special perks for any of us who serve the public!

Please take it as a given though that us lot who work at the clinical end of the spectrum detest these kinds of problems and will go all out to prevent them.

Generally,things go exremely smoothly from what I see but there is avoidable stuff too due to lack of resources which should just not happen in the 5th largest world economy.

Hope you can get sorted soon.

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have to say, i'd be dead twice over if not for the nhs, my gps are useless, didn't even hurry my hospital appointment, by the time i got to hospital i nearly lost my kidneys. thankfully there was an expert on vasculitis on the staff and got me sorted. however part of the treatment is low dose chemo and immuno suppression and i managed to pick up a bad infection, this went to my ticker, i had to wait nearly a year before they finally sorted it out, had to have an AVR, papworth were brilliant but NNUH cardiac dept were pretty slow sorting this out.

point is this, not all hospital departments are run as efficiently, this is a managment problem, not the doctor/ surgeon.

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The one benefit that I would not go without is private health cover. Never. My company allows you to buy private health cover or take the cash. £95 per month for family cover (out of gross salary) + £175 per treatment. Worth every penny.



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